Shocking Revelations

"Yes, but you shouldn't think of elven males like you do of human females. Instead, you should compare them to male ants. They work their short lives to serve their queens and then die. To us, they're just sperm donors and convenient tools, it's incredibly rare for feelings to develop because we know they will all die before we even get our first wrinkles. Traditionally, we even stop treating them like partners. My father was not involved with my mother."

I glanced at Sylvaris, expecting her to rush to the man's defense, but she offered no rebuttals, meaning that Seraphiel wasn't overly rude with her statements.

"How come you don't know this? It's common knowledge." Jasmine asked. There was no mockery in her tone, just curiosity.

"It's time?" Seraphiel asked as her lazy comfort slowly transformed into excitement.

"I guess so. Can I leave the honors to you?"