Constructing a Base( Part 2 )

I needed an Avian saddle if I want to ride this Ventoraptor or any Avian Mount. The problem though is how hard it is to craft one. I needed Troll Tusks, Troll Leather, Stymphalian Feathers, and a regular Saddle.

Troll Tusks and Troll Leather are easy to get, you just need to find cave, wait for Trolls to spawn then spam them with Aegis. Trolls were gigantic green skinned mobs that wore a loincloth and wielded a tree trunk as a weapon. They were extremely tanky, each one holding up to fifty hearts.

The Saddle is also easy to get, it is a common drop in Dungeons and Battle towers. The only hard part to get is the Stymphalian Feathers which you get from Stymphalian Birds which spawn in Swamps. Stymphalian Birds were bloodthirsty carnivorous birds that killed by firing their metallic feathers as projectiles.

This defeats the whole purpose of me taming my Ventoraptor. I tamed it so that I could ride it and find a swamp faster but I can't ride if I can't find a swamp. Why does the world f*cking hate me so much.

I guess I just have to settle for a regular ass horse. I quickly raided a nearby Battletower that I found and found a Saddle. After that, I tamed a horse and found out that it was slow as hell so I killed it and found another one, this time a whole lot faster. This horse had a lithe figure built for speed, it's skin color was brown with silver spots, it also had a normal looking brown mane that lined it's head all the way to it's back.

Riding horses in this world was probably a lot smoother in real life. I didn't have my bum battered as much as I thought it would. The horse I had was also extremely fast. I measured it's speed to be a whopping fourteen blocks per second. With this extreme speed and a atlas that I crafted, I mapped all the areas that i saw with extreme efficiency.

This mapping didn't go as smoothly as planned however, I had a few encounters that almost got me killed.

One time, I almost got blasted by a dragon in the air with it's fire breath, good thing I had a fast horse. One time, I was restocking my leather canteen with water and a Sea Serpent jumped out of the water. The point was that you should never let your guard down in Rlcraft. It will beat you back into humility the moment you gain some form of power.

Anyways, before long, I found a swamp biome where I set up a temporary stone hut. I fell asleep there for the night and woke up the next morning to hunt some Slimes and Birds. 

The Slimes in this world worked exactly as in the game. As long as I inflicted enough damage then it would split into more but smaller slimes until they die for good and give you slimeballs.

Soon enough I got enough slimeballs and switched my focus onto Stymphalian Birds. Stymphalian Birds hunt in groups and shoot collectively as a group at whatever catches their interest so I crafted a Iron Towershield which covered most of my body, I also crafted my first ranged weapon ever, a Iron-Strengthened Crossbow which will be used if the Birds use a kiting strategy or if they just fly away.

I approached what looked to be a group of Stymphalian Birds, I made a headcount and there was five of them which should be manageable. I spawned in two Aegis which I aggroed onto two of the birds by shooting them both using my crossbow.

Before they could retaliate against me, they got distracted by the Boys in Blue which left three for myself. They fired their feathers in a symphony, not giving my shield a break. What they didn't account for though was the fact that I had two hands.

I used one hand to hold the shield and the other to fire crossbow bolts at them. Before long, I dropped all of them and helped my Aegis with the last two. Agile mobs were the weakness of the Aegis because of it's method of travel was levitation.

Clearing the remaining birds of prey was pretty easy, I just needed to nail them in the wing and they would go down into the clutches of my Summons. Before long, they were wiped out and I collected the spoils of the battle.

Some Iron Nuggets and thirteen of the Feathers.

After I collected the drops, I went back to my base using the help of my atlas. The atlas in Rlcraft is basically a better Map, you can jot down locations so that you won't get lost in your travels.

With the help of the atlas, I got back to the village in the same day. I crafted some Sticky Pistons, and finally, a Avian Saddle. I was originally gonna put this on my Ventoraptor but a Roc would be much better, It would be better to resist the temptation and save the Saddle for a Flying Mount. So that's what I did.

I stored the Saddle into a Chest and began the construction of my Base. I constructed a entire row of Furnaces which I used to smelt Cobblestone into regular Stone. After I got enough, I used the Stone to craft Stone Bricks which would make up the main structure of my Base.

Polished Granite and Andesite will also be used to add some Variety. I used Wood sparingly and only for decorations because it is weak and would be penetrated easily by Mobs. 

I dug a twenty by twenty block hole which will be used as the main hub area. I also dug hallways that connected to other, smaller rooms that were seven by seven. These rooms would have specific uses. Some would be used for smelting, some for enchanting, and more.

The main hub however will be used to display all my achievements. My future dragon skulls, trophies, and Items of value.

And so that's what I did, the digging part took at least two days. The building with the stone materials took one, and the smaller details and finally after three more days to finish the decorations, I stood in the main hub of my base, proud of what I have built. 

The base was finished at day seventy nine. There's only twenty one days left before the world jump. The only thing left to do is get back to the grind.