The Fourth Plague

Writer's POV:


"Do you know Cassandra? I feel like I have heard your song about her before, I would like to know more about her."


Still there was no response.


"I have this strange feeling, I have no clue why but I feel like discovering this truth will help me find my true self, please help me."


'Who am I kidding, I must have lost my mind. I don't even know the language of the spirits. How can I possibly converse with Creekside?'


"I know you can hear me but you probably don't understand me and the language that I speak. I truly hope you finally pick the next Queen Creek, a lot of hearts will be broken if you do not Choose a Queen."


After saying that Herdis turned to leave but she stopped when she heard that strange but familiar same voice from earlier humming, she walked up to the tree this time she stood to its face.


"You understand me, right. I know you can understand me. I don't know how it's possible but I am sure you just heard everything I said, if only I could understand you as well all will be solved."


She gradually stretched out her hands to touch the tree and the moment her hand came in touch with the tree, she felt a jolt in her bones, flashes of images ran through her mind, she could hear voices some familiar and some unfamiliar but they spoke too fast that she couldn't decipher what they said.

And suddenly she blacked out. 


When Herdis opened her eyes she saw herself in a totally different place, she was in Canterbury.

But the dressing here seemed ancient.


'Dear heavens, where am i?'


She saw several people passing by, so she ran up to them to ask what year it was but it seemed like no one could see her. She screamed and screamed but no one turned to look at her, it was as though she was a ghost.


Suddenly she saw someone familiar, it was….


"Queen Kitara." She called out, loudly.


'How is this even possible? Queen Kitara, this version looked even younger, almost as if she was in her late twenties.'


Oh no, I think this is,.. CANTERBURY 1308.




In the Fifth Month of the Year 1748, The Fourth Plague attacked Saint Petersburg. A highly populated town in Eastern Europe.



In Greek and Roman mythology, a harpy (plural harpies), is a half-human and half-bird, often believed to be a personification of storm winds. Harpies were generally depicted as birds with the heads of maidens, faces pale with hunger and long claws on their hands. Harpies symbolize death, the Underworld, and fear. Harpies are known to have the power of swift winds and are capable of flying at incredible speeds that can not be matched. Harpies tend to lead with a song that incapacitates their prey, then follow up with their claws and the clubs they carry.

The Harpies are winged female monsters, said to have descended from the sea god Thaumas and the Oceanid Electra, they represented storms and storm winds that are powerful enough to snatch people from the earth. Harpies can be lured or distracted by shiny objects or beautiful music.


And this was how The Fourth Plague was defeated, some group of Mercenaries reported that these demons were attracted to the light that emanated from their sword when it was placed under a bright light and were lured by the melodious war music they sang, for inspiration and motivation. They were quickly tricked and easily killed. This was recorded as the easiest Plague to be encountered. And barely few Citizens were recorded as dead and only a few were wounded.






'This was way before the War Between Clans. How did I end up here, why would Creekside bring me here of all places.'


Herdis decided to follow Queen Kitara as she was the only person that she found familiar here.

She seemed scared, for some reason she kept looking around, as if to check if she was being followed.

She went through a dark tunnel, then crossed a pond and went even deeper into the forest.


'Where could she be going?'


She stopped under a Mahogany tree, and suddenly a lady showed up. Herdis looked at the face of the new lady trying to decipher where she could have seen the face before because it felt quite familiar.


'Oh my goodness it's,...


 'CLEOPATRA.' Herdis called out.


'Razar was actually right, Cleopatra is truly a First Generation Witcher, but how is she still alive?'


Witches are just stronger versions of humans, they can perform magic and rituals but they remain a mortal, their life span is still just as short as a regular human's lifespan


'Is she still alive because she was turned into a Lycan? That's the only possible explanation.'


 Herdis hid at a corner and stuck out her ears to hear their conversation but then she realized that she couldn't be seen so she just stood close to them.


"Where is your sister?" Kitara asked


"She is obviously on her way."


"You know, I don't trust your sister."


"No one cares how you feel Kitara."


"That's the problem, no one ever listens to me."


"Because you always say nonsense, no one wants to listen to your nonsense, we are all too busy to focus on your madness."


"You can insult me all you want but I refuse to Keep my mouth shut, Cassandra is being too secretive, and you know that."


'Cassandra, that means that Cassandra is Cleopatra's sister.'


"What's your point exactly because I know that everyone has secrets and you also have a lot of things you have not told us about yourself." Cleopatra said.


"That's just your opinion, I have never hidden anything from anyone, I have been transparent ever since we became a group."


"Let things be Kitara, there are other important things to focus on."


"Like what Cleopatra, like what. I mean, aren't you worried."


"And what should I be worried about?"