Master's Gift, Level 1 Skill: Lightning Spear

"Wait!! Huh??!"

Shock was evident on Kieran's face as he read the words that were displayed on the system screen.

"Quest? What is that?" He asked, clearly confused.

He was still thinking about his broken Mana Core, and now, he was seeing something about killing Ryker who he definitely knew.


[The target won't leave the position anytime soon]

At this point, Kieran was now even more confused, and he didn't understand a single thing.

[Host, quests will be issued to you frequently, as long as it is related to revenge]

[After a quest is completed, the rewards for that quest will be given to you]

"Huh? But you never mentioned anything about quest before," Kieran said.

[Yes, that was because we were still talking about your Mana Core, so they're still some things I haven't told you]

"I see....." Kieran muttered.

[The rewards given from quests will make you stronger, and also achieve other things]

Kieran understood that part, but there was something he still wanted to get clear.

"So, quests will only be issued if it's related to revenge, right?" He asked.

[Yes, any other thing you wish to do is your choice]

"Hmm, its name says it all.... Revenge System," Kieran muttered.

"I'm more concerned about my broken Mana Core, is there any way to fix it?" Kieran asked.

The quest he received was truly intriguing, but right now, his broken Mana Core was his priority. If he could fix it, then he would surely be able to use Magic, and revenge won't be impossible anymore.

[I'm sorry Host, but there is no way to fix it, and you can't get a new one.....]

"Shit...." Kieran cursed.

He already had a feeling that it would be impossible to fix it, now what was he supposed to do?

[As soon as this quest is completed, there'll be a solution]

"Huh? So there's actually a solution to this? Just tell me," Kieran said.

[It can only be implemented once this quest is completed]

" do you even expect me to fight Ryker in this state? I literally don't have a Mana Core," Kieran said.

That alone was a disadvantage, because he couldn't possibly fight someone who could use Magic.

At this point, Kieran already knew that this was the Capital City of Wynter Kingdom, that was why everything was so familiar to him.

Wynter City, the Capital City of Wynter Kingdom, was where the King's Palace was located, so as expected, it was the busiest City in the whole Kingdom.

And because of the calibar of people in this City, it wasn't too populated, but that didn't mean that there weren't poor people in the City.

From Kieran's knowledge, there were four Barons in this City, and the other Barons were in other Cities.

Among these four Barons, one of them was Baron Xaren, and just like the others, he despised Kieran, and his mother.

His son, Ryker Xaren was even among those who started the bullying, and insults, and now, it seemed he was close by, and the system noticed it.

[Killing him is related to revenge, that was why this quest was issued]

"System, it seems you didn't understand what I just said. Of course, I know that he's related to revenge, but how the hell am I gonna pull that off?" Kieran asked, this time, his voice made it clear that he wanted an answer.

[You'll be able to pull it off if you open the Master's gift]

Kieran just heard something unfamiliar again, but before he could ask what it was, the system gave him an answer.

[The Master sent me to you with a little gift, and it'll be able to help you at this stage, before you start completing quests]

"Gift...." Kieran muttered.

[Do you want to open the gift?] The system asked.

Kieran gave it some thought for some seconds.

He had to complete this quest in order for him to know how he could settle this issue about his Mana Core, and he needed a way to also complete the quest.

The answer to this probably lied in the.... gift.

"I hope it's something good....." Kieran muttered.

He sighed, and then next second...

"Yes, open it," Kieran said.


Instantly, words disappeared from the system screen, and it was suddenly replaced by a box.

Yes, a blue glowing box was displayed on the system screen, and there was a countdown above it.


The countdown continued, untill it reached 1, and then.....


The box suddenly let out a blinding light that made Kieran close his eyes.


He didn't know if any other person could see the light, but he felt like that wasn't the case, if not, someone would have arrived in the alley by now to check what was going on.

'What would it be? A weapon? Yes, it'll probably be a weapon, what else would it be if not a weapon?' Kieran thought as he waited for some seconds for the light to go down.

Finally, he took a peek, and noticed that the light wasn't present anymore, and then, he opened his eyes fully.

"Now, what do we have here?" Kieran muttered after opening his eyes.

He looked at the system screen, but what greeted him was an empty system screen, with no words on it, or anything at all.

It was just blank.

"Huh? System, where's my gift?" Kieran asked, with confusion evident his face.

"Where's my weapon?" He asked.

Because Kieran could ask more questions, words suddenly appeared on the system screen

[The Master's gift has been delivered]

[Gift: Lightning Spear]

[Level 1 Skill: Lightning Spear]

"Wait... lightning...I can use the Lightning Element?" Kieran asked, with his eyes wide open.

[No, the Master decided to give you a skill, before you start completing quests]

"I don't understand, Lightning is one of the Elements, so what do you mean by skill?"

[This Skill Uses Ability Energy]

"Ability Energy??!!"

[Don't worry Host, I'll tell you everything you need to about all these, but for now, there's a problem]

"What is that?"

[Ryker is leaving, you have get to him fast, if not, this quest will be lost, and you'll lose the rewards]


[Host, there's no need to worry. You'll use the Lightning Spear Skill you just got..... to kill him....]