The First Plague.

Writer's POV:


In the ninth month of the year 1746, the first plague attacked Lublin, a small town in Europe.



In Greek mythology, Cerberus, often referred to as the hound of Hades, is a multi-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld to prevent the dead from leaving. He was the offspring of the monsters Echidna and Typhon, and was usually described as having three heads, a serpent for a tail, and snakes protruding from his body. 





"This is absurd, you said the solution would be found once the alliance was concluded, but nothing has changed ever since. I actually let my daughter marry a human." Said the King Of The Scales Clan.


"Watch your mouth, Fetket, I will not sit here and listen to some walking fish talk down on me and my people." King Edgar replied.


"This is highly unnecessary, there is no valid reason to fight, we have more distressing matters on ground." King Duncan adds.


"This doesn't concern you, you serpent." Fetket replies.


"You really need to learn some Etiquette, King Fetket." Duncan refutes.


Razar lets out a hearty chuckle, "This is the most entertainment I have had in the past few years."


"You aren't being helpful." Cleopatra says to Razar then continues.

"The prophecy revealed to me came in halves, the clans must work together to defeat these plagues, the alliance won't provide The Chronicles Of The Undead, the Chronicles can only be traced by a memorist."


"Then you must be delusional, there hasn't been a record of any memorist for two centuries now, how can one suddenly spring forth." Fetket says.


"As much as I hate to admit it, the fish is actually right, you didn't mention this earlier when the alliance was suggested, did you trick us." King Edgar says.


Cleopatra sighs, "What do I stand to gain from this alliance. I don't care the least if all Clans fight till they perish. I have full faith in my visions, I know there is a memorist. In my vision she read the memories of THE BLANK BOOK. She…."


Duncan cuts in, "That's impossible no mortal or immortal can thwart the powers of something so undefiled, no record has ever stated that a memorist can do something so impeccable. I refuse to believe you."


"You all have the choice not to believe, but I believe we are in no place to distrust any solution that may arise, it's just a matter of time then all will fall into place, it's…"


Edgar cuts in, "We don't have time, in the past six years we have lost our warriors and our loved ones to these plagues. I feel like you are unsure of what you see, you said earlier that there were only ten plagues, you never said anything about the ninth plague breaking into Tiers, we successfully took down the First Tier, but we are still unable to take down the Second Tier. What do you think will happen if a Third Tier comes, or probably the tenth plague? You aren't being helpful. I suggest we invite another Priestess, I am afraid you have become rusty."


Slamming his hands on the table, Razar says,

"That's Enough, Edgar. This wasn't why this meeting was called. I called this meeting to inform you all that these vampires have started moving west, they have successfully spread across the East and now they are headed west. Edgar there are a majority of Humans in Cologne, Luxembourg is mostly populated by Scales am I right Duncan? If I am correct Lisbon is only occupied by Gorgons, and Brussels is the hometown of The current Queen of the Witchers Clan, right councilmen?''


"Umm, yes?" Councilman Hughelyn replies.


"Great." Razar continues,

"We have a lot to lose if those demons successfully invade the western region of Europe. Canterbury won't be safe if these demons take charge. The Church Of England is located northwest, in a Town not so far from, Brussels, Luxembourg, Lisbon or Cologne. What do you think their target is? If they take charge of The Church Of England, then be rest assured that Europe has successfully lost world power."


"What do you suggest we do? The Priestess is clearly not being useful." Duncan asks.


"Maybe we should stop whining and waiting like cowards. I have scouted some warriors and we have found the caves where these demons reside at sunrise. Let's gather our warriors and match to those caves at sunrise and take these demons down. This is the least we can do is try to slow them down till the Chronicles are found." Razar suggests.


"I must say this is a great idea. But what are the chances of survival? These demons now move around at sunset, soon they will be able to survive the sun. Or what if they spend their mornings recuperating in those caves, they might be a lot stronger than the last time we couldn't afford such risks." Duncan says.


"Then I suggest we move as fast as we can before they learn to survive under the sun." Razar replies.


"If this is the only choice we have then I am in." Says Fetket.


Edgar lets out a heavy sigh then says, "Although we humans don't have any special skill we will assist with our new inventions and strong soldiers."


"Are you in, Duncan. If you wish you can remain ousted from this plan it's your choice after all." Razar says bearing a mischievous smirk on his face.


Duncan lets out a hearty chuckle,

"Nice play there wolf, you know I wouldn't want to be seen as a coward. If someone as cowardly as Edgar is in on this then I must participate."


"Watch your mouth, reptile." Edgar says.


"Where are the good wines, we need to celebrate, don't you think so, Edgar." Says Fetket.


"For once you have said something useful." Edgar jokes.


"So it's a drinking competition then. Are you in Wolf?" Duncan asks


"Of course." Razar turns to Cyrium his right hand man. Then continues, "Tell Nicholas to get twelve bottles of the freshly brewed wine from my cellar."


"Of Course." Cyrium replies.


"This is my cue to leave then." Says Cleopatra.


Razar replies. "Umm,... i will come over to the Church later, we have something to discuss. Escort her to the Church, Elisar."

Elisar nods her head in response then proceeds to the doors with Cleopatra.

'Elisar is the second in command to the armed forces of the wolf clan.'


After the competition, Edgar was supported by Fetket and Duncan in his carriage.

Razar remained seated and rested his chin on his hands, in deep thought when he was disrupted by Councilman Hughelyn and two other council officials.


"Umm. Excuse me Sir." He clears his throat then continues. "We would love to pass on a message to you from the royal household of the Witchers Clan."


"I don't recall seeing your faces during the last meeting with the council."


"Oh, that's probably because we were newly assigned."


"To think that the royal household would send such low ranked officials to represent them in such an important meeting. You didn't seem to have anything to say during the meeting. I wonder what you have to say now."


"We were just observing the situation Sire, as I mentioned earlier we were just assigned to these positions not quite long ago."


"And how did your observation go?"




"Just state your business."


"We have a letter for you from the royal household." Hughelyn states handing the letter to Razar.


After looking at the letter briefly he asks,

"And who do I say delivered the letter?"


"Oh, pardon my manners. I am Councilman Hughelyn." He stretched out his hands for a handshake then continued, "And with me here is." He gestured for the other council officials to introduce themselves.


"Councilwoman Devinah."


"And I am Councilman Ceres."