I will make the person who did this to me pay

"Sunny!" a guy called out urgently to Nikky's friend, his voice thick with concern. "Your friend Nikky fell into the water. Was she drunk?" he asked, but Sunny brushed past him, her heart pounding with dread as she searched for Nikky.

"Where?" Sunny demanded, urgency coloring her tone as she hurried towards the gathering crowd.

"Call 911," Sunny implored someone nearby, her hands trembling as she fumbled for her phone. The ambulance arrived swiftly, and paramedics swiftly whisked away Nikky, unconscious and pale, to the hospital.

At the hospital, a doctor emerged from the emergency room, scanning the faces of the gathered crowd.

"Who are the parents of this girl?" the doctor asked with gentle authority.

"We are," Nikky's parents replied, their voices tight with fear.

"Please come with me," the doctor requested, leading them to a private room.

"Have you noticed anything unusual in your daughter lately?" the doctor inquired gently.

"Yes," Nikky's mom murmured, tears welling in her eyes. "She's always been different. She doesn't feel pain when she's hurt," she admitted, her voice trembling.

"Have you sought medical advice for this?" the doctor asked kindly.

"No," Nikky's mom confessed, her hands twisting in her lap. "We never thought it was necessary."

"I'm sorry to tell you, your daughter has a serious condition known as congenital analgesia," the doctor revealed gently, his expression sympathetic.

"Oh, no," Nikky's mom gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "My poor girl."

"Don't lose hope," the doctor reassured them, though his words felt hollow against the weight of their worry. With a brief apology, he hurried off to attend to another urgent case.

"Thank you, Sunny, for calling us," Nikky's dad said quietly, his gratitude tinged with sorrow.

"It's nothing, sir. Nikky means the world to me," Sunny replied softly, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.

"What did the doctor say?" Sunny asked, her voice tight with anxiety.

"Nikky's in a coma," Mom choked out, her shoulders shaking with silent sobs.

"And he said she might not wake for more than a year," Mom added, her voice breaking.

"What!" Sunny exclaimed, disbelief and grief crashing over her in waves.

"The person who did this to Nikky will pay," Sunny vowed fiercely, her hands clenched into fists.


**At Mike's Mansion:**

"Sir, mission accomplished," the manager informed Mike with a mix of relief and apprehension.

"Was it clean? Did you leave any evidence?" Mike's voice carried a hint of urgency.

"Yes, sir," the manager replied, his tone steady but tinged with underlying loyalty. "I did this for you because you're more like a son to me," he added quietly.

Mike nodded, his gratitude evident as he embraced the manager briefly.


**A year later at the hospital:**

Sunny entered Nikky's hospital room, her heart heavy with worry and hope as she gently wiped away tears and adjusted the blankets around Nikky. When she finished, she rested her head on Nikky's bed, overwhelmed with relief and fear.

Nikky's hand moved, and she slowly opened her eyes. Sunny, suppressing a sob, looked up in disbelief at the sight of Nikky awake. She rushed to call the doctor, her voice trembling with joy and disbelief.

"Doctor, doctor!" Sunny's voice cracked with emotion.

The doctor hurried to the ward. "How many fingers do you see?" he asked Nikky gently, his demeanor a mix of cautious optimism.

"Two," Nikky whispered weakly.

"Welcome back, ma'am," the doctor said softly before quietly leaving the room.

Sunny couldn't contain her happiness. "I'm so happy, Nikky. I missed you so much. You're finally awake," she managed to say through tears, her voice a mix of relief and concern. But Nikky only stared back at her, her expression distant and confused, unable to recognize her.

Heartbroken, Sunny left the room and headed straight to the doctor's office.

"Doctor, what's wrong with my friend?" Sunny's voice trembled with fear and frustration.

"I'm sorry, madam. According to today's test results, your friend has lost her memories and may be unable to speak for now," the doctor explained gently, his eyes reflecting sympathy.

"What? Doctor! How?" Sunny's voice rose in anguish as she clutched at the doctor's coat.

"But with proper care and medication, we can help her recover," the doctor assured her, gently prying her hands away.

Sunny's tears flowed freely as she returned to Nikky's room. Opening the door, she found Nikky sitting up, looking bewildered.

"Nikky, NO!" Sunny's voice broke. "You shouldn't move. You're still very weak. Please, lay back down," she pleaded desperately.

"Who are you?" Nikky asked softly, her voice a mix of fear and confusion.

"What?" Sunny was stunned. "She can speak? But the doctor said..." Sunny's thoughts raced, grappling with the sudden twist.

"This is incredible," Sunny managed to say as she rushed back to the doctor's office.

"Doc," Sunny gasped as she entered.

"My friend isn't mute after all; she can speak," Sunny said breathlessly.

"Wow! That's unexpected," the doctor exclaimed, his face showing a mix of surprise and relief.

The doctor and Sunny hurried back to Nikky's room, where the doctor conducted another quick examination.

"How are you feeling now?" the doctor asked gently.

"I don't feel any pain. Why am I here?" Nikky blurted out, surprising both Sunny and the doctor.

"I need to leave. I don't know anyone here. They're all strangers," Nikky said anxiously, starting to remove her IV drip.

"No, you can't do that," the doctor intervened urgently.

"But why?" Nikky's voice quivered. "Please tell me why I have to stay here when I feel fine," she pleaded sadly, attempting to get out of bed. Suddenly, she collapsed.

The doctor swiftly attended to her, guiding her back onto the bed and reattaching the IV.

"Let her rest for now," the doctor instructed before leaving the room.


**A month later:**

"We're your parents, dear," Mrs. Shone said gently.

Nikky stared at them, her expression blank.

"But I don't know you," Nikky said quietly, her voice tinged with confusion and sadness.

"It's because you've lost your memory," Mrs. Shone explained tearfully, her heart breaking.

"What? Me? Oh no!" Nikky's cry was filled with anguish and disbelief. "I'm sorry I don't recognize you, Mom and Dad," Nikky said, her voice trembling with a mix of sorrow and guilt.

"It's not your fault, dear," Mr. Shone reassured her softly. "The one to blame is the person who caused this, the one who hit you and fled," he added with determination.

"We'll find that person," Mr. Shone vowed.

"They did this to me. I'll find them and make them pay," Nikky muttered angrily, wrapping her arms tightly around her parents. They shared memories from Nikky's childhood, looking through a photo album, their laughter mingling with tears.

As they prepared to leave, Nikky walked them out.

"Nikky, wait!" A Granny called out, Nikky had helped her in the past, she was grateful for that, halting Nikky in her tracks.

Granny handed Nikky a ring with a sparkling diamond at its center. Nikky accepted it gratefully.

"Take this, my dear; it's worth a fortune. Use it when you're ready to pursue your dreams," Granny said kindly.

"Thank you, Granny," Nikky said, embracing her warmly. "I'll never forget you," she added, pulling away with a determined smile.

Nikky gazed at the ring in her hand. "With this, I have the means to do anything," Nikky thought to herself.

"The person who did this to me will pay," Nikky vowed angrily, walking confidently to rejoin her parents.