Chapter 29: Courtesy Before Force

Under the silver moonlight, Yuhara slowly walked out of Uchiha Sou's room. He was unsure of the outcome of their conversation. Although Sou seemed shaken, making a final decision would be no easy task for him. This faction of the Uchiha was a united interest group with a common belief system. It's hard to say if they were the ones who refused to follow Uchiha Madara when he left. Changing their beliefs was not an easy feat. They were not like Shisui, who was still at an age where he could recognize and correct his mistakes.

Even if they knew the truth, invisible forces would push them forward, making it impossible for them to change course. They could only continue down a dark path. Perhaps their beliefs wouldn't allow them to change; after holding onto their convictions for a lifetime, changing because of a few words would be too unrealistic.

"After all, everyone has some persistence, even if it's wrong. Just like how I know it's strange to like legs, but I still can't change it," Yuhara muttered to himself. As he stepped outside, he saw Shisui waiting at the door, bringing a smile to his face.

"Thank you," Yuhara said as he approached. "You could have rested a bit before starting."

"There's no time to rest. The clan's situation keeps me awake," Shisui replied seriously. "I heard your conversation. Yuhara, you're incredible!"

Yuhara couldn't help but find Shisui's earnestness amusing. He had no desire to get involved in such messes. If not for being forced by this system, he might have already fled Konoha, finding a quiet place to hide. He could be sunbathing and reading *Icha Icha Paradise*, or fishing by the river, leading a relaxed and carefree life.

Instead, he found himself dealing with conflicts with the Hidden Cloud and Hidden Mist, acting as a political mentor to Shisui, teaching materialist dialectics, and even being a spiritual guide, giving motivational speeches. He had to come up with plans, meet with elders, and discuss the future. It was all so chaotic and troublesome. If not for his own survival, he wouldn't care at all.

"It's nothing extraordinary. It's all for the peace of the clan and the stability of the village," Yuhara said, though inwardly he was dissatisfied. "But as I always say, balance is crucial. Overexertion leads to breaking. Learning to rest is essential."

"Well, I might have to return to the Anbu in a few days," Shisui sighed. "Once back, my time will be limited. Even if I want to leave the Anbu, it will take time to process, which is why I'm so anxious."

Yuhara knew how busy the Anbu missions were. Shisui and Itachi often disappeared for days, sometimes weeks or more. With the clan at a critical juncture, Shisui's return to Anbu would leave him unable to handle many matters or witness Yuhara's actions, heightening his anxiety. But this was his choice, and no one else's fault.

Yuhara had considered more direct and violent methods, like opening the Mangekyo with Shisui and killing those who didn't listen, forcing Fugaku to step down. The Uchiha had a tendency to submit to force, so maybe this would solve the problem. But even if they gained power this way, forcibly subjugating everyone wouldn't work. Shisui's approval and the backlash it would create were concerns. Using force might get results but wouldn't earn genuine loyalty.

That's why Yuhara avoided this method, even though it seemed effective. If it were years ago, before the Nine-Tails incident, with Orochimaru still in the village, Yuhara might have taken action and blamed Orochimaru. During the Fourth Hokage's time, Uchiha relations were better. But now, everything had changed, and he couldn't proceed the same way.

If Yuhara acted like Danzo, cold and arrogant, constantly using force, it would provoke resistance. People dislike living in fear, and it's not about strength, but human nature. "And such methods wouldn't win hearts and minds. Without unity, what's the point of a revolution? The Mangekyo isn't omnipotent," Yuhara thought, realizing why he still followed the rules.

Of course, if things became irreparable, he wouldn't hold back. His life was tied to the clan's fate. He couldn't let them mess up, risking his own survival. If they died, so be it, but if he died, it would be a huge loss. If Konoha planned to annihilate them, Yuhara might as well do it himself first, at least making them martyrs for the clan's future strength.

With this resolve, Yuhara's determination solidified. He had plans, but after meeting Sou, he was more certain. As the saying goes, "Courtesy before force." If reasoning failed, they couldn't blame him for taking action.

"Handle the Anbu matters as you see fit. If you decide to leave, then do so," Yuhara said after a moment of thought. "Thank you, Shisui."

"I will. I'll handle it well," Shisui nodded seriously. Watching Yuhara walk outside, he asked curiously, "It's so late. Where are you going?"

"I want to test my sword skills and abilities. Want to be my sparring partner?"

"No wonder you're so strong, training so hard. Sure, I'll report back and join you."

"I'll be at Training Ground Three. Oh, and bring a ninja sword for me."

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