Twilight Restless Minds


I did the timid, half- bored wave thing again, but Edward just nodded curtly, quickly darting his eyes away from me, and skulked toward the school. "Nice meeting you…" I called after him. He turned slightly to glare at me before continuing to walk briskly ahead of us. I didn't see much of his face before he bolted, but he slid on a black leather biker jacket over his tall, lean frame, walking with a cocky arrogance that I recognized all too well.

Ahhh… the quintessential Bad Boy.

"Don't mind him; he's trying out the brooding, mysterious thing." Jasper smiled.

Not interested anyway, thank you very much.

In the short time it took to walk from the parking lot to the school, Jasper must have asked me a dozen questions. And Alice answered all of them for me in her chirpy voice. She obviously had a thing for Jasper by the way she kept laughing nervously at nothing particularly funny. She also stared up at him in sheer awe like he was a rock star while he spoke, when she allowed him to get a word in edgewise.

He was very sweet and definitely good looking, but totally not my type. He had this sort of surfer/ all American boy next door with an edge thing going on, and while that was fine, I found myself automatically attracted to the jock type with the letter jacket and the football tucked under one arm. Every girl we passed checked Jasper out, after they all had given me the once over. To them, I suppose I was competition. But all I wanted was to get through the school year without shedding tears every seven seconds, not steal their boyfriends.

I had to keep reminding myself to breathe and look down at the ground, in an effort to evade the gaping eyes and to not trip over anything in my path.

Brush it off Bella, they are staring because you are a novelty, not because they know anything about you. Hell. Six schools in five years…you would think I would have gotten used to all the attention by now. I'll never, ever get used to being stared at.

I felt like I was on display, or more like a goldfish in a glass bowl with big scary faces gaping back. By the size of the school and that fact that everyone knew my name before I had even introduced myself, this would not be a school in which I could hide. I did recognize quite a few faces, but could hardly remember names. Six schools in five years made names and faces one big blur. The last time I had seen any of these people was when I was twelve, but aside from evident maturation in obvious places, my old classmates looked generally the same.

When we got to the main building, I left Alice and Jasper, heading into the office to register and get my schedule. The first two periods were fine. I was able to get through them without any anxiety attacks, near catastrophes, or bodily injuries. My heart did race out of my chest at the beginning of each class, and the blatant stares didn't help my paranoia, but it was okay. I survived.

Alice and Jasper were both in my first period American History class, and I was thankful that I knew someone. I didn't sit near either of them, but it wasn't like that made a difference. The teacher, Mrs. Goff, was definitely a hard ass and clearly did not tolerate any bull from her students. She practically threw the textbook at me and demanded that I read the first two chapters by Friday.

Second period Spanish -level three was an easy A for me. Senorita Carmen was a sweet lady with chubby cheeks and an obvious Hispanic heritage. The class work seemed relatively easy. I was enrolled in a few Advanced Placement classes, because I had done some of the junior class curriculum as a sophomore last year in California. And since it was late September, I had already missed three weeks of notes and lectures, but I still knew what the teachers were talking about.

As I walked into my third period geometry class, I immediately noticed the leggy, sultry stunning blonde perched on her desk. Her eyes met mine and she stopped mid-sentence, her mouth dropping before forming a huge smile.

"Bella Swan, you hot bitch!" She screamed as she scrambled off the desk toward me. We hugged, eliciting a ton of unwanted attention from the class, before she stood back to examine me. "You look amazing! What a difference a few years makes!"

Rosalie Hale was never one for subtlety, but she always meant well. I knew I looked different from the last time I was here. I used to be an awkward, scrawny little girl with a frizzy bob haircut and no clue. Time had given me better hair, a considerable amount of confidence, a sense of fashion, and really freaking awesome boobs.

Before the teacher could get the class convened, Rosalie and I caught up briefly and then she tossed some mop-haired kid out of the chair next to her in order to give it to me permanently. In truth, it was such a comfort to know that the friends I had as a child welcomed me back enthusiastically with not only open arms, but equally open hearts. I was grateful beyond explanation.

For fourth period English, I had a hard time finding the class, as it was in the back of the building and the classroom numbers had been scratched off all the doors. I immediately grew nervous, sensing my throat constrict and the beginning feelings of lightheadedness that accompanied panic. I hated this feeling and even though the medication helped, I was sort of stuck in this anxious limbo whenever I was faced with something that made me nervous.

I took a few deep breaths as I leaned against the wall, trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Please not now, please. Breathe, breathe…

"You okay?"

I looked up to see the most gorgeous pair of pale green eyes piercing through me. His voice startled me and it took a moment to gather myself.

"Um, yeah, just sort of lost. Room 317?" I squeaked, gesturing to my schedule.

Edward pointed down the hall and jerked his head in that direction as if to say, "Follow me." His face remained expressionless while he strode into a classroom a few doors down as I followed behind. He took a seat in a desk by the window while I handed the teacher my schedule. The teacher informed me that the class was taking an exam on To Kill A Mockingbird for the duration of the period, so she instructed that I read the first few chapters to catch up.

My curiosity got the best of me. Occasionally, I peeked over at Edward, just two seats away from me. He never looked up from his test paper and never raised his eyes.

When the fifth period bell rang, I met Alice and Rosalie in the cafeteria at their semi- filled lunch table. After we attempted the lunch line, they introduced me to Jane and Angela, who sat with them. Jane was a tiny thing with an angelic face and silky black hair, and Angela wore funky glasses and looked trustworthy; like she could keep all of your secrets and be everyone's best friend. I noticed that Rose and Alice both had their chairs angled at the table where Jasper, Edward and five other boys sat just across from us.

Alice lowered her head and whispered, "Okay, so the big, hot, delicious one is Emmett. Usually he leaves early with the other seniors but he's hanging out here today for some unknown reason." Alice rolled her eyes at Rosalie, making it obvious as to the reason Emmett was there.





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