Twilight Restless Minds


Once we got home, we smoked the joint out back, ate a late dinner with Mom, and then I headed upstairs to bed. I noticed the rain had stopped. I pulled a cigarette out of the pack, walking out onto the wraparound balcony that joined the upstairs bedrooms. I took a deep drag, savoring the delicious rush of light-headedness and exhaled out, the damp air exacerbating the cloud of smoke. The weed from earlier had just about worn off and I was tired as hell. I liked to take a few minutes at night outside, under the overhang of the roof to just enjoy the solitude. Someone was always talking, and it was rare that I was able to get a silent moment inside my own head. I slid down the brick façade, drawing my knees up to my face, resting my elbows on them.

For the first time in almost a year that I had lived in this house, I noticed a light in the upstairs window of the house down the block. Must be New Girl's room. I could faintly see her image beyond the window, featureless with dark hair in a bun. She gazed out the window for a while and then she disappeared back into the room.

As I snuffed out the butt on the wooden balcony, I noticed her appear in the window again. I gasped and smirked as I realized she was standing there in just her bra and panties, her female curves soft and subtle through the sheer curtain.

Oh, please take it off. Please. Come on…be a good new neighbor. I bit my lip, shamelessly willing her to undress while I debated on grabbing Jazz and Emmett to join me in the show. Jasper would love this. Slowly, as if I was stuck in a dream, she took off her bra, quickly slipping a shirt over her torso. I couldn't really make out any detail, but from what I could see, she had a great set.

I decided not to intrude on this girl's privacy any longer than was necessary out of respect for Charlie Swan, who had been nothing but kind to my family. Besides, the last person's shit list I wanted to be on was the town's Chief of police, retired or not.

I waited just a few more minutes before I retreated into the house, clicking off the lights, and having my way with the new girl before we had even been properly introduced.

Moving On

I've dealt with my ghosts

And I've faced all my demons

Finally content with the past I regret

I've found you find strength in your moments of weakness

For once, I'm at peace with myself

I've been burdened with blame

Trapped in the past for too long

I'm moving on

Moving On ~ Rascal Flats


I woke with anticipatory butterflies in my stomach. Sitting in front of the small lighted mirror on my bathroom vanity, I lightly layered on cover up to conceal the little bruise on my nose, and did my makeup as usual. Not knowing how to manage it in this weather, I pulled my long hair back, clipped it up, put on a head band and then gave up completely, realizing that the rain would inevitably make any effort futile.

However, once I emerged from the bathroom, I discovered that the sun was shining brilliantly that morning. Sunshine was a rare and much welcomed emergence in Forks, and I took it as a sign from above that it would be a good day. When Charlie told me to have a nice day, I turned back, realizing I forgot to take my pill in the excitement of getting ready. That would have been a huge mistake. I'd likely be huddled in a ball in the corner of the lunchroom shaking and foaming at the mouth.

Alice was waiting outside on my front steps at seven on the dot. Her eyes widened when she saw me and I watched her scan me from head to toe.

"What?" I asked, looking down at my outfit in confusion.

"Nothing…you look…trendy," she said, looking at my boots with a resigned sigh. We got into the car and I turned on the radio.

"Alice, you are more than welcome to borrow anything of mine whenever you want," I remarked, making a mental note to ask my mom for a care package of the newest arrivals in Alice's size. Her grin spread ear to ear. Alice's parents struggled financially for as long as I could remember. Her mom was a nurse and her dad had worked at the boat docks in Port Angeles, until they divorced and he moved out of state when we were seven. Whatever money he sent, Alice's mom stowed away for college, determined that she would have a career to support herself with and not to have to rely on a man for sole support.

"Hey can you put down the top?" she asked, as I reversed out of the driveway. I nodded and obliged, letting the convertible top down. It was still seven in the morning, and there was a definite chill in the air. I blasted the heat and took off down the road smiling to myself that I was glad I hadn't bothered too much with the hair after all.

"Hey, I love this song!" she squealed, turning the volume up against the noisy wind. The two of us sang cheerfully to the lyrics, bobbing our heads in unison. Then the chorus streamed in, Alice and I belted out the words loudly, dancing in our seats, laughing and being silly. It felt so good to giggle with a girlfriend again. I was certain that it was going to be a great day.

As I turned into the school parking lot, I couldn't help feeling a little self-conscious, as everyone gaped and stared as I pulled into an empty spot. The last thing I needed was for everyone to think I was some rich snobby girl from LA, because really, I was far from that. Alice held her head up with a cheery grin and waved at some of the kids as we passed. As she opened her door, a car came screeching into the spot next to us forcing her to pull back the door abruptly.

"Watch it, Xanax!" A male voice called out of the window of the shiny black sports car.

"Hi Jasper!" she cheerfully replied. I walked around the back, slinging my pink bag over my shoulder. "Jasper, meet Bella Swan."

I lifted my hand in a half-wave to the hot blonde guy departing his car, while Alice continued to ramble on nervously. He tucked a wiry lock of chin length hair behind his ear, before he extended his hand out to me and said, "Hey, I'm Jasper Cullen. That's my brother, Edward." He nodded his head back toward the car where Edward was climbing out the passenger side. I tore myself away from Jasper's piercing blue eyes as Alice's words from the previous day held my attention. I was more than a little curious to get a peek of the gay, quiet psychopath that was supposedly Edward Cullen.





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