Chapter 3 – The Garden

Days passed, and to Clare's surprise, Leo was now close to her and helped her a lot with her tasks despite gaining some popularity among the mansion staff for his appearance.

At first, this was a relief for Clare, as thanks to his company, she no longer felt so lonely working in the mansion, but as the days went by…

He was literally doing all her work!

Clare had even heard her colleagues speaking ill of her for monopolizing the new guy, but that had never been her intention.

Outside the garden, Clare was meticulously trimming one of the shrubs surrounding the mansion.

She enjoyed this task because she could be outdoors while admiring the exterior every time she took a small break.

Wiping the sweat from her forehead due to the sun, Clare stood to admire the landscape around the mansion.

Yes, it was the same landscape she had seen for almost her entire life, but Clare still enjoyed seeing if she noticed any changes in the surroundings.

It was... her favorite game.

"Excuse me,"

Hearing a voice behind her, Clare turned around and immediately noticed it was Leo.

"Wait," Clare said, observing that he had a pair of scissors in one of his hands.

"What's wrong?"

"What are you going to do with those scissors?"

"Finish the remaining work," Leo said as he continued his march, but Clare put her hands on his chest.

"Wait!" Clare said, noting that all the shrubs behind Leo were perfectly trimmed, and some even had animal shapes.

Among the workers, only a few were capable of trimming the garden well without ruining the harmony and symmetry the Clark family liked to maintain.

Clare had learned how to work with the plants when trimming from one of the maids who had already retired. That's why she couldn't help her surprise at seeing how Leo had done all this work so quickly and in such detail.

"What's wrong?" Leo repeated, maintaining his usual poker face.

Even though Clare was astonished and even admired how Leo had done all that…

"You can't... calm down?" Clare said in a low voice, hiding her embarrassment.

"Calm down?" Leo repeated, confused.

"I mean... this is a slow job that requires analysis to prevent the shrubs from growing poorly and..." Clare said, somewhat embarrassed, as she honestly didn't know what rational argument to use to stop Leo, or at least, slow down his work pace.

At this rate, she would have to go back inside that horrible mansion!

"But I can do this quickly," Leo replied as Clare remained silent.

'That's the damn problem!' Clare screamed in her head.

Why did someone with so much talent have to appear now... and just in the activity she liked to do the most?

With no other options or alternatives, Clare decided to be direct.

"Look," Clare said as she cleared her throat.

"Yes?" Leo asked.

"Just... slow down a bit, okay?"

"Why?" Leo asked immediately.

"For me," Clare replied at once.


For a moment, Clare and Leo stared at each other until Clare looked away out of embarrassment.

Certainly, it was an absurd request with no logical reasons or foundations, but...

She had to try.

"I understand, I will."

'Eh?' Clare thought upon hearing that response.

Had she heard correctly?

Did he agree?

Did he really agree?

She hadn't heard wrong!?

Instinctively moving aside as she watched Leo continue on his way to work on the next shrub, his work pace...

'Wait...' Clare thought, noticing how his working method was very similar to hers.