Successful Plan

"Because, it is about... someone you know..."

Those words caused a reaction from Ryker, and he instantly squinted his eyes.

"Someone I know? Who could that be?" Ryker muttered.

Kieran still had his head lowered, but he had already completed phase one of his plan which was to get Ryker's attention.

"And who are you?" Ryker asked as he stared at Kieran.

At this point, the guards weren't even saying anything, after all, their master was here, so there was no need to intrude, but of course, they would still be at alert, in case something would happen.

"My name is Lan, Sir," Kieran said, lying about his name.

He was very sure that after he completed this quest, lots of people would be on his tail, so he had to lie about his name.

Moreover, he still didn't know the name of the former owner of this body, and it certainly wasn't Kieran, so he just had to say something random.

"Lan, huh?" Ryker muttered as he stared at his guards.

Kieran's head was still lowered, so he was yet to see the look on Ryker's face, but he was sure that he currently had a grin on his face.

'That's how he is.... little things like this amuse him,' Kieran thought.

Kieran suddenly heard Ryker's footsteps drawing closer to him, and in an instant, he saw Ryker's shoes in front of him.

"Hmm, raise your head, commoner," Kieran heard Ryker's voice.

"Oh, I can't possibly raise my head in front of a noble like you," Kieran said.

The way Kieran was bring respectful was making Ryker amused. He was a noble, so these kind of actions always gets his pride elevated.

"Hahaha, you know your place.... I like that," Ryker laughed.

"But I need to know.... who is this person you want to tell me about?" Ryker asked.

'Shit...I knew that he'll certainly want to know that,' Kieran thought.

Yes, Ryker was dumb, but he wasn't that dumb to just follow Kieran without inquiring about this "person" that he knew.

But Kieran was already prepared for this, he knew that this question would certainly be asked, so he came up with something before going to meet Ryker.

"It's about.... Prince Kieran."

"Huh?" The look on Ryker's face instantly changed immediately he heard that name.

Meanwhile, Kieran was slightly nervous, after all, he just took a risk.

There was a chance that everyone in the Kingdom already knew about his death, but there was also a great possibility that the King would not say anything about his death, after all, he was killed in the throne room, and not in the execution center.

And also, not many people knew about him, because he didn't come out much, and was never in the spotlight.

He had never done something notable or incredible, after all, he didn't have a Mana Core, what could he possibly do?

Though, Kieran was still slightly relaxed, because even though Ryker already knew about his death, he had another explanation to give.

He would just simply say that Kieran gave him a message to pass to Ryker, before he died.

It wasn't a concrete explanation, but at least, it was an explanation that someone like Ryker would believe.

"Kieran.....? What do you want to tell me about him?" Ryker asked, the change in his tone was obvious.

'It seems no one knows about my death yet,' Kieran thought.

If not, Ryker would have been more surprised about the fact that he wanted to say something about Kieran.

"Please Sir, it would be my honor if I can tell you privately, it's very important," Kieran said as he further lowered his head, trying to make it clear that he was very respectful.

"Hmm, I see, what could that idiot possibly want me to know?" Ryker muttered, but Kieran clearly heard it.

"If it's that important, then I guess I'll hear you out. Be glad about that," Ryker said.

"My pleasure, Sir," Kieran said.

"There's an alley there, I'll tell you everything," he added.

Ryker squinted his eyes, and stared at the alley behind Kieran.

'It's not too far from here, that can work,' Ryker thought.

Instantly, he turned back to look at his guards, before speaking.

"Hey, I'll be right back, the three of you should wait for me here. Is that understood?" Ryker asked.

The guard who approached Kieran before suddenly had a surprised look on his face.

"Uhm..... Master, you know we can't leave you, we have to protect you at all times," the guard said as he lowered his head.

"Huh?! What do you mean by that?! Are you trying to say I can't protect myself? Such disrespect."

Anger was evident on Ryker's face as he spoke.

The guards didn't know how to tell him that he was weak, and he needed to be protected. If they told him, there was a possibility that they would be sentenced to death by Baron Xaren, Ryker's father.

"No.... Master, of course, you can protect yourself, but we just want to tag along, to fulfill our duties," the guard said.

At this point, he was speaking on behalf of the other guards, after all, the others couldn't say anything, because they were afraid that they would get on Ryker's bad side.

'Shit... he said you guys shouldn't tag along, just obey,' Kieran thought in annoyance.

His plan was to use Ryker to get rid of the guards, and it was finally working, but these stubborn guards were imminent on following him.

'Ugh.....if anything happens to Master, we will be the ones to blame,' the guard thought.

But in the end, they had no choice but to obey Ryker, after all, Ryker was their Master.

"Just wait for me here, I'll be right back, and that's final," Ryker said as he glared at the guards.

"... understood, Master," they all said in unison.

"Good," Ryker muttered as he turned to look at Kieran.

"Let's go, I hope it's really important like you said, if not, you don't wanna know what'll happen," Ryker said.

"Yes Sir," Kieran said as the both of them started walking towards the alley.

In a matter of seconds, the both of them arrived in the alley, and Ryker turned to face him.

"So, start talking," Ryker said, with a smile on his face

Kieran's plan was final successful, and it was time...

'You'll die here.... Ryker,' Kieran thought, as a cold glint flashed in his eyes.