Chapter 2 – The Basement

As the boy entered the room, Clare was lost.

How did we get to this?

Feeling disoriented, although she appeared calm on the outside, she decided to enter the room, ignoring Julian's gaze.

"I found it," said the boy as he pulled a gold watch out of a drawer.

Julian and Clare's eyes widened.

'He really found it,' Clare thought, hiding the surprise she had shown earlier.

Julian quickly approached the boy to take the watch from his hands and examine it in detail.

It was true.

The watch they had found in his room was the same one his father had given his mother for their anniversary, but…

How did it end up there?

Sighing, Julian ordered them:

"Alright, you can go. I'll take care of giving this to my mother. Continue with your work."

Nodding, they both immediately left Julian's room.


Although Clare was happy about the resolution of the problem, she didn't know what to talk about with the new boy.

She had so many questions.

How did he know the watch was there?

How did he find out about the problem?

But above all…

'Why did he help me?' Clare thought as she searched for a way to start the conversation, but when she looked up, she noticed the boy had started to head towards the stairs.

Hurrying, Clare stood next to the boy to ask:

"What's your name?"

"Leo," Leo replied immediately.

'So quick!' Clare thought as they descended the stairs.

"Thank you for helping me," Clare said with some embarrassment, to which Leo simply nodded.

Apparently, he was a man of few words.

'Well, time to get back to my work,' Clare thought as she took a different path to go to the mansion's basement.

Although she was grateful to Leo, since he didn't seem very open, she decided not to continue the conversation.

Clare began to hum a melody as she continued on her way, but as she advanced, she felt someone was behind her.

For several seconds she ignored this sensation, as she thought it was her imagination, given that very few servants were in this part of the mansion and on her way she had already greeted some who were leaving that place.

When Clare reached the door, she tried to open it as usual, but…

'Huh? Why is it so stiff?' Clare wondered as she kept trying to open it.

"Do you need help?"

Hearing a voice out of nowhere right behind her startled her, making her let out a small scream.

"What's wrong with you?" Clare asked angrily as she turned around, but what she didn't expect was to see Leo.

"What are you doing here?" Clare asked, confused.

"I'm also going to clean the basement."

He was also going to clean the basement?

So why had he taken another path earlier…?

Frowning, Clare looked Leo up and down.

Yes, he was strong, so without a doubt he could open that door with no problems.

"Alright. I'll let you handle this," Clare said as she stepped aside and presented the door to him.

Leo stepped forward and realized that the door handle had an issue.

Clare couldn't help but laugh in her head seeing him struggle, as at least for now, she wasn't the only one having a hard time.

Before Clare could ask if they should call someone, Leo managed to open the door.

'Huh?' Clare thought instantly.

Apparently, Leo was an expert locksmith and an expert finder!