A Scene


"There's no signal, I cannot believe this girl" I lift my phone searching for a bar but to no avail. 'aaahhhh' I mentally scream.

Amelia and I look around, there is no sign of civilization. How can I be so stupid and naive. How could I let my guard down. Of all freaking people, I entered Dani's car? Gosh, I am so dumb.

"We can not wait here for a miracle to happen, miracles don't happen. I suggest we walk, we will see where our legs would take us, maybe if we are lucky, a car would pass" Amelia says with a worried look on her face. Though, covered up with a smile, pretty face and designer clothes, Amelia is just as vulnerable as any other kid. It hurt me to see, she acts like she's okay, take it from me the ones with the brightest smile are usually the saddest, hiding a lot of pain.

We both make our way down the road "miracles are real, miracles happen. I believe in miracles" I reply, Amelia nods

"Okay, have you ever experienced one"

I stutter "well, no but I don't know, I just feel it" I continue.

"I mean it was a miracle I showed up at the ladies when you decided to get comfortable with Jen" she chuckles and I notice a dimple. "Miracle? Nah, more of you're obsessed with me and you can't stay a second without me being around annddd you were bored of the class"

She's beautiful, beautiful is an understatement. Our eyes lock as we stop on our tracks "did you get a bar yet" Amelia drags me out of my trance. "No"

"Can you hear that" I say trying to focus on the noise, oh my gosh, it's an incoming vehicle. We run to the middle of the road signalling for it to stop. It does.

"Where are you girls going by this time of the night" the man says with a southern accent.

"Could you drop us off in town, please?" Amelia says seductively, it gives me the ick.

"Sure, get in" I won't ordinarily but it is not like I have a choice.

We alight at the town park, Amelia made her way home while I make mine to the party. Yes, the party. I am tired of waiting on miracles to happen. I am taking charge of my life. I get to the party, seems people do not know tomorrow is a school day. Everyone seems drunk. Sweaty bodies dancing around in frenzy. I make my way through the crowds. I sight Ken, Grey and Dani sitting on the large couch in the parlour. I get to her front and without hesitation, my palm meets with her cheek in high speed.

People gasp. "What the hell" Dani fires trying to attack me as Grey blocks her and Ken tries to cool her down. Unmoved, I make my way out of the party. Grey follows me trying to catch up.

"Karen, karen, karen" he grabs my arm as he makes me face him "the fu*k Karen, I invited you to this party to have fun, you come extremely late and cause a scene. Come on you are better than this"

"I'm not, I'm not at all better than this. You weren't the one left miles away from the town in the middle of nowhere, vulnerable and at risk" I pull away from him as I see my driver, that I called before making my way here across the street. I left Grey looking all confused as I get into the car.


After waiting for hours and searching for Karen in the party, I had given up and lost hope that she'd be at the party until THAT scene. I mean I'm pretty sure Dani must have deserved the slap. She is a pain in the ass, in MY ass, in fact in everyone's asses.

I won for Karen today, seeing her brightens my mood. It's crazy. I'm a finished man.

"I have officially given up on love" I say to Ken "Where's Dani, I thought she was with you"

"She's in the restroom, she needs time to herself and she needs you" he says

"Me? Come off it fam" I say in British accent

"What was that about though"

"I have no freaking idea, sometimes it's like Karen talks in parables. I don't know what to do. I have never felt this helpless in my life"

"I think you should do what any sensible man would do"

"And what is that"

"Ask, just ask, something that goes along the line of 'hi Karen I really need to understand you, tell me what's wrong, what can I do, explain it to me. I'd understand'"

"Damn, you are a genius" I stand up as I head towards the door

"Where to, what about Dani"

"Karen's place, you can handle Dani"

I get into my car and drive to Karen's. Though I have never been invited to her place before, I know where it is situated. My Dad's Mayor, I know everything.

I click on her doorbell, waiting on her. I waited for about 5 minutes without any response. I click on it one more time, what if she is asleep. I think I should go home. I wait for another 5 minutes as I turn. I hear the door lock click.

"What do you want at 2:35am in the morning Grey Justice" her hair adorably disheveled, her voice smooth and soft like honey, her skin like milk.

" I, I"

"If you don't have anything to say" she moves to close the door, simultaneously I try to stop her as she jams the door on my fingers. I yelp as she releases the door.

"Oh my, are you hurt" my fingers are severely bruised. "That does not look good at all" she pulls me in as she jams her door and walks me over to the kitchen area.

Her house is modern, it looks like something more than half of the townies can't afford to be honest. It's unusually big for a teenage girl.

"You have a beautiful home" I compliment as she hands me a bag of ice.

"I have a beautiful house" I do not know if she was agreeing with me or correcting me.

"Don't you ever feel lonely, Karen" I like how her name feels on my tongue.

"What do you want, Grey" she says as I properly take a good look at her. She's clad in a flimsy nightie, her nipples poking at the dress and begging for my touch. Her juicy soft and plump lips.

"What happened tonight?"

"Nothing for you to worry about and I do not need your protection. Mind you business and leave my house Grey"

"I know it's quite late.."

"Quite late? It's extremely late please go home. I need good sleep" she cuts me.

"I want to tell you a lot of things and this is probably not the right time.." I hear someone cough

I look to my side to see a grown ass man about 5'7 if I'm not mistaken, he'd be in his mid twenties. My eyes moves from the man to Karen, from Karen to the man and back to Karen as my mind conjure up assumptions as to why she had a man here by this time.

"A man " I say as she rolls her eyes .

"I'm sorry to disturb whatever is going on here, I'm here for a glass of water" I frown in disapproval hearing his voice

"Who is he?" I ask Karen sternly not taking my gaze from him

"It's time for you to leave Grey" Karen insists.

He walks to where Karen is, opens the fridge brings out a bottle of water.

"I'm not leaving until you tell me who the fuck he is"

"You heard the girl, leave" he jabs in.

"John don't worry I can handle him, myself" before she could breathe in, I attacked John, grabbing the hem of his shirt. Though he is older than I am, I am 6'4 and an athlete. I have got height, strength and balance on my side.

"Let him go Grey, he's my driver, Joan's son. I let him stay the night, it's late"

Hm, Joan is Karen's cook, she comes once a week to stock up Karen's fridge. Damn I feel so stupid, I still do not like the idea of him staying overnight.

"I'm sorry John" I let him go as I dust his shirt

I turn to Karen

"Leave, NOW" I nod as I take my leave.


The Next Day

I can not believe what Grey pulled this morning, who does he think he is. Well he's the Mayor's son but it does not give him the right to meddle in my life. John drops me off at school, I was too tired to ride my bicycle.

I enter the school gate and everyone seems to be focused on their phone. There was eerie silence filled with gasps. Something seems to be off. The atmosphere is gloomy, everyone looked sad. Whispers fill the air

"*--she killed her" "that's so sad" "who did it"

"Murder?" "She was arrested"

I enter the class, the class was solemn. My eyes meet with Grey's but instead of his usual flirty grin or wink, he takes his eyes off me and focuses on his phone. I wouldn't lie I felt a pang in my heart.

I take my usual seat beside Amelia as she looks at me as if expecting me to say something


"You didn't hear?"

"Hear what?"

"Letisha" I waited for her to finished

"Letisha's dead" my eyes widen in shock

"No, sorry Letisha was murdered" I gasp loudly.