She's Beautiful In Black


It's a new day at school, just like every other day, it is not a happy day for every day is a reminder of how much I lost and how much I gained solely from the pity from the community counties and from every old fags, 'forgive my language', who screwed my mother.

Winnie Anderson was not the best and most respectable woman but she was the best mother I could ask for, as my father wasn't in the picture, not that we knew who it was and I have every reason to believe her death wasn't really an accident. They never found the cause of the fire.

Getting close to the entrance, I parked my bicycle ‚brace up my bags and walked towards the busy hallway, by my right ahead I see Dani Jackson, my high school nightmare, "as if, the school ain't rowdy enough, now we take in trash" she says just as her minion, mini danis, laugh demurely. Walking past, I hear whispers as I move towards my locker, I draw my hoodie closer to me and I zip it up as I attempt to ignore them.

"*---she's a killer, I heard" "she

started the fire"

"she's the devil" "she's a ghost, always in black" " her mum is"

I stop and turn towards the insufferable Jen, the gossip mill of the school or should I say head of the broadcasting team, "you were saying" I ask her but she just harrumphed and walked away, I hate them lots cause they just won't let me grieve and they are starting to let me be full of contempt, the one emotion I refuse to surrender to.

The hallway bell rings and everyone scurries to get to class as soon as possible, I get to my classroom, and I walked in, thinking, it's about to be just like any other day, when Grey and Ken walked in, typical Dani suddenly sits up and brightens her face, grey says

"Hey Karen" as usual, they settle in their seats behind me and everything falls in place, I wait for Dani's torment of the day to hit me and on impulse, a flying paper ball hits the back of my head and everyone laughs.

I turn and they shrug, ofcourse, they do but what happened next wasn't expected, the home room teacher walks in with a ray of pink sunshine, like literally clad in all things designer and bubbling pink, its safe to say that she gives me the creeps and then her eyes met mine, she smiles bubbly and "hi, I'm Amelia Punkett, I hope we get along well"

I hate people who are colourful, I hate colours. The fire had affected the psychological side of my brain that liked colours. Bright colours reminded me of the fire and in its early times, it led to panic attacks but now I can manage it, I think.

"Alright, everyone, please make her comfortable " Mrs Francesca, HR teacher said and almost immediately Amelia walked, more elegantly sashaying towards me, "is this seat taken?"

Nope, nuh uhn, she's not taking a seat beside me looking like my worst nightmare, then I turn slightly and I catch all that pink, I recoiled immediately like it's coronavirus.

I mean who likes pink that much, Cherry bubbling nothing upstairs rich brats but something about her seems off and intriguing, like how she spoke to everyone with such calm elegance and how she commands all the respect in the room, how she sits with all the charisma and poise in the world.

I mean not to sound weird but if she wasn't my age, I'd mistake her for our lovely Michelle Obama, commanding so much respect without much words yet her eyes have this icy niceness if I'm making sense, almost like she can challenge my demons in my darkness and win, very weirdly I'm intrigued but then she's clad in pink

The worst of colours

"Would you, Karen?", I lift my head up, not like anyone can see my eyes, the hood is so down, they prolly don't know I'm looking at them now

"I asked if you'd like to show me around?" Amelia asked

Can this Rainbow incarnate please leave me alone

"I'm not really familiar with places on school grounds, i —"

"She's a scholarship student though she's spent two years here. She only goes to three places; cafeteria class and Home wherever that is" okay, not what I'd like to say but thanks Dani for the soiled help, "okay! , and i'm still asking" Amelia says now turning fully to me , making everyone's eyes turn to me.

From my back at the left I hear

"She's not comfortable with showing you around , let Dani do it instead" that has got to be grey, always jumping in my business thinking he's saving me. I turn to look at him and he winks, Egotistical nice boy

Now he's gone and put me on Dani's butcher table

Just before anyone could speak

The bell rings

Second period begins. I stand up and about to leave for my English AP

When Mrs Francisca pops through the door and says

"Hey, Karen, you and Amelia have almost the same classes , care to show her to class"and then she left, just like that, I could feel Amelia's smirk at my back

Great!, just great.

After we were done with English Amelia stuck to me like a blood sucking tick everywhere I went she was there. Until the last class I didn't even know she was not sitting beside me until the teacher for the class started to call our names for attendance. Where could she be it's her first day and missing class in senior year? Not advisable, I stood up when the teacher noticed me.

"Is there a problem Karen?" "No ma'am I really just need to use the restroom" I ask

"For a number 2" a boy at the back whispers loudly and everyone starts to laugh. " Shut up " Grey fires back.

"Quiet" the teacher says to the class turns back to me "You can go, don't take too long" They all start to laugh again

'stupid' I mumbled. I started to look for Amelia. I went to all the places I took her: the cafeteria, the basketball court, the field, the music class, the library. Where else am I missing? I pass by the girl's restroom when I hear noises of someone struggling. I rush in when I see three girls above Amelia, Letisha, Jen, and Tessa. Holding Amelia's head down, into the water closet. Disgusting creatures.

"What the hell!" I snap as they all release her. Amelia looks like a mess. Her clothes are all wet. Her hair is a mess, she doesn't look like the girl that came in looking all bubbly in the morning. The scene triggered something in me. I walked over to them, I could smell the fear in them. If there is one thing I know it's that as much as I get verbally bullied, I know they know they really can't put a hand on me and try to mess with me.

They are all scared, I grab Amelia's hands as I pull her out. I take her to the girls' locker room to find something she could change to. I open my locker and grab a black T-shirt and black pants. Everything I own is black everything I wear is black I can not stand too many colours but this colour in human form named Amelia I think I can stand her.

She collects the clothes from me when she bursts out crying. I would have hugged her but damn she stank "dear, dear it's alright." She started to strip in front of me. I wanted to turn the other way but I couldn't move an inch.

She has perfect perky breasts enough for her size I started to move my eyes down when she raises up her head to look at me our eyes meets for a second as I turn to look at an object 'I don't even know what I am looking at right now'

" I am done " damn she's beautiful in black "I don't think I can face anyone in class right now" she tells me "who said anything about going to class, come on, follow me" we get to the music class and I jump out of the window " where are we going ?" she asks " somewhere"