Seraphiel Vaelorith! Behave yourself!

Seraphiel was still comfortably seated in my embrace, so her mother was within arm's reach. She reached out and gently lifted her mother's head from the ground.

"Mom, don't do this. You shouldn't be so submissive toward your future husband, it sets a bad precedent. This cocky guy will take advantage of it for sure."

… Huh?

"Uhh… What do you mean?" I asked apprehensively. My sexy healer was known to utter some truly insane lines, and I felt like the next one was coming up right about now.

"My mother is very young, not even 300 years old, but that only means she will die slowly. She is the second most important person in my life, I don't want to lose her."

"I'm only the second?!" Sylvaris demanded with disbelief as she straightened herself from her genuflecting posture.