The Game, tonight?



After that ridiculous excuse for an apology, I stand up and make my way towards Karen.

" Hey " I say to her as I sit on her desk, seeing her up close she gets more and more beautiful each day

" Hi " she responds , that voice, she sounds like milk and honey yet if I dare to take it I might get poisoned.

" There's a game tonight at 6:30 pm after school, you should come, you too Amelia " I turn briefly to Amelia , her smile brightens up.

"Ye.." Karen cuts Amelia " No, I'm quite busy I have something very important to do at home" Karen says

We all know that's an excuse, she's got nothing to do, no parents, nothing at all. She has no parents, literally she has no curfew. I wanted to convince her to come when the bell rings for our first class. I nod and go back to my seat. Dani was fuming all through the class. You could see a smoke coming out from her head but I really don't have her time right now.

We were done with half of our classes today, it was lunch time. Ken Dani and I were at the cafeteria in our usual spot, the students call it the popular table but I give zero fu*ks about what they call it. I saw Jen and her minions, at the other end of the cafeteria, they've been trying to join us since like the fifth grade.

Karen and Amelia walk in.


My goal for today was to ignore Amelia but it seems I'm failing terribly at this. When we were done with classes, Amelia returned my clothes, which I of course told her to keep as I would be getting new ones this month end and the old ones would be given out in charity.

We make our way to the cafeteria, grab our food and head for my usual spot at the far end of the cafeteria where we won't be the centre of attention. I spot Grey in his seat as he waves, I turn around in case he is not waving at me.

" Come sit with us Karen " Grey says

There is no way Grey Justice just invited us to sit with him, Amelia started to make her way to them but I drag her to where I usually sit.

" It's more comfortable here no eyes on us " I say to her

We sit and start to dig our way through the food

" Yesterday what happened, you just ran off, did I do something wrong? " she asks. I open my mouth to reply a noise beside me startle me, I see another tray of food beside me I look up to see Grey, he takes his seat beside me.

Seconds later his entire crew is here, Dani and Amelia are sitting opposite Ken, Grey and I. I am in between Ken and Grey. Dani doesn't look like she wants to be here. I Don't want them here.

" Uhm, what's going on?" I asked no one in particular

" Exactly my question " Dani says as she glares at Grey I turn to look at him

" The seats here seem nice, I wanted to try it out " Grey says as we all start to eat in silence.

" Amelia you're coming for the game tonight right, if we win tonight we will go out to a restaurant or something to celebrate expenses on me" Grey says

" Woo hooo " Ken shouts and drums in jubilation " we will definitely win go Bulldogs woo woo "

Amelia looks at me " of course I would love to come and I'm going to drag someone along with me " She gives me the puppy eye look come on who would say no to that

" Okay yes I would come "

" Yes ! " Grey says Dani rolls her eyes. I continue to pay my food attention.

Everyone departs as we are all done, the bell rings for the next class. I go into the class, sit down, Dani sits beside me facing me.

She is staring all she does is stare

I turn to her.

" Is there a problem?" I ask " what is your deal? " She says "my deal?" " Yes your deal with Grey "

Does she have a loose screw in her head or what " I think you should be asking Grey that question and not me "

The teacher comes in she stands as she goes to her usual seat ' what a joke '

We headed to the field when we were all done with classes, this made me realise how much I haven't done in highschool. This is actually the first time I am watching a game. All I can say is American football is violent but it's a good way for anger management if you think about it.

The bulldogs are losing terribly by the way, there was like a thirty seconds break to re-strategize. " Is it me or Grey can't keep his eyes off you. He is clearly not focusing " Amelia says " pfft no that's not true " I look up to catch Grey staring at me as he gets tackled " ohhh that's gotta hurt " I say

" Grey, win for Karen " Amelia shouts, I drag her to sit down. "Girl, stop embarrassing me " just like that, like someone flipped the switch The Bulldogs buckled up and started taking the lead with Grey having most of the scores. In his element he really looks like a leader.

The game ended. The Bulldogs won.

" See, I think he likes you" Amelia whispers loudly

" Who likes who? " Dani says from nowhere God has she been there the whole time she scared the hell out of me. No one responds.

" I was asked to drive you guys to the restaurant, Ken and Grey will meet us there. Shall we? "

" Just send the location, I can't leave my bike here in school "

" Don't worry about that I got you covered " when has Dani ever got anyone covered, I brush off my suspicions as Amelia and I get into her car and ride along with her

We drove for about thirty minutes, believe me when I say there was no sign of life

Amelia broke the silence " where are we going Dani "

" The restaurant where else " dani replies

I close my eyes briefly when the car stops abruptly.

"What's wrong?" I ask

" Gosh, my car does this all the time. I think it's time for dad to get me a new one"

"Does what" I look around we are in the middle of nowhere

" You two should get down and push the car, it will come back to life in no time " dani says, I look at her turn to the back to look at Amelia

We both get down walk to the back as we try to push the car, Amelia and I have no ounce of strength in us as the car did not move an inch, before any of us could say the letter 'A'. Dani starts the car swerves around and drives off, she throws our bags out of the car, stretching her middle finger to us leaving us in the middle of nowhere.

" That bitch " I scream " what are we going to do now " Amelia asks

I grab my bag and bring out my phone to call my driver.