


I woke up at the sound of a loud bang, I stayed still on my bed which is definitely getting too small for me day by day. I'm pretty sure my mom just got back from work. She thinks I'm oblivious of the kind of work she does, it's a job neither of us are proud of but it's the only way we are able to survive so she says. I want to tell her to quit, I really want to tell her how much I hate her work, especially when the job in particular has gotten my mom and I into trouble a lot of times. I am tired of running, we've been running our entire lives.

We rarely last a year in a town. Once the townies find out what my mom does for a living, we pack our bags in a rush and leave for the next available town. Another louder bang jerks me back to reality, I stand and move closer to where the noise is coming from. As I get closer I hear muffled voices but I can't seem to see who is talking. As I moved closer, little by little I could pick some words.

"I told you …. not want…. see ... .again" a voice speaks out. 'What are they talking about' I come out of the shadows to see mum talking with a woman I don't seem to recognize her I could only see her back "karen go to your room" mom says to me but the woman does not turn to me I notice she is wearing a very expensive outfit and her blonde hair is so full and shiny She looks rich I never knew mom was acquainted with someone like her.

"But mom" I reply "I said go.." the woman cuts mom "don't worry I will take my leave" She doesn't look back once as she finds her way and leaves my sight jamming the door. My mom breathes out.

"Are you okay mom, is there a problem? Do I start packing"

"No this time we are not moving ever" I smile as she moves towards me and hugs me.

I kept on tossing around on the bed. I couldn't sleep. I don't know why I can't get that woman out of my head. The smell of scrambled eggs and bacon wakes me up, my legs carry me to the kitchen in our apartment. "Mom? You're cooking?"

"Sit down" I do as she says as she serves me a plate of eggs bacon and orange juice.

"Last I checked our fridge was empty when did you get time to buy all these" i ask with a mouth full

" What do you mean? I woke up early" she chuckles " for you" she continues " I'd do anything for you, hurry up you'd be late for school"

I get ready and head for school. School was boring as usual, I have no friends yet but who cares about friends. Truthfully I just want to be alone, I don't want to get attached to anyone in case we do end up having to leave.

When I get home, I see the door unlocked which is very strange. Mom is always never at home when I get back from school. I go into the apartment. It's a total mess, it looks like we were raided. I run into my room and I see my mom frantically packing my things into a suitcase.

"Mom, what's going on" I call out she faces me and it looks like she has been crying her mascara is all smeared on her face

"What's wrong mom I thought you said we wouldn't run anymore"

" We have to baby we have too come on why don't you help me"

" No" i shake my head " no mom I'm not leaving, you can leave me here but I'm staying" she holds me roughly

" Don't annoy me, help me with the suitcase NOW!!" She shouts "You do this every time over and over and I'm more tired of you than of running. I can't mom, I'm sorry" I ran out of the house, I do not know which way I took but I kept on running as far as my legs could take me.

Hours later after walking around the neighbourhood it's pretty dark. I make my way back to my apartment. I hear a commotion, everyone is running carrying a bucket of what seems to contain water. I look up to see smoke. I run to the building that holds my apartment which was now covered in flames

"No no no nooooo" i scream "has anyone see my mom" I shout but no one pays attention to me hot tears roll down my eyes ' what I'm about to do is stupid, but I do it anyways ' I race towards the burning house

"Hey…" "don't go in there" "hey" people were shouting but I entered anyway. I hold my breath

"Mom, mom, where are you?" I cough 'arghhh' the house is falling piece by piece. I managed to get to my room. She's on the floor unconscious. "Mom" I run to her

Jerk her up to wake up "wake up mom we have to leave" her head is bleeding she opens her eyes frantically jerks up when she sees fire "th..e..the..the house" she stutters "yes the house is burning we got to go" I help her stand up

As we make her way to the door 'arrggghhhh' a part of the ceiling near the door collapses blocking our only entrance. We are both coughing be profusely now. "Ahhh" other parts of the ceiling come crashing down so we are made to move close to the only window in the room.

The window is quite hot. My mom removes her jacket and uses it to open the window without her hand touching it. I look down from the window "no, I hate heights I can't jump" though we are on the second floor

" You have to baby" my mom looks at me

"I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry for being stupid. It's all my fault" I cry

" No baby, don't say that. I love you" she pushes me out of the house, before I make impact with the ground, I remember seeing the ceiling crash down on her, I remember hearing her cries as she gets burned, I remember seeing her hand stuck out of the window as my consciousness slipped away.

2 Years Later.