Some Clues

"To where?" I asked her as she wore a black jacket with pink hoodie. 

"You fought with the boy, right? We're going to where you've seen him the last time. Perhaps he left us with some clues." She explained. 

"How did you know that?" I looked at her, alarmed and cautious.

"Thanks to my powers, obviously. Come on, let's go." She passed by my shoulder and was the first one to leave the house, leaving a stranger in her house.

She's rather careless. Will this be alright? I wondered, worried. I put the thought at the corner of my mind and took a puff from the vape. 

Before I left the house, I exhaled a thick amount of smoke.

When I left her apartment, she was already gone so I left the building. I met her, she crouched and meowed to a white cat. 

As if understood what she said, the cat meowed back. I walked towards them. The cat realized my presence and left.

"I didn't mean to scare it." I said as my eyes still on the cat, walking deeper into the alley before disappearing into the darkness. 

"It's alright. So, how are we going to go there?" Yin Hee looked at me rather excitedly.

I took a puff and exude, before changing the smoke to a big hover board.

"Hop on." I got on the hover board and looked down on her as I said that.

She looked at it silently, contemplating something and said, "Is this safe?"

It travel faster than an average car and it doesn't have any safety features, or a closed space like a plane. 

With the air resistance while traveling at a high speed, wouldn't she just get blown off the moment they flew? 

"Don't worry, you won't fall. It's the safest and fastest transport in the city." I said, knowing exactly what her concern is.

She nodded and put her trust in me. She gave herself a little jump to the hoverboard. The latter swayed a bit before stabilizing. 



I put my hands on my pocket as the hoverboard soar to the sky. In an instant, we were already five kilometers away from the ground. 

"This is incredible." She looked at the city below, enjoying the beautiful scenery with a wide smile.


It didn't take us that long to reach our destination. She hopped off the hover board and surveyed the surroundings. I observed her while sitting on the hoverboard, curious on how she'll find him.

She closed her eyes. All of a sudden, I felt an indescribable sense that someone was seeing through my deepest secret.

Her power? I thought to myself and raised my guard.

It lasted for a few seconds before disappearing. She opened her eyes and walked somewhere. She grabbed something from the ground. I got closer to her.

"Did you find anything?" I pondered.

"Yeah, I found his hair. I can find him now."

"How are you going to find him with only a strand of hair?" I frowned.

Then she did something unexpected. She swallowed the hair. I looked at her in shock.

"Are you alright?" I asked, worried.

"Yes, I am, thanks for asking. Anyway, I've found him. He's at Olympus. We should be quick, my power only reveals his recent location only for a few seconds." She quickly went to my hover board and hopped on.

"Good job." I gave her a nod and flew to Olympus. 

Upon reaching there, it feels like I just went back in time. Buildings of victorian to medieval era entered my line of sight.

Steam trains could be heard from the distance, emitting its thick smoke and shrieking sound. On the streets, people wore classy suits. The men wore black vest, top hat and black pants while the women wore elegant dresses.

"There, near the bridge!" She exclaimed as she pointed at the bridge not far from us. I quickly flew over there and landed on top of a three story building.

"This is his recent location. He shouldn't be far." She said,

It would take a while to find him but this is better than searching the entire ancient city, I thought to myself and said to her, "We should ask the locals if they have seen him."

After those words, I realized she was looking at something behind me. I turned around and saw the bridge. On top of it, I saw two silhouettes, fighting.

"This isn't even the climax of the story yet." I said and looked at her with hidden meaning. She understood what I tried to say and hopped on. We flew to the top of the bridge.

On top, we saw the boy with the mech behind him, and an office worker. He has wounds and blood all over his body, blood stained his shirt. His hair was no exception too.

"Please, spare my life. I'm a single father of two children, please! I'm sorry for what happened to your father! I truly am!" He begged on the cold steel platform.

"It's too late to apologize. Even if you feel sorry, you wouldn't just move on with your life and forget the past. Hasn't my father done so much to you? Yet what have you done to him in return?

"I was taken by beasts. Clearing their shit, licking their ass and sucking their rod just so I can eat and go through the day, and while I went through those horrible things, you're at your warm home, with your happy family and sharing a laugh.

"Now, answer my question, are you truly sorry?" His eyes became cold and emotionless. His killing intent was so high that I felt goosebumps.

He walked closer to him and I noticed Yin Hee was about to intervene by shouting something. I covered her mouth. This wasn't something we should put our nose into.

She struggled by licking my hand. It felt ticklish. I let go of my hand as I knew she had something to say, not because she licked my hand and it was uncomfortable.

"He's going to be a monster if he kills him! Not even you or the entire city could stop him!" She explained seriously. I doubted it at first, but I felt an indescribable feeling that it'd happened. Intuition of an Honor must not be ignored!

I gave her a nod and approached him slowly.

"Hey kid!" I yelled.

The boy and the office worker shifted their eyes towards me. Both were confused, but the office worker's expression immediately changed to joy.