Phase One Completed

Kieran steadily walked towards Ryker who still had a grin on his face as he stared at a ring that the store owner was showing to him.

The three guards just stood still as they observed everywhere, probably trying to spot out any potential threat. They were guards, so they had to be watchful.

"Those guards will be the only trouble, but if I can manipulate Ryker, then..."

Kieran planned to use Ryker to get rid of the guards, and he had a special way to make that happen.

Just like the system mentioned, he would use Ryker's weaknesses against him.

Kieran fixated his gaze on Ryker, and in a matter of seconds, he was already close to where the guards were standing.

One of the guards turned to look at Kieran who was approaching, but he didn't say anything.

Meanwhile, the people who were passing didn't even glance at Kieran, after all, he wasn't the only person in this City who looked haggard, so why would they pay him any attention?

The guard ignored Kieran, and continued looking around, but then, he noticed that Kieran kept walking towards him, or rather, his master, Ryker.

At this point, the guard could no longer ignore Kieran, and he decided to make a move.

"Hey, you!" The guard called out, his words clearly targeted at Kieran.

'They've noticed me,' Kieran thought, but he already expected it, there was no way he could escape their eyes, but at least, he had hope in his plan.

Instantly, Kieran stopped walking, and turned to look at the guard.

"Where are you going to?" The guard asked as he left the other guards, and walked towards Kieran.

The other guards decided to leave him to handle the case as they continued observing.

The guard reached Kieran, and gripped his sword.

'There's no doubt, he's really a guard.....' Kieran thought as he looked at the guard's towering figure.

He literally had to raise his head just to look at the guard.

Honestly, he was feeling intimidated, but he had to hold on..... It was all for the ultimate goal.



Kieran lowered his head in respect, making the guard loosen his grip on the sword.

Guards were also people with high status, so commoners also respected them.

By bowing down, Kieran just showed that he recognized the guard as someone with a high status, but what the guard didn't know was that it was just a facade.

'He's less cautious now, not really a good thing for a guard to do,' Kieran thought.

A guard wasn't suppose to let their guard down at all, even though the person they were confronting was weak, and even Kieran knew this.

"Where are you going to?" The guard repeated his question as he gazed at Kieran.

"My greetings, please I would like to have a word with Sir Ryker," Kieran said politely, without raising his head.

The guard scoffed after hearing what Kieran said. He was silent for some seconds, before he spoke.

"A lowly individual like you wants to speak with Sir Ryker? Surprising!! What do you want to tell him?" The guard asked.

"It's something only him can know," Kieran said, with his head still lowered.

The guard immediately squinted his eyes in surprise. Instantly, he gripped his sword tightly, before speaking.

"Huh? So you're saying I can't know what you want to tell him?" The guard asked.

The look in his eyes made it clear that he was already suspecting Kieran, but he still needed to hear more from him.

"It's not like that, esteemed guard! It's just that, he's the only one who'll understand," Kieran said.

"Tch...." The guard suddenly raised his sword a bit, and gazed at Kieran with his cold eyes.

"Kid, I'll cut off your head if you don't tell me your business here," the guard instantly said, with an expression that made it clear that he wouldn't hesitate to do it.

Well, he would actually be able to do it, and there would be no consequences, after all, he was a guard, so he would just simply say Kieran was threatening Ryker's life, so he stepped in to protect his master, and that would be the end of the case.

"Oh, esteemed guard!! I didn't mean to annoy you!!" Kieran exclaimed.

This time, he made sure his voice was loud, so that it would attract the person he had been waiting for, and yes, it worked.

"What is going on there?" A boy's voice was heard.

'Good....' A chilly smile appeared on Kieran's face, but the guards didn't see it, because his head was lowered.

He had finally managed to draw Ryker's attention, and phase one of his plan was completed.

Now, it was time for phase two.

"Oh, Sir Ryker! It's nothing serious, just a lowly individual saying he wants to speak with you," the guard said as he bowed his head.

Even though Ryker was the son of one of the lowest ranked noble in the Kingdom, he was still a noble at the end, so he still had to be respected.

Individuals that were passing just continued passing as if nothing was going on.

There was noble around, so they didn't want to get caught up in anything. If they even tried to interfere, they didn't know what would become of them.

Kieran could hear lots of footsteps, but at the same time, he could also hear a distinct footstep, and he instinctively knew who it was

Without even raising his head, Kieran knew that Ryker was now standing not too far from him.

"He wants to speak with me? How pathetic, what can someone like this possibly want to tell me?" The voice was heard again.

'Yes....that voice... that's Ryker," Kieran thought.

There was no way he could forget that aggressive, and prideful voice.

"Oh, great Sir," Kieran started, keeping his polite, and respectful facade, "It is something of great importance."

"Hmm, I see, what is it?" Ryker asked.

"I would like to tell you privately, that's how important it is, great Sir!"

"Because, it is about... someone you know..."