Cassandra (1)

Writer's POV:


"Like what Cleopatra, like what. I mean, aren't you worried."


"And what should I be worried about?"


"As the day goes by, Cassandra gets stronger, first we could only communicate with a few spirits then she starts to communicate with every spirit there is she even taught us how to make them do our biddings, she is the reason we now have powers, that she calls Magic. Suddenly she developed a dark magic, which she referred to as Black magic, now I hear she has developed an even darker magic, that she calls Blood Magic, she is being too careless what if the power eats her up."


"That is nothing to be scared of, she has always made sacrifices for us, so the least we can do is trust and acknowledge her efforts."


"Her sacrifices are unnecessary, she claims she has found a way to give more people our gift, we can build an army with these people and overthrow these Clans, but she chose to follow the longer path."


"No, she choose to follow the safest path, what's the point exactly, we build an army then go to war against all these Clans, we may not come out victorious and even if we do we lose one half of our people, it's not worth it, so like I said earlier, let things be."


"I refuse to let things be, if that was her reason that's fine but what about the fact that she has refuses to teach us how to control these Elemental spirits, she only taught us basic magic but she has refused to teach us Black Magic or Blood Magic and what about the fact that she's the only one that formed an alliance with a werewolf, how can we trust either of them. Tell me what excuse you have to give on her behalf."


"She's just being careful, it's her discovery and she has all the right to keep to herself. Besides what else do you want, she already taught us Thordak, a language we can use to communicate with all spirits."


"Not all spirits, basic spirits, she taught Basic Thordak while she uses Advanced Thordak to commune with all spirits including demons, she controls elements so easily and she alone can perform both Black Magic and Blood Magic. She just keeps getting powerful, she might eventually turn us to her personal Slaves."


'How is it possible that Cassandra created all these things? Why was Queen Kitara labeled the creator? It doesn't make sense, how Kitara was crowned the First Queen Creek?'


"Stop being delusional Kitara." Cleopatra said.


"I am not delusional, she is untrustworthy and that's it."


"Who is untrustworthy?" A familiar voice rang out.


Herdis was paying so much attention to Cleopatra and Kitara that she failed to realize when a third person came to view.

She was wearing a hooded robe, Herdis couldn't see her face clearly but deep down I knew this was,...


"CASSANDRA." Kitara called out


"Who's untrustworthy, were you referring to me?" Cassandra asked.


"No she wasn't, she was just ranting that's all. What took you so long."

Cleopatra cuts in before Kitara could speak any further.


"I had to make a stop on the way to pick up something for a ritual."


"What's that about?" Cleopatra asked.


"I will tell you about all that later."


"Weren't you defending her just now, but she can't even trust you with her Elder Sister with her secrets, I don't trust you Cassandra and your motives." Kitara chimned in.


"Your feelings have nothing to do with neither I nor my sister, so keep your opinion to yourself, besides Cleopatra and I already agreed to discuss things, didn't we Cleopatra?"


"Umm, you said you had something to give to us?" Cleopatra asked, dodging the question.


"I wanted to give you this." Cassandra stretched out her hands.


Cleopatra grabs the parchments and stares at it for a while Cassandra explains.

"It's advanced Thordak, I found a way to break down some words to basic Thordak, you should teach the others, although those are those basic magic for controlling Elemental Spirits, it's still useful."


"Why would you give us basic Elemental Magic, while you control the more advanced one." Kitara ranted.


"For someone who is the weakest of all of us, you really want to take such a huge risk, your energy might die if you push yourself too hard. Listen Cleopatra, you all might die if you push yourself too hard, this basic magic alone could weaken your energy, you should master these skills first and only then will I teach another." Cassandra replied.


"Those are plain excuses, I am not so dumb. I can't be deceived so easily." Kitara says.


"It's Okay Cassandra you can get back to what you had to do, I will take Kitara along with me." Cleopatra cuts in.


"You can try to shut me up but it won't change the facts."


"Let's speak later, okay." Cassandra says then turns to leave.


'I would have loved to stay and listen to Cleopatra's and Kitara's argument but I needed to find out what ritual Cassandra plans to perform.'


Herdis followed Cassandra closely, but for some weird reason she felt like Cassandra could sense her presence so she hid herself behind trees each time Cassandra turned back.


Suddenly Cassandra stopped at a cottage, went in and picked up a bag, then continued her journey. Finally she stopped at the back of a Mansion.


'I know this place.' Herdis said inwardly.


She happened to have stopped at the Castle belonging to the Werewolf Cla.


'This is Razar's home.'


Cassandra walked past the castle and went deeper into the forest, she stopped and hid behind a tree.

Herdis traced her line of sight, and realized that she was looking at a group of boys beating up another boy.

Herdis found the boy that was being beaten up, quite familiar so she squinted her eyes to see his face more clearly and it turned out to be King Regald.


According to Rebekah, King Regald was not meant to be the Alpha of his pack or the King of his clan. He was a dormant werewolf much worse than a Lycan and was constantly bullied by his brothers, but with the help of a powerful witch, he became strong enough to challenge the already chosen Alpha and King, Cruz to combat.

Regald came out victorious and became the new King and Alpha. Many other Princes came to challenge him, but they all failed. He also led the werewolf clan to Victory during the War Between Clans.


'This means the witch that helped Regald to become a mighty werewolf immune to Silver, an Alpha of Silverpack and the greatest ruler of the Werewolf Clan is Cassandra. That also means the boys beating up Regald are his brothers.'


When Regald's brothers were done beating him up they wiped off the blood stains on their knuckles with a rag then threw it on him, after that they walked away.

Cassandra waited for a few minutes, before rushing up to Regald, she tried helping him up but he pushed her away countless times.

Finally she pulled him up, she placed his right hand over her shoulders, and held his waist tightly with her right hand.


They were walking towards Herdis so she tried to get a glimpse of Cassandra's face.

Cassandra lost her balance and almost fell to the ground. Her hood came off and fell to her neck, as a result of the fall.


Herdis stood there in utter shock when she saw the face under the hood, they both walked past her while she still stood there rooted to the ground.


'That's why her voice felt overly familiar.'