Mirabeth (3)

Writer's POV:


"So that means that Razar knows about Henrietta?"


"Yes he does."


'Why didn't he mention that earlier.'


"Did he also tell you to keep her away from the royal household?"


"I told him about my decision and he supported me, he only advised that I keep her somewhere safe, she is currently in Egypt, she is being cared for by the Priestesses family."


"I am sure he cares about you and Henrietta, if you want to get back to the castle I am sure he will support you.,"


"He didn't stand by me because he cared, he stood by me because he cared for his brother. He knew if anyone in the castle found out what truly happened on that day they would make sure I was dead, and my death is something Eugar would never wish for even though I caused his death."


"You didn't,..."


They were interrupted by a knock on the door. 'Who could it be?'


"Come in." Herdis ushered in.


Herdis wasn't expecting to see Rebekah.

"How are you feeling Rebekah ?I heard that you were hurt badly."


"Not badly per say, I just had a few scratches so i am good Milady. How is your head fairing, Milady?"


"I am fine Rebekah, it's just a concussion. Has everything been arranged for the journey?"


"Yes it has, I am sorry for not coming on time to dress you up, I was sent on an errand by The Commander."


"I had someone else assist me, so it's fine. Is it time to leave?"


"Yes it is, Milady."


"Okay then, can you wait outside Rebekah, I have something to do."


"Of course Milady."


As soon as Rebekah stepped out Herdis turned to Bambi. "For what it's worth I think you should go to Egypt and spend some time with your daughter, regardless of how suspicious things might become, a mother and a daughter should never spend so much time apart, you might never be able to make up for the time you both spent apart, but you should never miss an opportunity to create new memories."


"I will speak to The Commander and then I will leave for Egypt soon, your highness."


Since Herdis couldn't walk properly, Bambi assisted her to the door and Rebekah continued to the carriage. Razar assisted and carried her inside the carriage, he made sure he placed her in a comfortable position before proceeding to take a seat.


"Thank you."




"I wanted to say something."


"Is it important?"


"Not really."


"Then let's talk later, for now you need to conserve your energy."




'But I don't feel sleepy and I don't feel tired then. What should I do?'


"Umm, will the journey be safe?"


"There are no more caves along the way, so just sleep."


"But I don't feel sleepy."


"Then rest."


"But I don't feel tired."


"Come here."


He grabbed her waist and made her sit on his lap.

"What are you doing? Let me go." Herdis scolded.


She kept on trying to struggle, while he nested his head on the crook of her neck.


"Don't move around too much, you haven't healed properly."


Herdis just sat there quietly. While he patted her back till she fell asleep.




When Mirabeth woke up it was dark everywhere, she couldn't see anything, she couldn't even feel her legs, and what made things worse, her hands were chained.

It was then that everything came back to her, the fight with her Dad, the chase in the forest and the girl, yes the girl. The girl looked a lot like her, she couldn't remember her name.


'But where is this place? Did they capture her as well? I need to find her, she was caught while trying to save me so I must find her.' Mirabeth thought inwardly.


She kept on trying to break free from the chains, when the sound of the door being pushed open reverberated through the room.

She couldn't see the face of whoever stepped in, but she could hear the footsteps, and she knew that the person was making his way to her.


And suddenly a finger was snapped and every candle lit by itself. Mirabeth looked up to see the face of the person that stood before her. It was,...


"You, who are you? Why am I being bound by these chains? Set me free at once?" Herdis scolded.


"You are in no place to command me, you should be thanking me, because I saved your life." Said the strange girl.


"Why would you save me only to bound me by chains?"


"I didn't want you to run away while I went to fetch some ingredients, I will free you from these chains only if you promise me one thing, I need you to stay calm."


"I don't need to make any promises to you, so let me go."


"You don't have to be stubborn, you don't have anywhere to go, but if my hunch is proven right, then you will have a new home by sundown."


"You are saying nonsense, let me go this instant. You have no right to do this to me."


"You might be my twin sister, Herdisan."


"I don't understand what you are saying, I have lived in that cottage ever since I was an infant, I think I would have recalled having a different family at some point."


"I confronted them."


"You confronted who?"


"Your so-called parents, and they said they found you along the road of Brussels, where I am supposedly from, they are not your parents, Mirabeth."


"I know."


"You knew, since when?"


"Since today, I don't think real parents will sell off their own child."


"Come with me and you can finally know what a true family is like."


"And what if I am not the one? Then what, you also toss me aside like some rubbish."


"I know you are her, I am sure you are Herdisan. I just need to prove to my father that you are Herdisan and not one of those imposters, then you can have a better life."


"How can you prove that I am her?"