
Writer's POV:


Leadership in the Witches Clan isn't battled for like the werewolves, succeeded like the Humans or elected its Chosen, by Creekside an Enchanted tree.

Creekside doesn't choose an heir until it finds someone worthy, then it sprouts flowers that signifies an Heir has been Chosen.

And on such a day every Princess in the Clan gathers round the tree and chants a Hymn, the branches of the tree would craft a crown from its leaves, branches and flowers, and then place it on the head of the Chosen Heir.

This auspicious day is called The Day Of The Hallows.




Herdis was awoken by the hustling and bustling sounds reverberating through her windows.

'What's going on.' She asked herself, while stretching her hands and letting out a loud yawn

The whispers outside grew louder,

'What's actually going on.' She asked herself again.


She ran to the balcony to have a look. She couldn't see much other than several persons dressed formally alighting their respective carriages.

'Who are these people? Did something go wrong?'

'Hold on, the lady in the Blue dress looks familiar. Where have I seen her?'


Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. 'It must be Rebekah.'


"Come in." Herdis's voice rang out


"Good Morning, Milady." Rebekah says as she makes her way into the room.


"Umm.., it seems we have visitors." Herdis commented.


"Oh, there is an emergency meeting. The Kings arrived earlier though."


'Does that mean he is here.' "Is Razar attending this meeting?" Herdis asked, already aware of her answer.


"He arrived a while ago and he is already at the council Hall, Milady. I will set the table for breakfast. If that's all." Rebekah replied.


"Oh that's okay,... Umm, do you have any idea who the lady dressed in blue might be?" Herdis asked.


"Three ladies wore a blue dress, do you have any particular description that may differentiate her from the rest?"


"Umm, Oh. She tied a blue blindfold around her eyes."


"That must be the Priestess."




"Yes, Milady. Cleopatra Hansel the great Priestess of the Church Of England."


'It seems there are a lot of problems to be discussed.'

"Do you have an idea of what the problem might be?"


"Not really an idea let's just call it a hunch, I think it might be about some scroll. That's what I could decipher from the maid's gossip."


'The Chronicles Of The Undead, has it been found.'


"Breakfast is served, Milady."


"This meeting is amongst clans, am I correct?"


"Yes, Milady."


"Do you know who came in place of the Queen and King of the Witcher's Clan?"


"Well, I heard three council members were sent in their place."


'I just knew it, Mother and Father will never show their face here.'


"For how long have you worked here?" Herdis asked as she made my way to the table.


"Not quite long, Milady. Maybe four years."


"Then you must be someone they trust, four years is not enough to be promoted to a personal maid, am I correct. Or were you recommended?"


"Not exactly, I was brought into Canterbury six years ago by Prince Xerxes. Two years after that I was given a place here as a maid. I guess that's why I was given such a high rank."


"How did you know the Prince?"


"I didn't know him per say, he rescued me during the attack of the first plague six years ago."




"Yes the three headed beast, it's first attack took place in my village…..




IN LUBLIN 1746 :


That very night of the attack before the attack. Rebekah felt restless, she stared at the moon for hours before retiring to her bed.


While she was asleep she could feel the ground shake. 'Could it be an earthquake.' She thought to myself.

She ran to the balcony to check and saw a pack of Cerberus running towards our village.


'I have to go tell Dad what I just saw.' She thought.

She stared at my siblings on the bed for a while then ran to his room.

She told him what she saw but he shrugged her off.


He claimed that Rebekah was being delusional and pushed her away. Rebekah tried and tried relentlessly to get him up but he ignored her.


She could hear screams and roars coming from outside on the streets, she looked out the window and saw people running for their lives. She watched people dropping dead to the ground like flies.


And suddenly she heard a loud crash,

'That came from my room.'

With teary eyes and shaky legs she ran as fast as she could to her room but she was too late, her sister's laid lifeless on the floor and she saw those beasts fighting for her brother's corpse.


She watched them devour my brother limb from limb as she stood there in shock. She could neither scream nor move, she just stood there, motionless.


And when she couldn't take it anymore she screamed. It sensed her presence and dashed towards her. She fell to the ground and closed her eyes awaiting her death, but nothing came afterwards.

She prief open her eyes and saw a man standing above its corpse.


He dragged his sword on the ground and made his way towards her and she just stared at him, stupefied by his strength and charisma.

He knelt down before her and grabbed my jaw, pushing her face closer to his and said,


"Would you like to come with me?" He asked.


She just stared at him, she was speechless and shocked. In the past few minutes she experienced death, watched my life flash before her eyes and also lost her loved ones. She grabbed his sleeves and let out her pent up emotions.


She cried till she blacked out and when ehe woke up she found herself in a local inn. For months she said nothing, just staring at the walls of her room.




"I'm so sorry about that, Rebekah."


"It's alright Milady, it's been years already.'


"I understand quite well what it's like to lose a loved one."


"You lost someone."


"My foster parents."


"I had no idea you had foster parents."


"It's a story for another day. What about your dad?"


"I never asked."




"It's a story for another day, Milady. You need to have your bath first."


"Okay Fine, oh how about we go to the library later.'


"Of course, Milady."