In the Chaos that ensued,no one suspected Morgan of being the infamous "midnight slayer". She kept a low profile blending in with the concerned students. It was their last year of college, and the pressures of finals and graduation were at an all-time high. Amid the turmoil, Morgan's mind was focused on her next target: professor Mathew, the teacher who had given Emily poor marks and stressed her out relentlessly. Graduation day arrived, a bittersweet milestone for many. The campus was alive with joy and celebration, but Morgan felt nothing but cold determination, she planned every detail meticulously, ensuring that this final act would be her most gruesome yet.

After the ceremony,as families and friends celebrated, Morgan slipped away. She knew professor Mathew would be in his office, finishing up some last-minute work. She had observed his routine and knew he always stayed up late, even on special occasions like this. Morgan entered the building,her heart pounding but her hands steady. She carried a bag filled with the tools she would need. When she reached professor Matthew's office, she knocked softly. He looked up surprised to see her.

"Morgan, what are you doing here?", he asked setting his pen down. "Needed to talk to you about my grades", she said, stepping inside and closing the door behind her. Professor Mathew sighed."it's graduation day Morgan. Can't this wait?"."it can't,she replied, her voice cold and emotionless. Before he could react,she lunged at him, injecting him with a powerful sedative. He tried to scream, but she gagged him quickly, tying him to his chair. As he began to lose consciousness, Morgan laid out her tools, a twisted smile on her face.

When professor Mathew came to,he was bound tightly, his eyes wide with terror. Morgan stood over him, holding a scapel. "You made Emily's life miserable", she whispered "and now you're going to pay". She worked quickly, making precise, shallow cuts, to maximize his pain while ensuring he stayed conscious. His muffled screams filled the room, but the building was deserted. No one would hear him, she took her time, relishing every moment of his suffering.

Morgan began by slowly peeling back the skin on his forearm, layer by layer, exposing the muscle and sinew beneath. Blood oozed from the wound, and professor Matthew's eye rolled back in agony. She paused to let him regain some semblance of consciousness, savoring his terror. Next, she moved to his legs, slicing into the flesh with methodical precision. She targeted the major nerves, ensuring that every movement set waves of excruciating pain, through his body. His muffled cries grew weaker, but the pain in his eyes was unmistakable.

As she worked, she spoke softly, recounting every instance of his cruelty towards Emily."You gave her poor marks", she said, cutting into his thigh. "You stressed her out", she continued, making another incision. "You ruined her life", she finished driving the scalpel deep into his abdomen. Professor Mathew was barely conscious now,his body a bloody, mutilated mess. Morgan knew it was time to end it. She pulled out a large knife, raising it above her head,"This is for Emily", she whispered, plunging the blade into his heart.

She watched as the life drained from his eyes, then calmly cleaned up, wiping away any traces of her presence, she left the building, her heart pounding but her mind clear. She blended back into the crowd of graduates, walking across the stage to accept her diploma with a calm smile. She felt an exhilarating sense of accomplishment. The Rush of adrenaline from what she had just done still coursed through her veins, but she knew she had to keep her composure. The applause from the audience seemed distant and surreal as she stepped onto the stage. She accepted her diploma with a firm handshake and a nod to the principal,who had no idea about the dark events that had transpired moments before. Morgan's smile never wavered as she posed for a photo, the flash of the camera capturing her moments of triumph.

As she descended the steps, she glanced around the auditorium, scanning for any signs that someone might have seen her. Her heart pounded in her chest,but everything appeared normal. Parents and friends cheered for the graduate, blissfully unaware of the blood that had been spilled. Morgan made her way to the exit,her movements deliberate and measured. She had planned every detail Scrupulously, and now it was time to disappear. She slipped out of the building and into the cool night air, feeling a sense of liberation. She walked briskly to her car,parked a few blocks away, and got in taking a deep breath as she started the engine. The night was still young, and there was much to do, she had to clean herself up,dispose of any evidence, and get far away from here.

As she drove, her mind wandered to Emily."This was for you", she whispered to herself, feeling a surge of satisfaction. She had avenged Emily,now they could finally be together without any shadows looming over Them. Morgan arrived at the small apartment she and Emily had picked out weeks ago. It was their sanctuary,a place where they could start fresh. She parked the car, wiped out any traces of her presence, and hurried inside. Emily was waiting for her, eyes wide with excitement. "How was the ceremony" she asked, pulling Morgan into a warm embrace. "It was perfect", Morgan replied,a genuine smile on her face.

"I'm just so glad it's over. Now we can move in and start our new life together". Emily beamed,her eyes sparkling with happiness. "I can't wait. Let's get everything unpacked and celebrate tonight". Later that evening,they decided to go out to a local bar to celebrate their new beginning. The bar was lively, filled with people celebrating the end of the school year. Morgan and Emily found a quiet corner and ordered drinks, toasting to their future. As the night progressed, the bar grew more, crowded and noisy. Emily went to the restroom, and Morgan watched her weave through the crowd. She took a sip of her drink, feeling a sense of contentment.

Suddenly, she heard a commotion near the restroom. Morgan's eyes narrowed as she saw a drunk guy harassing Emily, grabbing her arm. Emily looked scared, trying to pull away, but the man wouldn't let go.Without hesitation, Morgan pushed through the crowd, her blood boiling with anger. She reached Emily just as the guy tried to pull her closer."Let her go!" Morgan shouted, her voice cold and commanding.The drunk guy turned, his eyes glassy with alcohol. "Who are you to tell me what to do?" he slurred, tightening his grip on Emily.Morgan didn't waste any time. She grabbed the guy's wrist, twisting it hard until he yelped in pain and released Emily. "I said, let her go."The guy stumbled back, rubbing his wrist and glaring at Morgan. "You'll regret this," he muttered, but he backed away, disappearing into the crowd.

Morgan turned to Emily, who was shaken but unharmed. "Are you okay?" she asked, her voice softening with concern.Emily nodded, her eyes wide with gratitude. "Yes, thank you. I didn't know what to do."Morgan wrapped her arms around Emily, holding her close. "It's okay. You're safe now."They decided to leave the bar, the mood for celebration dampened by the encounter. But as they walked home, hand in hand, Morgan felt a renewed sense of determination. She would do whatever it took to protect Emily and ensure their happiness.That night, as they lay in bed, Morgan whispered, "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."Emily smiled, snuggling closer. "I know. And I love you for it."For the first time in a long time, Morgan felt truly at peace, knowing she had done everything to safeguard their future together.

A/N: I think this is the longest chapter yet 😭 😭😂 ♥️♥️