New Mod?

Nothing eventful really happened during my few weeks here, I died a few times, lost some levels, lost some armor, get new armor and levels, and the cycle repeats. I managed to get enough levels to make some Iron Armor and fun fact, I have 11 hearts now.

The way I got them wasn't pretty though.




Flashback no Jutsu

Fuck!! NOOOOOO!!


I got killed by the Blight Zombie for the 4th time already, I have been fighting it in this dark and wet cave for hours on end, I needed it's heart crystal though to get extra health for where that twisted god is going to send me next.

And so, I came back, again and again, whitling it's health down little by little. I got used to the state of combat as I repeatedly ate dirt. Sometimes, I even landed a combo before I ultimately died, until finally, I killed it with a swing of my saber, severing the Zombies head.

Powered by this victory, I pushed on, killing more Blight mobs, I got better and better at fighting Blights as time went on until at the end of my impromptu grinding, I could fight one head on with some experience points in Attack and Defense.

I finally got enough to craft the heart container, and I fucking needed eight stats in Magic to use it.

My grinding promptly continued, I have spent my levels from the Blight mobs into Defense, allowing me to wield Iron Armor so I needed more. Thirty-six levels to be exact.

Good thing I got some XP Tomes before I started though, getting levels in Minecraft is exponential so what XP Tomes allow you to do is to store up to thirty levels of your experience which you can get back with a simple thought for more efficient levelling.

And after grinding for several days and killing hordes upon hordes of mobs, I got the experience needed. I quickly upgraded my Magic to level eight using all my experience, and I crafted two Heart Crystals actually, I got some extra shards from my extra nights of grinding. and finally I activated them which gave me two extra hearts.



Flashback end

It's been a few days since I got two extra hearts and I needed to progress even more, I need enchantments.

Enchantments would allow me to upgrade and make my equipment stronger. I have some Diamonds but I also need Obsidian, Paper, and Leather. I need a LOT of Paper and Leather specifically to craft bookshelves.

If you place bookshelves one block away from your crafting table then you get stronger enchants. Good thing the cost were reduced due to some Bookshelves in the Village but I still needed some more.

So I made a plan, I would create a Sleeping Bag so that I could sleep during my expedition. I would then explore the surrounding area for a Lava Pool, Sugar Cane or any Mob that would give Leather. I would also look for Dungeons and Battle Towers that I could take on. I wanted some extra protection so I crafted a Summoning Staff.

The Summoning Staff would allow me to summon a creature that I've studied or I've been near to for a long time, which was the Aegis. I've spent hours finding this man so he could take care of my problems.

Oh, a horde of Mobs chasing you? Find the Aegis. You need a heart crystal but you don't want to get hurt? Find the Aegis. The point is that I had enough knowledge of the Aegis to summon him just because the sheer amount of times I came to it for help. Now, I could summon my own Aegis to help me.

Okay, enough of the Aegis, I was on this Expedition for a half a day already, I found a lot of Sugar Cane and Cows which I killed for Leather, I also decided to test the Summoning Staff on a group of Zombies, Skeletons, and Spiders. They were absolutely destroyed.

A couple Battle towers were also spotted which I decided to loot while I was here. I only decided to conquer the first nine floors and not the tenth because of the Tower Golem. This thing might wake up all of the sudden and blast me with Fire balls. I got some trash here and there but the Most important things that I found were some Ozzy Liners, Some Diamond gear, Glowing ingots, and Experience Bottles.

Ozzy liners were for keeping me at a stable temperature. Winters in Rlcraft are brutal. Diamond gear was actually not that special because there was already some in the village, Glowing Ingots are for crafting strong Artifacts and Trinkets and Experience bottles, well it's in the name, it's for experience points.

Overall, this adventure was very lucrative, I think its probably time to return before I die and lose all this loot. And according to my thoughts, I returned back to the village and finally crafted the Enchanting Table. I deposited my items inside my chests and fell asleep and woke up to a Panel right in front of my face which scared the sh*t out of me, not gonna lie. 

[ You're halfway through! fifty more days to go, as a reward for having less than 100 deaths when by all means you should, you can get a random mod added to your game. Congrats! ] 

[ Spin the Lottery? Yes or No ]

I quickly assessed the pros and the cons. If a Mod like Crazy Craft get's added then I'm dead a million times over. If I get a mod that gives me OP armor though, I would be set and would never die again.

After deliberating my chances for a while, I decided that it was worth the risk and internally slammed the Yes button.

A classic 2d lottery wheel suddenly appeared in my vision, the only difference was this one reached up to the skies due to how many Mods there were. It started spinning, slowly picking up speed, showing countless Mods which I read as fast as I could.

There were Cave Dweller mods, Gun Mods, Mods that would infect and destroy my world, like the Wither virus. I prayed as it slowed down over time until it landed on something.

The Mowzies Mobs.

Pretty Interesting, It adds a couple Boss Mobs that drop unique items. They are very weak however in the world of Rlcraft. The only useful one that I can think of is the Ice Crystal from the Frost Maw. It would probably allow me to take down flying mobs the same way Iced Dragonbone weapons can do so.

Other than that, this Mod doesn't give any real value. It's still better than getting those world ending mods though so I'm not complaining.

Authors Note: If you have the time and patience then please comment on my chapters or leave a review, I'm not advertising this in any social media platforms so I need that algorithm juice. You can also leave constructive criticism on how to improve this novel