Hiroshi Nakamura, an unassuming librarian, is accidentally transported to the magical world of Ethos. Labeled a "Null" due to his lack of magical affinity, he is banished to the wasteland. However, Hiroshi soon discovers that he possesses an extraordinary power – the ability to nullify all forms of magic.
With the help of a cunning rogue named Anya and a rebellious princess named Elara, Hiroshi becomes a symbol of hope for the oppressed Nulls and a threat to the ruling elite. He unwittingly disrupts the established order, thwarts assassination attempts, and even tames a dragon.
As Hiroshi's powers grow, he learns to embrace his destiny as the Guardian of Ethos. He faces numerous challenges, including a battle against the king's forces, a hidden threat from ancient times, and a plot by dark mages to seize control of Ethos.
Through it all, Hiroshi remains humble and kind, using his power to protect those he cares about and bring peace to the land. In the end, he returns to his own world, forever changed by his extraordinary adventure.
Something new to this Isekai Genre! Yes it may follow the same story telling as other isekai Novels or Manga, this one has a different vibe to it. I don't know if the writer can keep it up or not but I will be looking forward for next chapters! great job as I see this is your first WebNovel✨
Characters need a bit more depth... Almost good... just work on some points and It can be a good hit💝
Needs More work.. Has potential. I don't usually leave a review but this one has the potential to grow. It's up to the writer if he can give it his best or not. Good luck!
Nice story Well done Waiting for next story chapter Keep going
The written quality is so good. And the main carecter is depth.. You can feel him.and the scenery details are awesome..😊 I am in chapter 3 and it is getting interesting..i can think it is gonna be a well written journey. But here main carecter suddenly found female lead and who is pretty.it was unexpected.. Hope it will be a nice journey.. 🇧🇩🇧🇩 ..
AI generated story. This 'author' even deleted my comments where I called him out on it. He tried to shame me and demanded that I prove it was AI generated. When I did, he deleted everything to hide it. If you're that ashamed about people finding out that this is AI Generated, how about learning how to write yourself instead of making use of AI and pretend that you wrote it yourself? To know that you yourself do not have the skill to write it yourself and resort to using AI, then claim that you wrote this yourself before shaming other people for calling you out for it... That's just sad bro.
Reveal Spoiler
Writing 5/5 Story Telling 5/5 Character Placement 4/5 (Could've been better)
great plot what I am getting💝 nice writing💝
currently on chapter 15... loving this 💝🥂
It took 3+ months to plan this story and another 6+ months to start writing. It would be great if you guys left a review🙂🫰
Popped up as recommended! Read it! Loved It! Keep going! Looking for next chapters to arrive!
great on in the isekai genre! will love to see a bit more depth in the story....
What Should I Write? What Can I Write? The story is really good!
Kaito my Favourite🫣 Don't kill him please🥹💝