The road to the temple ( Part 1 )

Anka even signed a quick contract that prevents her from betraying the team, but at the same time forces the team to protect her.

- So while I was looking for the mansion, you took care of that team that follow as, right?

- Yes.

Now that they had signed a contract, everyone seemed much more relaxed.

- They were a cidade species that was related to the beasts. They had the power of the chameleon, in a way...

Anka just nodded.

She then prepared to leave the mansion with the rest, but then hesitated. She looked back at the stairs and then at the sky outside.

- Wait 10 minutes.

She went upstairs and in a certain place , opened the wall. From there took out a metal box. This location was taken from the memory of the girl in the well.

Here the girl's sister put the only treasure Honap ever had. She quickly put it in the system and goes down to the team. They set off again.

The sun on this planet was a strong one, but now they were walking through a thick forest, so they were safe from it.

In the evening they reached a very large lake.

Here they built planned to spend the night. Since they didn't have the system anymore, they couldn't carry much so they didn't have tents. They were going to lean against the trunk of the trees and take a nap one at a time.

Anka didn't plan to stay with the group too long. She didn't want her 'I will judge anyone I see' ability to activate and not have a moment of peace.

So she sat on the shore of the lake and watched the water. She planned to study her ice-bound power a bit.

The evolution condition for her power is to make water ice. She had an idea about this process for a long time but did not have the opportunity and time available to try it.

She now put her hand in the water.

Focusing on her internal energy she could even sew a parachute, it condenses around a drop of water. Anka planned to condense the water with her energy until it turns into ice. However, easy to say but hard to do

It was harder than she thought.

Even if it managed to surround the water, the energy did not have enough power to condense it and the pressure was insufficient.

She kept thickening the energy layer around the water to have more strength and still couldn't. Then she thought she could change the temperature her energy came into contact with, but that wasn't too easy either.

She had already been trying for a long time and had no results , she had just consumed the energy. Then Anka took water on her palm as a last attempt.

This was in very small quantity.

She closed her eyes and channeled the energy into the water drops this time.

Then the incoming energy cooled slowly, slowly...

Anka calmly counts the seconds.

Breathe quietly.

And the drops from her hand became ice at some point. Except that there was no system to announce the evolution of skills, and the girl was still sitting quietly.

Without realizing that the surrounding grass was slowly freezing.

The group was now sitting around a fire.

They were eating some fruits found on the planet and fish they caught with some luck from the lake. Even though the planet was abandoned by fenixs and dragons, the animals enjoyed the vegetation...

No one called Anka who was in the distance.

She was sitting on the shore of the lake with her back to them, so they couldn't see what she was doing.

Over time they began to tell funny experiences from before the apocalypse, and a playful and happy atmosphere was in the air...

-Do you think we should call Anka?

Ella said out of the blue.

One of the background characters, named Pavel, quickly answered.

- Why do you want to call her? She didn't want to stay with us.

- I just think that we don't know much about her and we have to fight side by side ...

Matei looked at Ella and asked strangely:

- Shall we know about her?

- Yes . We don't know anything about her for sure. We've all heard rumors and stories but we weren't there and we don't know the truth behind it...

Pavel intervened quickly with indignation:

- What rumors and stories? Juliana is with us, who saw with her own eyes killing Casinpo, what truth can be behind this?

Juliana looked distractedly at the fire, but when she heard this conversation she still frowned slightly.

- Honestly, even though I was there, I didn't understand anything... It was as if ... what I was seeing wasn't everything.

Ella's eyes darkened a little at Juliana's words.

Matei also looked at Juliana, then turned his head towards Anka who was in the distance.

- It really seems different from the rumors.

William looked at Alesio.

- Wasn't she part of AstoPo before?

- Yes, but not for long. She kept changing teams because they didn't get along.

Pavel seemed to have a deep hatred for Anka, then he said maliciously...

- It is said that she is so proud that she does not talk to anyone, only gives orders and does not respect the decisions of others!

Ella intervened quickly.

- But Pavel, these are all rumours. If they are not seen by your eyes and you understand the quote in those moments, it may not be as described by others.

Pavel calmed down a little when he saw that he was the only one now speaking against Ankai.

- What do you mean Ella?

She looked at Anka as if she wanted to be able to read it and said:

- I did not hear only the opinion from one of the parties to each incident. Anka has never tried to explain or defend herself, but that doesn't mean the rumors are true. From what I can tell from her personality, she probably just doesn't care about her reputation, but that doesn't make her a bad person...

Then Matei spoke.

- When she set fire to my building, she did it in a very smart way. The fact that no one died was part of her plan. And her way of escaping was car .

With that he made an embarrassed pause. Then continue.

- She was on the back seat and I was not on duty. She could kill me then with her powers. It was close, it had the element of surprise and I was alone. But she didn't. She left nicely and left me a letter in the car. What she wrote in it was like a kindergarten student who wanted to make sure her prank was seen... So when I heard that she killed 89 people from RRto and even Casinpo, I didn't know what to believe .

Then the group looked simultaneously at Juliana.

She didn't seem shy. She was a woman of strong character after all.

- As I said. I don't know what happened yesterday. After hearing about the fire at Bluee, I immediately sent more people there to help. Our buildings are not far, so I watched the situation from the window. Then black smoke appeared out of nowhere and surrounded the building in moments.

-Black smoke?

Ella was the one who asked.

- Yes . Black smoke. It gave me a strange sensation, as if I was looking into the abyss from the edge of the rocks. Then the next thing I knew, I couldn't leave the floor. I tried many things, from my strength to props, but nothing. I even worked up the courage to ask the system, but it seemed just as confusing.

This time Alesio asked seriously.

- Even the system?

Juliana nodded seriously. Then she looked at her hands.

- While I was upstairs, I also had strange sensations that something was touching my hand, but I couldn't detect anything.

William asked this time seeing the woman distracted.

- How long did that smoke last?

- I think around an hour. In that hour, the girl named Anka climbed each floor in turn, killing everyone she met in life. Later when I was watching the surveillance videos, I could see her swinging her black and empty scythe, but I couldn't see what she was doing.

Ella intervened.

- Scythe? Was that her weapon ?

- Yes . Didn't I say it before? She had a big black scythe, but the details were as if blurred by the fog and I couldn't see...

Matei encourages her to finish the story.

- So, after spending an hour in my office with Casinpo, I heard movement in the hallway. I obviously prepared to face an intruder who came to kill me, but my attack was easily parried by the girl. I was surprised, and I felt no murderous intent from her, so I asked her if she came to kill me.

The group was listening intently and they didn't realize that Anka was getting up from the lakeside and walking towards them.

- She answered simply that she came to kill Casinpo. I didn't know what to say for a moment, and my vice president tried to talk to Anka, but the more he talked, the more disgusted the girl's face was.

Ella - Disgust?

- Disgust. This time her killing intent was so thick it gave me chills. Then I tried to dissuade her, saying that I was going to defend my people.

William asked briefly:

- Was there a fight?

- Not . She just talked to someone to keep me still so I wouldn't die and then I couldn't control my body anymore. I was somehow sitting in my office chair unable to do anything.

Alesio asked calmly:

- Have you stopped feeling your body, or is something invisible forcing you?

- It was more like, all my energy disappeared and then something was manipulating me around me with rope-like things.

The group nodded.

- Then?

- Then, I saw Casinpo going crazy without Anka doing anything. He screamed like a madman, and teeth marks appeared on his body, and blood began to flow out from each bite.

Alisio asked again:

- Before Casinpo went crazy, did Anka somehow spin the scythe around him?

Juliana thought for a moment then nodded

. - Yes, she hit the air inexplicably, then she just looked at them.

William then said with a frown:

- So he died from the bites and blood loss?

- Not . After a while the scythe pierced his chest and he died instantly.

Matei was confused.

- Did it pierce his heart?

- Not . It actually pierced the center of the chest. In fact, it didn't really hit his lungs, it wasn't really a fatal wound, but somehow he died instantly...

Ella muttered with a thoughtful face:

- Strange ...

Then Matei, as if he wanted to put an end to it, asked Juliana:

- So then she left?

- Yes . She broke the window and jumped down.

William used a branch to move coals from the fire for a moment and then asked a question asking for the group's opinion:

- What power do you think she has?

The group remained silent. There were too many uncertain things. All they could say is that she has a strange and powerful power.

Ella decided something silently and said to the group:

- How about trying to make friends with her? I mean, she probably had her reasons for acting that way. We can ask the question directly and then the misunderstandings will be cleared.

Before anyone could answer, Anka's voice spoke:

- What do you want to ask?

The group turned to see Anka sitting behind them at one point.

A shiver ran down their spine for no reason.