Two years had passed since that fateful night when Emily's boyfriend was brutally murdered. Emily had tried to move on with her life, though the trauma of that night still lingered. She had thrown herself into her studies, distancing herself from the memory of the gruesome murder. Morgan had remained by her side, the ever supportive friend, carefully hiding the darkness within.

Emily eventually met Alex,a charming and kind-hearted guy who seemed to bring the light back into her life. Alex was patient, understanding, and genuinely cared for Emily. Their relationship blossomed slowly, and Emily once again found herself falling in love. Morgan watched from the sidelines,her anger and jealousy festering. She had hoped that after all this time, Emily would finally notice her feelings. But instead, she saw Emily happiness with Alex as another obstacle to be removed. The sight of them together reignited the dark rage within her.

Morgan began to follow Alex, just like she had done before, she meticulously studied his routines, learning every detail of his life. This time, however,her plan would be even more gruesome. One evening, she followed Alex to a secluded part of the campus where he often went for his nighty jog. As he ran, Morgan trailed behind him,her heart pounding with anticipation. she had brought a bag filled with tools of torture, each carefully selected to ensure maximum pain.

When Alex reached a particularly isolated spot, Morgan made her move. She struck him from behind with a shot gun causing him to collapse to the ground, convulsing in pain. Without giving him a chance to recover, she dragged him into the dense woods nearby, where no one would hear his screams. She began by binding his hands and feet with barbed wire, ensuring that every movement would cause excruciating pain. Alex tried screaming for help, but Morgan gagged him with a rag soaked in chloroform, dulling his senses just enough to keep him from passing out.

Morgan took out a pair of bolt cutters and began to work on his fingers, one by one, severing them with precise, deliberate cuts. The sound of bones snapping and Alex's muffled screams echoed through the trees. Blood pooled around his hands, soaking the ground beneath him. Next, she used a scalpel to carve " REVENGE" into his skin, turning his body into a canvas of agony. She took her time, savoring each cut,each scream. When she was done, she poured salt into the wounds, relishing in his renewed cries of pain.

To finish, Morgan pulled out a blow torch, she ignited it and brought it close to Alex's face, watching as his eyes widened in terror. She slowly moved the flame across his skin, burning and disfiguring him beyond recognition, the smell of burning flesh filled the air, mingling with the scent of blood and fear. Satisfied with her work, Morgan ended his suffering with a final, brutal blow to the head with a sledgehammer. Morgan felt a rush of adrenaline as she stood over Alex's mangled body, savoring the twisted satisfaction of her deed. She was about to start cleaning the scene when she heard a twig snap behind her. She turned sharply,her heart pounding. In the dim light, she saw a figure standing at the edge of the clearing frozen in shock.

It was jake,a fellow student who often took late night walks to clear his mind. He had stumbled upon the horrifying scene and now stood rooted to the spot, eyes wide with terror. Morgan's blood ran cold. She couldn't let Jake escape. If he told anyone what he had seen, her carefully constructed facade would crumble, and she would be caught. Without a moment's hesitation, she lunged at Jake, but he was already turning to run.

"Jake wait!" She shouted, trying to sound desperate and frightened. "It's not what it looks like!". But Jake didn't stop. He sprinted through the woods, branches tearing at his clothes and skin. Morgan chased after him,her mind racing. She couldn't let him get away. Jake's breath came in ragged gasps as he fled. Adrenaline pushing him to run faster than he ever had before. He could hear Morgan crashing through the underbush behind him, relentless in her pursuit. He knew he had to find help, but the campus seemed so far away.

Just as Jake reached the end of the woods, he stumbled, falling hard to the ground. He scrambled to his feet, but it was too late. Morgan was upon him, tackling him to the ground. They struggled, but Morgan's rage and desperation gave her the upper hand. She slammed his head into the ground, dazing him. "Why couldn't you just mind your own business?" She hissed her voice filled with venom. "Now I have to get rid of you too.

Morgan dragged Jake back into the woods,his weak attempts to fight her off,growing fainter. She was methodical, ensuring that no one would ever find him. She tied him up and gagged him, then returned to the scene to finish cleaning up Alex's body. She worked quickly, erasing any trace of her presence.

Hours later she returned back to where she had left Jake,who was now fully conscious and trembling with fear. Morgan's face twisted into a cruel smile. "You shouldn't have seen what you saw, Jake". She pulled out a syringe filled with a lethal dose of a powerful sedative."This will make it quick", she lied, knowing it would only make him more compliant. Jake's eyes widened with terror as she approached. He tried to plead through the gag, but Morgan was unmoved. She injected him watching as the drug took effect, his body going limp.

Morgan made quick work of hiding Jake's body deep in the woods, burying him in a shallow grave. She covered her tracks meticulously, ensuring no one would ever find him. After three days the news of Alex's and Jake's death spread like wildfire. The night Jake and Alex had gone missing, their roommates had informed the police about their absence and the police had immediately started searching for them, which took two days before they found their bodies.



