Second Round

The first round soon came to a close, evidenced by Vex delivering the news of what the next part of the event would entail. They certainly made this tournament into a strange one…

"Well then…! The mage Malachai's daughter, Selene Cross, is the only rat girl who restored her honor and is allowed to partake in the rest of the tournament! I just hope daddy dearest won't get killed by the parents of the many youngsters his daughter murdered by her extreme act of treachery, hehehe!" 

I glanced at the man and saw that Selene most certainly didn't warn him of how she got to the final round. He was completely sidelined by the news. He now had ashen features and due to Vex's words, stood to leave. He was sitting between his associates, some of whom likely lost their child on that day, so he was fearing for his life, or perhaps he just didn't like the vibes.