
The fact that the rewards would be lost if he didn't complete the quest didn't sit right with Kieran.

A Rank 2 Dagger was part of the rewards, and something called Revenge Points that he didn't know about.

"There's another problem. Ryker is a noble, so he'll surely have guards around him," Kieran said.

"Also, how do I lure him to this alley? Because I won't be able to fight him on the street like that," he added, voicing out his concerns.

[I understand, that's why you have to use his weak spots against him]

"Weak spots...." Kieran muttered.

[You know Ryker, and I'm sure you also know his weaknesses]

"Hmm....." Kieran placed his finger on his chin as he tried the remember Kieran's weaknesses.

Just like the system mentioned, Kieran actually knew Ryker, after all, he played a huge role in the bullying.

"First of all, I know he's lazy, and that's why he's weak. Even after these years, he's still a First Step Rank 1 Magic User, the lowest rank of Magic Users," Kieran muttered.

[Okay, now that's one weakness]

Kieran squinted his eyes as he remembered something else.

"I also know that he's prideful, which is quite common among all the nobles, but his own is on a higher level," Kieran said.

[Now that's two, anything else] The system asked.

"Oh, yes, one more thing. He's really dumb, and I mean REALLY dumb," Kieran said, emphasizing more on the "really" to make it clear that he was serious.

[Hmm, I see. Okay, you can use those things against him]

Kieran gave it some thoughts, and he realized that he could actually use them against him, in fact, he already had a plan, but he needed to confirm something from the system.

"You're sure I'll be able to use that Lightning Spear Skill to defeat him?" Kieran asked.

He needed to find a way to use Magic, so he couldn't just ignore this quest, it would mean giving up on his goal, and that was the last this he would do.

[The Lightning Spear Skill is strong, and Ryker isn't that strong, so you'll be able to kill him with the Skill]

Together with that, there was also the fact that Kieran knew some fighting techniques that he learnt from books, and watching others train.

Though, he would still not take Ryker for granted, after all, the fact that he could use Magic was an advantage alone, and Kieran still had to be careful about that.

There was a saying, if you can't work strong, then work smart, and that was exactly what Kieran was about to do.

"Okay, let's get to it," Kieran muttered.

[Immediately you come out of this alley, turn to the right, and you'll see him]

Kieran sighed, and took a deep breath, steeling his resolve.

He had never killed someone before, and this would be his first time, but he wasn't scared about it.

He knew that he wouldn't feel anything even if he killed Ryker, especially after remembering all the horrible things he passed through in the hands of Ryker.

"I have more than enough reasons to kill him.... he'll pay," Kieran muttered as a cold look instantly appeared on his face.

Kieran steadily walked forward, and in an instant, he was at the entrance of the alley. He turned his head towards the right, and he saw people walking, carrying out their daily activities as usual.

But then, Kieran noticed that there were a certain group of people who stood out from most of the people that were walking past.

He first noticed three men who were wearing purple colored chest plates. They had big builds, clearly showing that they were people who usually trained.

Also, they were holding swords that had purple hilts. The first two men had long swords, while the third man's sword was short.

They had fierce looks on their faces, and they were looking around as if they were observing everywhere.

One thing that Kieran noticed, was...

"Those weapons are certainly high grade," Kieran muttered as he stared at the swords they were holding.

"Even their chest plates are high grade."

With just one look, he could tell that they were certainly people of high status, well, at least they were guarding a noble, so they definitely had a high status.

Their big builds, fierce looks, and weapons, made it clear. Kieran didn't need anyone to tell him that they were guards.

"They're probably Ryker's guards, but I don't see Ryker anywhere," Kieran muttered as he looked around.

He was very sure that those three men were Ryker's guards, not just because the system told him, but because there was a symbol of two crossed swords on their chest plate, and that was Baron Xaren's family symbol.

"I hope it works," Kieran muttered as he remembered his plan, but for now, he wasn't seeing Ryker anywhere.

"As far as his guards are here, then he's definitely close by, they won't leave him."

[You'll soon see him]

Kieran kept observing the street, and everything felt even more familiar, making it clear that this was definitely Wynter City.

Instantly, his eyes caught sight of someone, and he looked at the store that was close to where the guards were standing.

"So, he was inside that store," Kieran muttered as he stared at Ryker who was exiting a jewelry store with an annoying grin on his face.

"Tch...." Kieran clicked his tongue in annoyance.

He knew that Ryker would soon leave the store, so he had to act very fast.

Kieran was wearing a dirty, worn-out brown tunic that had some holes, and he was barefoot.

He was yet to receive the memories of the previous owner of this body, so he didn't even know his new name, but he had to be patient, and complete this quest first.

Instantly, Kieran squinted his eyes, and exited the alley, before walking towards Ryker.

It was time.....time to exert his first revenge.