Killing Ryker

'You'll die here.... Ryker,' Kieran thought, as a cold glint flashed in his eyes.

Oblivious to what was about to happen, Ryker walked into the alley, with his hands in his pockets.

He was wearing a luxurious purple colored tunic that had a crest of two crossed swords, it was the Xaren Family's crest.

He was also wearing purple colored tight fitting pants that perfectly complimented his purple colored tunic.

Together with that, he was also wearing a purple colored cloak that was fluttering at the moment.

Then he matched them with a pair of boots, and a hat that almost completely covered his black hair.

Ryker was observing the alley as he continued walking. Finally, he stopped, and turned to look at Kieran who was just staring at him.

"So, start talking," Ryker said.

"I just have to make this work," Kieran muttered, as he revised his plan.

If it worked, then he would successfully kill Ryker discreetly.

"The thing is, he was at the other side of the alley some moments ago," Kieran said.

Ryker suddenly squinted his eyes after hearing what Kieran said.

"You mean Kieran was here some moments ago?" Ryker asked.

"Yes, he was waiting for you, I'm sure he's there somewhere," Kieran said.

"Hmm...." Ryker muttered.

He really wanted to know what Kieran wanted to tell him, so his curiosity got the better of him.

He even forgot the fact that "Kieran" said he wanted to tell him something about someone he knew, and not to show him someone he knew.

Since Ryker was so curious about what someone like Kieran who he usually bullied would want to tell him, he walked to the other entrance of the alley, and started looking around to see if he would spot Kieran.

At this point, his back was facing Kieran who certainly had his own plans.

"He's not even cautious around me," Kieran thought. "He has the mindset that someone like me wouldn't be capable of doing anything to him, which is why he's comfortable turning his back on me."

Though, it wasn't really a sensible thing to do, especially when around someone he didn't even know, but well, it was all in Kieran's favor, so who was he to complain?

'Hmmm, I don't see him anywhere, or does he want to beg me to stop insulting him?' Ryker thought.

'No, the King won't even allow him to leave the palace, except he sneaked out which is quite impossible.'

As Ryker was having these thoughts, he didn't know that Kieran was slowly walking towards him from behind.

Since he couldn't see Kieran anywhere, he decided to tell this "boy" called Lan to look for him.

But as soon as Ryker turned, he suddenly saw the boy approaching him with his hands behind his back.

'Shit.....he noticed me. He wasn't suppose to turn back now,' Kieran thought.

He would've gotten to Ryker faster if he ran, but Ryker would've noticed him immediately due to the sound, so he could only walk carefully, and now, Ryker had turned back.

Yes, Ryker was dumb, but the way he saw this boy approaching him was certainly suspicious.

And that made him remember something.

"Hey, you're suppose to tell me something about Kieran, right? So, start talking," Ryker said as he stared at Kieran.

The look on Ryker's face made it clear that if Kieran didn't say anything now, there would be trouble, but what he didn't know was that Kieran was prepared.

Seconds later, Kieran still didn't say anything, and this was Ryker's limit.

"So you were just toying with me, huh?" A frown suddenly appeared on Ryker's face as he clenched his fists.

If not for the fact that Kieran already knew that Ryker wasn't that strong, he would've probably been afraid by now.

And he could also see that Ryker didn't undergo any change like height, or voice, so he knew that not much time had passed since he died, and that meant that Ryker's strength was still the same.

"Aghhh, you think you can play me, and get away with it?" The anger was already evident in Ryker's voice, and he was already at his limit.

Instantly, with an angry look on his face, Ryker dashed towards Kieran who was standing still.


Kieran stared at Ryker, watching him closely. Ryker was fast, but Kieran could follow his movement.

"He can use the Earth Element, but he's probably not going to use it now," Kieran muttered.

The fact that Ryker was underestimating him was a huge advantage, and he would use it well.

As expected, Ryker didn't use his Earth Element, and he finally reached Kieran.

Instantly, he swung his right fist towards Kieran's head with immense force.

Of course, there was no way someone as weak as this boy could dodge the punch, or so Ryker thought.




Ryker's eyes suddenly widened in shock as the unexpected happened.

Kieran could follow Ryker's movement, so before the punch could hit him, he prepared himself, and quickly ducked, dodging the punch.

This happened, due to the fact that he could follow Ryker's movement.

"" Ryker muttered.

Another dumb move. His punch missed, and instead of attacking Kieran again, he began contemplating how his punch missed, and that gave Kieran the needed chance.

Kieran suddenly released his right hand, which he had been hiding behind his back

Before Ryker could even realize....


"Ugh....." Ryker groaned as he staggered backwards.

"Ahh.....ahh.....what is this? Sand?" Ryker continued staggering, because he couldn't see.

When he was busy searching for "Prince Kieran" at the other end of the alley, Kieran used that time to pack a handful of sand.

He knew that he had to defeat Ryker wisely, if not, he would be the one to die.

Now that Ryker couldn't see, due to the sand that was in his eyes, it was time for Kieran to carry out the last part of the plan.

"Just will it, and it'll happen."

Those were the exact words the system told him, and it was time time do it.

Kieran instantly thought about the Lightning Spear Skill, he just imagined that he wanted to use it, and then.....

[Ability Energy: 8/10]



A spear that was made of Lightning appeared on Ryker's right hand.

Kieran didn't know what to feel after seeing the Lightning Spear, but that could wait, he would sort out his thoughts later, but for now, he had to complete the quest.

The Lightning Spear was letting out low buzzing sounds, and Ryker could hear it, but he couldn't see it.

"W... wait, what is that?" Ryker muttered.

He didn't know why, but he felt that a threat was approaching.

Instantly, he raised his hand, towards the source of the buzzing sounds, and then...


A brown spike formed in front of his hand, and it was instantly launched towards Kieran.

Because he couldn't see, his aim wasn't accurate, and he missed.

Slowly.... Kieran walked towards Ryker, with the Lightning Spear on his right hand.

"Wait... don't come closer...."

Fear was evident in Ryker's voice, and he started moving backwards.

"All the pain you caused..... I'll payback tenfold...." Kieran muttered.

"Wait...who are you....?" Ryker asked, his voice shaky.

Kieran didn't reply until he finally reached Ryker, and stood in front of him.

Kieran stared at Ryker with a cold look on his face.

"..... Kieran....."

"Huh? K-Kieran....wha...."

Before Ryker could finish talking, Kieran interrupted him.

"You know, you were pretty happy bullying me, but now, I'll be very happy killing you," Kieran muttered.

Ryker was about to scream for help, so that his guards would come to his aid, but he would've done that a long time ago.

Now, it was too late.

Before Ryker could scream, Kieran raised the Lightning Spear, and stabbed his chest.

*Spark* *Spark*

Ryker's body kept convulsing as the electricity traveled round his body.

Because of the electrocution, he couldn't scream.

Kieran's cold eyes were fixated on Ryker, there wasn't even a single ounce of pity in his eyes.

He kept looking at Ryker untill the last moment, and Ryker finally fell down on the floor..... Dead.




No, the only thing that Kieran felt was..... satisfaction.

But then.....

[Ryker is dead]

[You have completed the quest]

[Rewards will now be given]

[You have gained.....]