The road to the temple ( Part 3 )

However, before the sun rise, something happened.

Another team took advantage of the darkness and had gotten dangerously close to their group.

Matei detected them only when they were 15 meters away from him. He quickly sounded the alarm and the sleeping people woke up with a jolt. It only took a moment for the people on the ground and then they were all in fighting positions.

The apocalypse has polished their instincts and bodies, now they are not the same as when the system first came to earth.

What followed was a battle.

The team that attacked them was made up of beings who are good at magic. They recently evolved into beings that can use magic, and through the contest they wanted to further develop their planet and open the door of possibilities wider.

Like humans, this race had the help of the system...

Anka was not in a good mood.

She had fallen asleep late and her mind was exhausted. Even though she could see quite well and had much better senses due to evolution, fighting magical beings in the dark was not an advantage.

Although they were species that not long ago discovered spells, they still mastered the basics, and many of them used different spells with elements, but also some very practical ones, such as: invisibility, illusion, sound cancellation, sudden lights, etc...

So Anka's senses were getting confused, and she was already about to be hit a few times, if not for her quick reflexes, her body would be full of blood already...

The rest weren't much better...

Matei used the powers to be sensitive to water vapor in the air to know his opponent's locations, however he sometimes failed...

William didn't seem like he could use anything to detect what was around him, but he probably had a knack for fighting, he didn't seem injured and his sword was striking around him from time to time.

Alesio seemed to be sitting with his eyes closed doing nothing, but sometimes he would move suddenly as if he was avoiding something, and then he would use something like a gun to shoot different locations.

Juliana seemed impatient to wait for the attack. It surrounded itself with flames and was striking in all directions with power. The background characters were also somehow resisting ...

Anka really didn't want to look at them anymore and looked for Ella. She was fighting with a cold face.

She had a twinkle in her eye, and then the spear in her hand plunged into the ground behind her with force...

The team that attacked us were becoming more and more disadvantaged. Seeing this they instantly retreated.

Anka's group did not follow them.

They were looking at the sun that was half risen and decided to eat some fruit and set off.

Anka was not in a good mood at all ...

Her face had a few scratches that were healing with speed visible to the naked eye, but her face looked dark.

The background character (Sana) who had not been involved in the discussion until now spoke for the first time:

- We are at a disadvantage in front of magic.

Pavel, he had a face that looked like it wanted to explode:

- After we have magic too, will things get better?

William cleared the path with sword in hand and spoke to those behind him:

- Who knows . Now humanity is very strong compared to 2 years ago, but still too weak compared to others.

Matei was walking around carrying some supplies.

- We can say that people are strong, but compared to beings that can destroy planets if they want, we are really far away.

Alesio was silent. He had a book in his hand and was reading it as he walked.

William took a few steps forward and then suddenly stopped.

Pavel who was right behind noticed something in front.

- What is here ?

In front of them the forest ended and a wasteland stretched as far as the eye could see.

The place they reached was a dry land. It had cracks on it and no vegetation.

Sometimes you could see a dry tree but even it had burn marks on it. They advanced cautiously. A mountain could be seen in the distant horizon. There on the summit was an imposing white stone building.

Since the destination was right in front, the detour would have taken too long. The further they went the more aware they became of what this place was. It was a battlefield.

In some places there were huge tracts of reptiles, in other places deep pits and broken rocks. Although they were prepared to see bones, none remained in view.

- Why are no bones or armor found?

- Dragons and phoenixes are proud creatures. They would not leave the body of their people on a battlefield.

Alesio, however, denies William's words.

- Rather, the bodies of these creatures contain treasures. They wouldn't leave them at the hands of strangers, so they processed them themselves.

Ella seemed to be counting something on her fingers...

- Let's see: dragon eyes are precious materials for potions, phoenix eyes are materials for special rituals; their blood is good for strong inscriptions; their bones are used in weapons, materials, talismans, potions; the heart prolongs life; feathers and scales are powerful catalysts, very rare materials with special abilities, etc

Matei said with admiration:

- Unbleached treasures! Come to think of it, in the system store, a phoenix feather costs 1 000 000 gold, and 10 dragon scales cost 15 000 000 gold...

Pavel looked shocked...

- No wonder this land doesn't even have grass. Visitors need only find a small feather or scale and wealth can fall from the sky...

Anka looked amused ahead.

Her bad mood couldn't get any worse.

This morning the 'I will judge anyone I see' power had turned on for Pavel, and now his soul that was almost half pitch black, bound to 6 strange souls, was walking in front of her, bringing disgust and headaches.

And since she set foot on this land, her ears caught cries and screams of pain together.

Although race wars are quite frequent, deaths in them are rare. The stronger a race is, the harder it is to breed, so battles with the cost of life are very rare.

However, it seems that two people died on this land. One of them was a dragon and the other was a phoenix. Even though they were in soul form they still didn't understand each other.

So Anka's eyes saw them bickering fiercely, then trying to hit each other just to get through each other. Then they began to weep bitterly and cry out to their ancestors for deliverance...

Their appearance was now tarnished and the beads of their soul looked like water. Because of the passage of time since death, probably even their memory has become very fuzzy.

The content of the conversation between them was meaningless and made up of fragments of sentences ...

Intuition told her that in time they would probably be just empty souls wandering the earth aimlessly...

- Let's hurry .

Ella also seemed disturbed by something, because she wanted to leave this earth as soon as possible.

As they quickened their pace, Anka just kept her head down trying not to look at that Pavel, or anyone else. If this continues, she will probably lose control of her body again, and the consequences will not be very pleasant.

The girl was really frustrated with her ability right now.