Twilight Restless Minds


Rosalie glared at me sideways pointedly uttering, "And he's mine."

I held up both hands in defense. "He's in my Spanish class, I think," I said, vaguely remembering his face from the back of the class.

"The smaller, cute one is Alec," Alice continued. "The one with the spiky hair is Mike, who is our resident man-whore. He will sleep with anything…I mean anything. He has got to have at least five of the eleven STD's. You don't want to get within two feet of him, Bella. Crabs tend to jump." Rosalie scoffed, making an arcing motion with her fingers. I was semi- impressed that she knew how many types of sexually transmitted diseases were available to contract. Knowledge like that had to take research or experience, I decided.

"That's Tyler and Ben. Ben and Angela are in love." Angela giggled across the table. "And you met Jasper and Edward this morning. That's anyone that is important. Well, except for Edward, even though he's gaspy, he's a complete waste of time." Alice waved her hand in disgust.

"That's it?" I said disenchanted, with a sour face. "Seven worthwhile boys in the whole school? And two who are apparently taken; one who's a sexual biohazard and the other who is a social misfit? Wow, talk about limited options."

Not that I had any intention of rounding up a boyfriend any time soon, but a decent selection for the future would be nice nevertheless. Highly disappointing.

"Oh, there are a slew of hot seniors, but apparently Seniors don't have relationships with underclassmen. They just want to screw ..." Rose said in a tone that was highly acidic, if not scornful. Alice shot a grimace at me, which clearly meant to change the subject. I took it as a sign that Rose had personal experience with this.

"Uh…what's gaspy?" I took a bite if bagel.

"Gaspy. It's like 'dreamy', but only a verb. Like he's so hot you have to gasp when you see him," Alice explained.

"That's not a real word, Alice," Rosalie scolded, as she pointed to each table slowly identifying each one. "Nerds and Geeks…Jocks…Kick Line… Emos and Goths…Band…Skanks…The Cullen Boys and Us. That's it. Everyone in this school is mostly just a waste of air," she said indifferently, biting into an apple.

At the mention of Kick Line, Alice stuck her finger down her throat with a gagging sound, and when Rose said Emos and Goths, Jane muttered, "Trashy vampire wannabes," from across the table.

I glanced over at the table Rosalie labeled as Skanks, and noticed that Lauren Mallory and Jessica Stanley were amongst the faces I recognized. There were two other girls, a blonde and a redhead with big boobs sitting with them.

That, however, was the part of high school that I loathed. The labels…the groupings…the fact that if the Goths and Emos sat at a lunch table with the Nerds, the universe would implode. It was all annoying and socially limiting.

Jasper caught me looking over at their table and winked. I rolled my eyes at his overtly sexual gesture and he laughed. Alice shifted uncomfortably in her chair at the noticeable exchange, and I was happy to avoid any further awkwardness when the bell rang. She and Rosalie matched my schedule against their own and we found that I had gym with Alice, Rose and Angela last period. I was practically doing back flips for that. As we emptied out of the cafeteria, Emmett approached Rosalie, holding her behind the group to talk to her. They made a really stunning couple, if in fact they actually were one.

I checked my schedule for my next class and found that I had to go all the way across the building to the science wing for Biology. I was already running late.

Mr. Banner motioned for me to sit at the empty lab table to the right of the class. I sat there at the table alone, completely irritated. It kind of annoyed me that I had to sit by myself, considering I knew we were had lab work and without a lab partner that just sucked. I was the squeamish type for certain. I was not about to cut a frog open unassisted.

Mr. Banner began to write notes on the board, so I took out my crisp new notebook and began to copy with the only pen I could find in my bag. It had a hot pink feather puff on the end of it.

The door opened, and in loped a sopping wet Edward Cullen. "You are tardy, Mr. Cullen," Mr. Banner scolded. Edward muttered something to him, handing Mr. Banner a soggy piece of paper before walking swiftly to his seat…right next to me.

And the Bad Boy is my lab partner...fantastic.

As he sat down in the stool beside me, he didn't even bother to glance over. So I said, "Hey," and he turned slightly and muttered an annoyed, "Hey," in response. I

nodded and thought to myself, friendly little sucker. I could smell the strong odor of cigarettes and new leather mixed in with his cologne and the dampness from the rain that had settled on his clothes. It wasn't unpleasant, and I found I rather enjoyed the scent of Au de Derelict.

I took my notes, my hand cramping up from the excessive writing. Thanks for the carpal tunnel, Mr. Banner.

Once the bell rang, Edward sprinted up out of his seat and disappeared out the door. How weird. Study hall was held in the upstairs part of the library where everyone was expected to be silent. There was a sign in sheet monitored by a teacher who looked like a Rastafarian, immersed in a newspaper. I signed in, asked for the bathroom pass and went to hide in one of the back stairwells, while I called the number on the business card that Charlie had given me.

I never ditched class, but really, it was my first day, so what the hell was I going to study?

I spoke to Billy, who talked briefly about how he couldn't believe that I was a teenager already before he informed me of the requirements and details of the job. It was just as Charlie had said, I would dress up, go to the birthday party, hand out lollipops, wave and jump around like an idiot and then go home. It sounded easy enough, and the best part was that although the parties were right smack in the middle of a weekend, it was only two hours from start to finish and he was paying in cash.

I would make a killing for two hours of work, way more than the other staff received. But seeing as how I was his closest friend's daughter and all, he was willing to give me a higher salary. We agreed that I would come in on Saturday afternoon to accompany one of the other girls to a party to see how it was done, and then I could decide if I wanted the job..





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