The Third Plague

Writer's POV:



In the seventh month of the year 1747, the Third Plague attacked Nida, a small town in Europe.



The Minotaur, also known as Minotauros, is a Cretan Monster with the head of a bull, and the hairy body of a man. In Greek mythology, the Minotaur, in Latin as Minotaurus is a mythical creature portrayed during classical antiquity with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man or, as described by Roman poet Ovid, a being "part man and part bull". He dwelt at the center of the Labyrinth, which was an elaborate maze-like construction designed by the architect Daedalus and his son Icarus, on the command of King Minos of Crete.




"He wanted us to spend time together so he proposed that we go to Nida. I only agreed because I thought it would be an amazing moment to break the news of my pregnancy to him." Bambi started her narrations.


They Were Sailing Through A River, When I Broke The News To Him:


"Umm, Eugar?"


"Yes Bambi."


"I would like to tell you something?"


"Go on Bambi, you don't have to be hesitant."


"I am expecting."


"Expecting what, Bambi?"


"A baby!"


"How can you be expecting a ba,... Oh my God, are we pregnant?"


"Yes we are, Eugar, yes we are."


"This is the best news ever. I will inform everyone once we get back."


"Would they be happy about it?"


"Mother would be the happiest."


"She would be happy about the child, but not the mother."


"You don't have to be like that, you know mother cherishes you a lot."


"As a worker not her son's woman."


"Listen, mother knows how strong the mating bond is, it cannot be tampered with, she will maintain her bounds once she hears that you are my mate."


"I don't want to be accepted due to a compromise."


"You won't be okay."




"So what should we name the child?"


"I have no idea. Maybe you could give it a name?"


"How about Henry? If it's a boy."


"And if it's a girl?"




"That's nice."


"But if it's a twin, then Henry and Henrietta."


"No way."




"I will not carry two children at once, I refuse to."


"That's not for you to decide, it's for,..."


Suddenly the sound of gunshots and the sound of an emergency bell being rung was heard.


"What do you think is going on?" Bambi asked.


"I have no idea, I will go and check, wait here."


"There's no need for that, this is not our town anyways."


"But the Werewolves rule Europe, so I can't look away. Just wait here okay."


"No, don't go. I have a bad feeling about this."


Bambi kept on trying to hold him back when they caught sight of a man drowning in the river and Eugar jumped into the river to save the man.

He brought him inside the boat and the boat rider also packed the boat offshore, Eugar pressed out the water from his abdomen, till he coughed.


"What's going on?" Bambi questioned impatiently


"Slowly Bambi, he is probably in Shock."


"Good day gentleman, I am Prince Eugar of the Werewolf Clan, what's going on exactly? Are there some Rogue Mercenaries on the loose?"


"It's a plague, it's another plague, it looks like a bull, we all thought it was one, we tried to hunt it down but it tore every single hunter apart, then more came and raided the village. S me back to the water I need to run away." The man said


"A Minotaur."


"What's that?" Bambi asked.


"It's the third plague as described by Priestess Cleopatra, although no exact date of his arrival was given, it is said to be strong and fast. I need to go and help, while you go and find a safe place to stay. Whether on sea or offshore, just make sure it's safe."


"Let's go back to Canterbury, Eugar, I am very sure that some group of Mercenaries are on their way."


"Listen to me Mr. Owells, take this man and my woman to your boat and sail as far as you can, okay." Eugar ordered the boat rider.


"I refuse to leave you." Bambi said, firmly.


"Go Bambi, for the sake of our child."


Bamy cried and begged but he still sent her away. She was on the boat when she heard the screams of the people becoming louder and countless people were jumping into the river. She decided to go back and help Eugar, so she jumped into the river as well, and swam off shore and ran as fast as she could.


She saw Eugar on the battlefield, he fought so tremendously, with one swing at his sword, the head of the Minotaur fell to the ground. It was then that she realized that she was overreacting.


She turned around to go but was stunned to see a Minotaur standing before her. She fought it off with everything she could but it was much stronger than a Lycan.

It tried to strike her with its horns but was blocked by Eugar's sword.

She looked up and saw the Minotaur and Eugar in a fierce battle, this particular seemed bigger than the rest so it was hard for Eugar to kill it while worrying about her at the same time, when the demon almost landed a punch she scream loudly, Eugar dodged the punch and turned to look at her.


"Are you okay, Bam,..."


He wasn't able to complete the sentence because the Minotaur ripped out his heart from behind. Bambi stared at the large hole in Eugar's chest, and before she could reach out for him he fell to the ground, he was cold, so cold.


Bambi lost her mind, she picked up his sword and fought like a beast, she couldn't keep count of how many Minotaur she beheaded. When she became exhausted she fainted, she was saved by some Mercenaries and never returned to the Castle again after the incident, until she had Henrietta.

She left the Castle under Razar's instructions and with his help she started from scratch.