8. She's Dangerous

Tristan got a task from the system to get rid of Jane, the witch who is beautiful like Barbie, from his life.

His guess was correct; Jane would definitely be able to find a cure for Carlos Madigan!

Tristan overheard his female classmates exchanging stories about the witch movie they had watched.

Then they said that if they were witches, they would travel around the world on flying broomsticks.

So basically, witches could create and do anything as long as they knew the magic spell.

Tristan glanced at Jane, who was standing in front of him, looking at him with smiling lips, waiting patiently for his answer.

Tristan never thought he would meet a witch in person, even though he was in Tristan Madigan's body.

In this world, witches have no country. They move from place to place according to their wishes. It was not easy to find them; there were so few of them.

However, Tristan couldn't feel happy when a witch came to him uninvited. He was not Tristan Madigan looking for a cure to cure his father.

If the system had not given him a second task that lasted until Carlos Madigan died, Tristan would have accepted Jane happily, and now he would take Jane to see Carlos Madigan's condition.

Tristan recognized that he had been pondering for too long and had forced Jane to wait for him when his legs grew tired and tight.

Throughout his ten years in prison, he had never spent more than five minutes sitting or standing. His body always moved rapidly to avoid being shoved by the other tall and muscular prisoners.

Okay, forget about his past life being so miserable.

Tristan needed to come up with a plausible reason so that Jane wouldn't be suspicious of him, but he couldn't think of a good idea. His mind appeared to be clogged with cobwebs, despite the fact that he had not stopped thinking since he was here.

Becoming king was not easy, especially since he not only led this kingdom, but was also responsible for five other kingdoms that joined the Madigan kingdom hundreds of years ago.

"I don't remember you," Tristan said to Jane. He lied; Tristan Madigan's memories of Jane were already popping into his head. "I couldn't just accept you, even if I wanted to."

Jane nodded. "I understand, Your Majesty."

"I will send royal soldiers to let you know whether I accept you or not as soon as possible." Tristan said firmly.

Finally, Tristan found a way to refuse Jane, who had accepted Tristan Madigan's offer to care for Carlos Madigan while looking for a drug to cure him. After all, Tristan Madigan had made Jane the job offer two years ago.

"I will wait for good news from you. I hope you will accept me because I have studied all the magic spells related to health," said Jane. The next second, her eyes widened as she realized her mistake.

"Please forgive me, Your Majesty." Jane bent her body. "I forgot to tell you that I am a witch, and I am 480 years old. You don't need to doubt my abilities."

Tristan folded his arms across his chest. Jane really hoped to get good news; it made Tristan shudder.

Apart from that, Tristan was startled to learn that the lovely Barbie-like woman in front of him was 480 years old! If he were Jane, Tristan would do anything to avoid boredom.

"Your eyes and hair already tell me who you are," Tristan said.

No, he wouldn't have realized Jane was a witch if the memory of Tristan Madigan hadn't crossed his mind. Tristan forgot that this world was not only inhabited by humans.

Jane touched her long, flowing white hair. "You are indeed different from other men. You never looked at me with fear or disgust." She blushed.

Tristan turned his gaze to the cupid statue, which was pouring water from the tip of its arrow into the wide and beautiful pool.

Gardeners were still working to repair gardens damaged by last week's fire.

If the system hadn't given him the task of getting rid of Jane and the system hadn't threatened to kill him if he failed, Tristan would have made Jane his girlfriend.

Based on Tristan Madigan's memories, since childhood, neither his father nor the kingdom have ever tried to match him with a princess from another kingdom, and since becoming king, Tristan has not heard the prime minister or anyone else bring up the matter of his match.

This meant that no one would stop Tristan from loving women from any background, and he could choose which lady he wanted to be his girlfriend or wife. Oh, not the wife, but the Empress. He could also have concubines.

He was suddenly nervous, and his heart was pounding fast. In this world, he is a king. He would get a woman easily!

However, Tristan didn't know whether he would collect concubines, like kings in general.

Too bad, he had to stop himself from liking Jane. Tristan was actually obliged to include Jane and other witches on his list of people to stay away from.

He wondered if other female witches were also beautiful, like Jane.

It turned out that bad luck hasn't left Tristan yet.

"Your Majesty."

Tristan gasped in surprise. Jane hadn't left yet; she was still standing there without changing her position at all. "Why are you still here? Are my words unclear?"

"Your words are very clear, Your Majesty." Jane nodded. "I apologize in advance because I feel I have to tell you this."

Tristan looked straight at Jane. "What do you want to say?"

"I can see everyone's soul." Jane frowned and seemed hesitant to tell the king of the Madigan Kingdom.

If Tristan was offended by her words, he would definitely order dozens of his soldiers to throw Jane out of his palace, and Jane's chance to heal Carlos Madigan would be lost.

Even though Jane could kill someone easily, she and the other witches had sworn not to injure, let alone kill, humans with their magic.

Tristan held his breath. He wanted to know whatever Jane would say. Will Jane find out he's not Tristan Madigan?

"Your soul looks messy and black and white." Jane looked at Tristan, who was looking at her straight and sharply. "Your soul is not good. It's like you're hovering between life and death."