Intriguing Combatants

I couldn't help but laugh out loud at her antics. She was jumping over a few steps a relationship should take before arriving at marriage, but I imagine she was eager to secure the bag.

"Thanks for the offer, it's very sweet of you."

"So that's a no…" She sighed.

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about. I will find you later."

Her eyes lit up once again as hope returned. "Sure, you know where I live!"

Our conversation came to a halt and with that, I refocused my attention on the fights going on. Once Iris was done massacring her 'opponent' a few new faces came from the side of the champions. There was a twin blade wielder who stood out in particular, as well as a large cleaver wielder and a mage who unlocked the rare ice element, becoming a Cryomancer.