Chapter 3- Unfinished words

Shen Gui's determination burned like wildfire. Only a fool would stay in their dreams even if it means by spending years. Is it one of those plot twists where the main character falls asleep, finding someone in their dreams and ended up loving them, where in the end he'll wake up?!!?

He let out an exaggerated gasp, choking from the air right after. This must be a total joke made by the gods!!!

Oh wait, that sounds rather odd. His head turned back to face the creature behind, taking in his appearance.

Although he had met a ton of beautiful men in his life, this man's like those type of art in a museum that nobody pays attention to. As if though he's only beautiful to his painter, but not the audience, where a people couldn't interpret the painter's purpose of painting the art.

Say, maybe... modern art? Shen Gui let out a light chuckle whilst keeping his gaze to him, making things uncomfortable for Fuxiao to move.

Damn, is this idiot a creep by chance? There's no doubt though.

Shen Gui observed him for a good time before he averted his gaze to his steps. If Fuxiao was a nature, he would be the vibrant field of flowers with mists draping the ground while the golden rays of sunlight passes through the rifts of the surrounding trees. Only that it would cause a hurricane without the gale.

But that still doesn't mean he slept with him last night, right?

He doesn't even know if his willy would still work as it only works for peeing, let alone getting an erection from an oral presentation, or whatever it's called.

Shen Gui grunted, meddling through his memories once again. How can recalling be so freaking hard to control? He is a man with good memories, but why does he have to forget such an eventful night?!?

Just why now?!!!??

Fuxiao watched the other rubbing his curly hair into a messy broom that no one would dare to touch, finally having the conclusion that Shen Gui truly is an idiot.

As their journey plays through the depths of the painted dark-green forest, they have encountered countless of harmful creatures, stimulated upon Shen Gui's preying existence. The sun has risen above the horizon, they still haven't eaten yet. Surely, Fuxiao has been depleted ever since the night he nursed this annoying human.

Despite his dainty energy, it seemed like his stomach was begging to be filled, malfunctioning the strongest parts of his body. Shen Gui's legs trembled, feeling the tricks of his hunger yet sensing his steps were lurching the more he drags Fuxiao with him. Alas, for a big man like him, his body couldn't maintain the energy without any nourishment that'll fortify the fat muscles, thus he stumbled on the ground, his foot entangling with the hiding root from the ground.

Whilst he was falling, he traced where the root was connected tanving thing. He spotted the tree with odd curves on its trunks, maybe that's what caused its roots to embed on the surface than the underground. If that tree were to talk, it would snicker with its back facing Shen Gui, planning another mischievous act.

His eyes landed back on the ground.

So... This is the end? The end of the world? It ended when I lost, your love~

Shen Gui slowly closed his eyes, waiting for his destiny to come. Don't worry, ancestors. I will meet you.

With a loud thump, the ground shook from this idiot's weight. No one knows how much he weigh, but that surely did tell them otherwise. Fuxiao's feet vibrated from the collision, his wandering eyes snapped off, turning back to what's in front of him. Shen Gui's body was already digging a shape on the soft soil, planting himself with the tree's root that was crawling on his foot.

Dear, if this idiot could make the trees twenty meters radius around him vibrate from a mere stumble of his body. Fuxiao gasped; then how far did this idiot had fallen from that day?

Anyhow, Fuxiao's eyes sparkled with glistening stars; wishes have been answered, and his revenge is finally achieved from the stupidity of this idiotic man. He doesn't even know how to manage himself from getting overly excited, he had this problem keeping his self-control from dominating him. His lips that were only served for eating and talking bad to other began to quiver from the held back laughter.

Really, who is that fool that doesn't watch their steps while walking?


Okay, but atleast his body could stay alive without the necessity to eat. He doesn't even want to make an eye contact with him, averting him gaze elsewhere as to avoid any sorts of shamefulness. Though Shen Gui's case is much more worse than him. A sneer a day should hurt like an ant's bite.

"Laugh and you'll wake up with doodles on your face," threatened Shen Gui.

He sat up from his position, patting on the ground his body imprinted. Every single detail of his features were really stamped on the ground, surprised by how the ground was mocking him too. He couldn't bear it no more and desperately clung on his clothes to prevent himself from crying. A sheepish smile started to form on his lips, hoping that this creature would listen to him at the very least.

Fuxiao caught a glimpse of Shen Gui's pathetic form, washing himself with his growing pride once again. He bent down, placing his hands on his knees, "I'm sorry..." His words carries an apologetic tone, trying to coax this idiot with a triumphant grin. A gleam of embarrassment was clear upon those azure, blinding eyes.

Maybe he should use those eyes to refract any reflected light from his pool.

With that act of kindness, Shen Gui definitely wouldn't buy on that little apology, he wanted to scream "Fuck you" at the top of his lungs without hurting this creature's feelings. He heaved out a deep sigh, letting out all of his convulsed muscles as if it would work. "Like you are apologetic? Damn brah, have I really shamed by tripping you like how I was?"

The phrase was telling Fuxiao otherwise, and he can't let this slip easily.

"Fortunately, I don't understand."

Shen Gui's face was atleast tolerable to look at despite looking confused. "Huh? Whad'yu mean? I thought it's the same rhyme as your language," he tilted his head.

Fortunately? Boy are you on drugs or something? Shen Gui thought, rubbing his chin with another odd gaze to the creature.

Fuxiao's eyes twitched as a glint of light passed through, choking on his own spit after understanding Shen Gui's fast mumble, "It's not, it's not like every beasts have to learn the human's..." He spaces out a bit, "Education," said Fuxiao, clearly hiding something so obvious towards Shen Gui.

It's not that everyone Shen Gui meets has to be smarter than him, but the fact that he met an unknown person with zero knowledge of education smells like he's winning an artificial trophy, "No one would say that, unless if they skipped periods or they didn't actually go to school. Nonetheless, it sounds like you're a preschooler trying to deny the punishment of education."

While waiting for an answer, Fuxiao gave him a scratch on the back of his head to and fro; his gaze avoided Shen Gui's claim. He doesn't really know, all he had remembered was that he woke up in a cave with a large circular rift above him that has allowed the pigmented sky to descend upon the gloomy ambience of the cave.

Wasn't that cool though? Somehow, he could feel a piercing gaze on him, so he whistled away the awkward silence enveloping their atmosphere.

Shen Gui stared at him for a long period, mouth gaping on the latest reaction. His patience slowly grew thinner the more Fuxiao's whistles elicits a nice tune. It is nice, but avoiding a question was not nice.

Fuck the name of Newton, I will kill myself with chlorine and bathe in with running electric device on the water for double kill.

Sometimes, urges can be so difficult in times of digging for an answer, like this fucking creature as an example. Meeting someone with an IQ of a peanut, is like seeing himself through a body-sized mirror. How long must this go on for him to suffer?!?


Just whyyy??!!!!

Shen Gui raised his palm and waved off the blankness of the creature's face, "You could've just told me you were illiterate. I've sworn that you–Uhm... Are you alright?"

His concern turned deaf ears to Fuxiao, he seemed really dazed by the fact that he was illetrate.

Meeting another silence, Shen Gui crossed his arms, propping his hand under his chin: he could either slap this man out of daze for laughing at him, or he could just pat him to reality regardless of violence. Gods may have favored his sanity for his intrusive thoughts might live against his privilege; although he had just met this man, how could he build his boundaries typically with the man whose life hasn't entwined with his yet? 

Just as Shen Gui was about to speak, Fuxiao blocked his mouth with his hand. Shen Gui's nose flaring up from the sudden action.

"I may be 'illiterate' or whatsoever, but everybody have their own flaws, don't they?" He chuckled like an owl, trying to brush of that fact off of him as he scratched his head once again, his gawky chukle growing fainter the time Shen Gui's thick brow bridges up.

Shen Gui removed his hand, eyes staring back at Fuxiao for confirmation,"You don't know what's a school, don't you?"

A long, unrestrained sigh escaped his mouth as he nodded in guilt. Shen Gui, however, smiled as if he knew something anonymous that shouldn't be known to mankind. Regulating glee tries to escape from his mouth, but he shook it off anyway, snatching away Fuxiao's hand to stand up to pull him deeper into the forest, seeking guidance from this creature.

"Whatever it may be; if you're comfortable, be free; if you're not, speak free. I judge not for the innocent nor the sinner," his words lifted up Fuxiao's spirits, prompting him that no man is born similarly.

Was he even considered as a man though? Fuxiao clicked his tongue and decided to get swung by Shen Gui. And so, the two doofus trekked the forest; one foreign, one domestic—what could possibly go wrong?


Strolling around this forest is like memorising a map that the child emperor drew. Fuxiao has already counted their steps, and it's approximately farther away from the willow pathway to the town. It seemed like he had missed this part of the forest even though he had visited there countless times.

They reached on a cliff surrounded by trees and blooming flowers; the ledge wasn't barbed, rather, it has a hanging leaves from the corners. The ground has a dense grass, making it impossible for their feet to be seen. This is a great spot for dumping corpses as it burns into ashes.

Fuxiao pursed his lip in thought, nibbling his bottom lip as he glanced back at Shen Gui who is now lying on the ground like he had swallowed a cyanide poisoned food. His stiff body was too much for the ground to hold on, vibrating along with the growls of his stomach. His bones were as though it sunk his flesh from hunger, throat begging to be splashed with water.

"Ugh," Was he pampered with delicacies from his past? Couldn't he bear a slight hunger? Fuxiao rolled off his eyes. That's what he gets from calling him a bunch of taunting words earlier.

"Pahetic," he takes in the sight of the mountains in front of him, the sun moving away from the horizon to the west.

One shouldn't waste this opportunity to watch the perfect sunset, so he dragged the dying idiot's by his foot to a nearby big tree. Also, who would eat raw fruits from a forest they barely known of? But atleast Shen Gui's overreaction warned him that the fruits in there weren't edible.

Nesting below the tree, Fuxiao sat and brought Shen Gui by his side, forcing his head to face the setting sun. They watched the sun set before their eyes, seemingly engaged.

"Mhm, what a sight to behold. Such interesting phenomenon," muttered the creature.

"Nature is such a significant life that would help us through our hard times," Shen Gui's voice was screaming for water, hoarse and raspy. He continued his speech anyway, "I would always have to remember that even the sun wouldn't meet the night time."

Fuxiao's gaze went back to the hungry man, hoping that he would die right then and there.

"So I don't believe that the sun would love the moon if they can't even see each other," Shen Gui's voice died down slowly.

The other hugged his legs, turning his attention back to the setting sun, "Then what do you believe?"

"Haha~ I believe that..." Fuxiao anticipated, "I'm dying from malnutrition in here..." With a dramatic pause, the creature whacked Shen Gui's head, risking the percent of his survival.

The two enjoyed their evening as one's stomach began to growl out of exhaustion. It seems that not only the bodies were worn out, yet their stomachs would complain too for being depleted. Not only did they waste their time chattering, their stomachs are talking to each other too. The two exchanged stunned gazes, realising how much time has passed from their life conversation.

The sky was already painted with the galaxy, stars twinkled above along the glowing presence of the radiant moonlight. The sun has long gone to the other place, meeting the darkness with the moon's presence.

Shen Gui extended his hand to give a light pat on Fuxiao's shoulder, persuading him to fetch some edible meats and some cooking materials that he could use.

It took a lot of to and fro before the creature's arrogance finally subsided into obidience. Who wanted to keep seeing that overly dramatic face plastered on Shen Gui anyway? It's probably the best to leave the scene than keeping the cringiness on his skin tingling him.

As soon as Fuxiao started to fetch the required nourishments and tackles, Shen Gui prepared a campfire with sticks and began to set fire.

"Damn that man; as if anything, we're closer than acquaintances," Shen Gui dissed Fuxiao, while the other kept rolling his eyes from his forced obidience.

Making a campfire without experiencing that "boy's scout's campaign" or something when he was a child was actually quite tricky. Imagine making one without matches; he's glad that his grandpa taught him how to make one though.

"Ahh~" he moaned from another growl of his stomach, falling like a piece of paper down to the ground as he watched the cracking fire. Waiting for Fuxiao's arrival, he stared at the flickering fire; out of dizziness he followed the direction of the fire's movements.

"Heheh... Heheheheh," the idiot started chuckling. If someone were to see him in this state, they'd immediately call for the police.


Fuxiao came back with the necessary materials and replenishments, "Hey I got what you needed master," he grit his jaw, the corners of his lips lifting up to smile, yet it made a horrible "murderous face".

He rubbed the back of his neck not until he was distracted by the idiot's little wiggle while lying on the ground, like how a snack camouflages deeply in the ground just as they slither around.

"Seems like you're out in daze. Do tell, what could you possibly do with these things? I mean- not trying to judge you," but he is, "You–just because you know... I've barely seen men making their own meals aside from those great handed women," if this statement were to fall into the ears of aristocrats, they wouldn't hesitate declaring a dispute, forming an argument between the governments.

Though it seems like his complaints went deaf ears to Shen Gui, so he rolled off his eyes and decided to be quiet. He'd preferably talk to a wall than talking with this dying-from-hunger idiot. Fuxiao placed down the materials on the ground, propping the meats atop.

When he got closer to the campfire, it's radiating heat warmed off Fuxiao's stiff muscles; the fire seducing him into joining with it, he doesn't want to be a fool, but the enticing feeling of his softening muscles is irresistible.

Just as his body shifted in to the bait, Shen Gui began, "Where...?"

Fuxiao was startled as he was brought back to the present. Blinking twice as he shoved the materials with the meats to Shen Gui's face, drifting back to his daydreaming, but he was already feeling a bit ashamed from it.

Knocking Shen Gui's head again, Fuxiao turned away and hugged his legs, burying his face between his knees.

He could befriend this idiot and wait for his time to come for shaming him two times in a row. Talking about it, we're his other friends still alive, or they've wasted their time in useless activities?

It's not like their goals are utterly useless as to their limited time, it's just that they've wasted their full potential into something that doesn't even benefit their lives. Fuxiao took deep breaths, pushing away those thoughts that might lead him back into that current state again.


Every one of creatures have their own purposes of living, it's just that it might have been a bit too late for Fuxiao to realize, but he doesn't really know why he existed in the first place.

Somehow, he would think rather the end of the match than focusing on the battle set right in front of him. He can't even hold his own armors and fight for himself aside from digging corners to trap himself on that hole, hindering his vision from the battlefield. That's why he wanted to know why he was in that hole in the first place, and why was he even in the battlefield for some reason.

The light from the fire illuminated Fuxiao's face; the corners of his lips tugged slightly lower than usual, if Shen Gui was to notice that, he would irrefutably wonder what's the matter. Yet, it seemed like he was the one who was aware of Shen Gui's eyes under the cracklings of the embers.

Do humans' eyes glow a bit too bright when reflected with light, no? His fingers tapped against the calloused edge of the pots he had collected and washed.

Does silence always occur when talking under the ocean?

Shen Gui head nodded unknowingly, showing off how weird he truly is. Well, there's no need for him to prove that since it's already obvious from the first. Fuxiao observed how the materials bent easily from the sheer strength of Shen Gui's hands, his brows furrowed ever so slightly.

Judging from Shen Gui's appearance, everyone could tell that he could make the heavens shed acid rains by looking at him. They should be glad that this person is a total nut-wrecking, brainless idiot that would eat a dirt, thinking that it's a cookie.

Fuxiao rolled his eyes, chuffed that he's way smarter than this idiot that has gone to that educational system and learning nothing. This idiot's movements are so slow that Fuxiao could roll his eyes many times and count them; it's not that he waited there to linger for an incense burned, he had prepared a rod out of sticks from sturdy trees as there were no bamboos in this forest.

He doesn't know why he did that, but his instincts are telling to do so, thus leading Shen Gui to a "brilliant" idea. With the rods to support the weight of the bent pot, he pulled out a jar from his back, leaving the creature in a stunned gaze.

Was he truly a man though?

Once meat turned dark brown, the hygienic plants were speckled; as it released out an aroma, the callected water was then transferred to the pot, making a sizzling noise before it died down. Shen Gui pulled out three small bottles as he mixed them to the pot, stirring. He toppled it with that material he bent easily earlier, letting the food summer for a moment.

With a blink of an eye, he made an odd soup, filling the air with an oddly delicious aroma. Maybe it's just because Fuxiao is hungry, or he is just hypnotized, but the aroma really did make the magic to his stomach.

"It's done," the idiot suggested.


Fuxiao was left speechless with his mouth hanging open. His mind is already spinning from hunger, and this idiot managed to heighten the gurgling on his stomach? Is he truly a man?


Their empty stomachs has already been fulfilled, as their mouths agaped to burp a few. Fuxiao thought, whether or not that was crafted by hands or a talisman was stuck up into the bowl that made his mouth salivate from the sight of it. Nevertheless, he dares not to put his nose under this trivial matter since he's already full.

And then, out of nowhere would he ask, "I'm curious as to how you got your name," murmured the creature.

Of course, the other party would be thrown off guard by the sudden inquiry after that delicious meal, "Pardon?" Shen Gui asked, tapping his mouth lightly with a piece of cloth.

"How did you get your name?"

To put it in a way, it's rather bizarre for someone to ask such a personal matter regarding of their previous acquaintanceship, yet since this guy is not fully a human, and a made up creature of a certain dream, Shen Gui would consider it as curiosity, "My... grandpa? Why?"

Well, frankly, one would get their name from their guardians unless they don't have one; it would be a lie if he didn't gotten his name from his grandparents. A slight nod from the creature would ease out the tension between the space of the man's eyebrows.

"Why?" Fuxiao would proceeded to continue the conversation and the topic,


"Why?" He asked again, the honey-colored eyes would widen as his lashes flicked open.

It would take less than ice cream to melt for Shen Gui to realize. Although, those big eyes would fascinate his view before he would avert his gaze away. Wouldn't it be quite odd for men to exchange long eye contacts?

"Presumably, he once watched a play with the character being interpreted as a noble ghost who, in the end, turns out to be his favorite character."

Based on his story, if his "grandpa" hadn't watched that play, he would claim a different name instead? And yet that name rang a bell inside Fuxiao's ears. A thought came running down his mind, but he shruged it off like a mere dust on his shoulder.

Maybe, if he introduce himself with a proper greeting and explaination of his name this particular time, that would probably be equal, right?

"Even if our names were exchanged, I haven't explained the truth behind my name as much like you did. May I have my part now?"

In trade of his proper analysis, the idiot would nod in respect of his continuity.


Back when Fuxiao woke up in a random cave, he would remember nothing of his identity and everything, but it's strange how he attained such ancient language despite the loss of his memories. With his body being filled with countless scars and a scarce of his energy, in order for him to leave that cave, he would find ways to leave through that rift above him,

Not to mention, he got out of the cave with the use of a long bamboo to jump out through the rift by the time the sun was dawning. He remembered how he had never seen such eye-catching horizon, if not for his mother tongue, then he would've named himself Lan Hong.

The way the creature kept sharing his frivolous stories of how he managed to catch up with the current human's evolution, and how unremarkable human activities were from the animals, shows how good of a listener Shen Gui is.

It's quite surprising that someone was able to catch up on his words. There were ample of evidences that showcases Fuxiao's origination.

Though despite that he lived for over a century in this peculiar world, confirms that he is no ordinary man that fights for no purpose. There was once when Fuxiao happened to stumble across a lavish temple of a god who claimed to hold the virtue and prosperity. So he began to quarrel with some devotees as to why it was necessary to ask for one when they could've just done it while the others kept praying—rambling of how ridiculous it is for them to worship when getting nothing in return, it was truly Fuxiao's character.

The devotees would argue back, making an excuse as it's the so-called being "devoted" to that god, ending their argument by letting Fuxiao know to mind his own business instead of prying onto their placidity.

But Fuxiao, he couldn't accept it.

Infuriated by their brief response, he glared back at them, making them cower in their own shells and wet their pants. And that's how Fuxiao's face was banned out of that place.

Even if that's how that little story ended, Shen Gui couldn't help but burst out in laughter from absurdity the story started and ended.

Once this is put up in a show, there would sure be a lot of audience that would open their mouths wide as their colliding laughter. However, they couldn't blame a man whose knowledge to his origination suddenly vanished.

Shen Gui cleared his throat as he nodded in reply, "How about I'll help you find yourself out while you help me with something else in return, ah?" With a pose pointing to himself, and a wink after that sentence.

"Wait a moment, why would I–"

"Great! Let's settle things up tomorrow and let's get rest!" Shen Gui patted his back lightly and that's when Fuxiao realized that the idiot wasn't actually trying to make fun out of his experiences.

His face paled from the realization, wishing he has the power to redo his past actions, but it was all too late when the idiot began to gather red flowers for a makeshift bed.

From that weird posture and odd wink, Shen Gui was totally oblivious from the uneasiness he had created to the creature.

Fuxiao could feel the ends of his hair standing at their wake, he might even experience a series of that gut-wrenching event just by watching a peculiar gesture from a human being.

Moreover, why is he near a human in the first place???

And second of all, who, in the name of mountain gods,would want to travel with this person?!?


Oh~ That was beautiful at the very least.

Anyway! Since he agreed to this little adventure, then they should probably rest so they can rest for tomorrow's new

"Potential escapade!" Shen Gui returned to his made up nest and hastily uttered a goodnight farewell.

Though, he did start to feel that their paths might cross for a while before he leaves this strange world. But who knows, akin to those cliché types of dramas, there should be a driving force that will make his own emotions and soul tied in this world.

Yeah, yeah, dramas here and there, I want that shit~

He giggled mischievously as he snuggles close to his makeshift rose bed, oblivious to the attention he's gotten from Fuxiao.