Chapter 28: Great People Have Said...

Uchiha Sou stared at Yuhara's Mangekyo Sharingan, feeling a mix of excitement and helplessness. The excitement came from the fact that the Uchiha clan had gained another Mangekyo Sharingan, significantly boosting their strength. However, the helplessness stemmed from Yuhara himself, who was both immensely powerful and incredibly dangerous. If it were just his power, they could offer him benefits and try to gradually win him over. But Yuhara's vision and mindset were something even Uchiha Sou had to admire. With such a person, Sou had no choice but to listen and observe carefully while formulating a strategy.

"I don't know how much Shisui told you, but what I want to say is that the clan must change," Yuhara began, as Sou pondered sorrowfully.

"The clan needs to unite," Yuhara continued. "This is what I told Shisui, and now I'm telling you. The division among you has made it impossible for the clan to function properly. We can't even respond to Konoha's aggression. Uchiha Fugaku, despite his good intentions to maintain stability, is indecisive. He seems unaware of the clan's current predicament and what it truly needs. Think about what Fugaku has accomplished as clan leader."

Yuhara didn't repeat everything he had told Shisui, but instead prompted Sou to think. After all, Sou was an elder with much more experience within the clan compared to Shisui.

"Indeed, under Fugaku's leadership, the clan..." Sou sighed, his thoughts drifting to Fugaku's many failures.

"The clan has deteriorated. Look at where we live now, driven to the village's edge," Yuhara continued. After the Nine-Tails incident, Konoha was devastated and needed rebuilding. During the reconstruction, they pushed the Uchiha to the outskirts, inciting dissatisfaction and strengthening the hardliners. The growing split between Konoha and the Uchiha only intensified this.

"However, we can still communicate with Konoha. Shisui is in the Anbu; we can build a bridge..." Sou began, but Yuhara interrupted.

"You're too naive, elder," Yuhara said, shaking his head. "You should remember the Second Hokage's era, and Uchiha Kagami was among you. I admit, the Second Hokage accepting Kagami as a disciple gave hope, but did it truly? What's the purpose of the Police Force? If Shisui can't see it, haven't you figured it out after all these years?"

Yuhara's question left Sou speechless, his eyes wide with shock. He couldn't answer this, nor could he afford to.

"With the Police Force in our hands, along with Konoha's propaganda, more conflicts between Konoha and the Uchiha will arise. Even if we perform our duties well, Konoha controls the narrative. When the Police Force became our private property, Konoha's contempt only grew. Shisui and Itachi are both caught as double agents. Has this approach truly worked?"

Yuhara paused, watching the trembling elder, who had closed his eyes. Yuhara didn't know what Sou was thinking, but he felt in control.

"If you succeed, what will you do?" Sou finally asked, opening his eyes filled with bitterness.

"Tell me, let this self-deceiving old man see what Shisui sees in you."

"My ideas are straightforward, and I've been clear about them," Yuhara said, shaking his head at Sou's state. "The clan needs unity. Shisui asked what I'd do as clan leader. I told him I'd consolidate all our forces, aligning everyone's thoughts. I know your concerns, but I assure you, I've never intended for the clan to fight Konoha. I know a war would destroy us. However, constant compromise won't save the clan either. A great person once said, 'If you seek peace through struggle, you will find peace; if you seek peace through compromise, you will find destruction!'"

Yuhara's serious tone and determined gaze intensified his words. "After consolidation, I'll set our goals and political demands clearly. Every clan member will know our aims and limits. Konoha will know what we want and what we can't accept."

"Seek peace through struggle, not compromise..." Sou was shaken by Yuhara's words, though he didn't know who originally said them. Reflecting on their futile compromises, Sou realized the truth in Yuhara's statement.

"I think I understand," Sou finally said. "One last question: how do you plan to make Konoha hear us?"

"Besides a firm stance, I have a few small tricks," Yuhara replied with a smile. "We have the Police Force, which gives us both power and blame. What if we turned it into Konoha's Police Force, involving all clans and civilian ninjas? Everyone would share the power and the burden."

"Then, our voices would spread throughout Konoha from within the Police Force. Would the Third Hokage dare continue scapegoating us?"

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