Celebrity Tailor

The petit woman stormed towards them, her glasses almost falling from her cute little face as she walked angrily.

But as she got close, a bright smile appeared on her face and she ran towards Aliana.

"He's soooo cuteee!"

The woman was watching the sleeping Luck as if she had seen the most beautiful thing in the world and then she brought her hands towards his face and proceeded to pinch his cheeks.

Luck sleepily swatted her hands away.


She then turned as if noticing Chari for the first time. The woman squated down to his level and then patted him on his head.

"What's your name sweetie?"


"That is Chari and this is Luck, Chari is not the talkative type." Aliana nervously said, happy to have averted the woman's anger.

"Good morning Miss Clorette." Sarah and Jane happily greeted the woman.

"How are you doing Sarah, Jane it's good to see you guys again."

"The pleasure is mine." Sarah responded courteously.

"Its always a pleasure." Jane said.

Aliana saw the pleasant atmosphere as an opportunity to join in the conversation.

"I hope you've been doing well Clorette, with all the stress I mean."

Clorette turned to face her, her smile looking a little more terrifying.

"You think I forgot how late you are?"

"Come on! It's just.." She turned to look at the clock. "6:23."

"And I told you to be here by 4!" Clorette said placing her hands on her hips.

"Come on Chlo, you know that is not realistic."

"What do you mean? Me and my assistant start work here everyday by 3:30."

At the side of the room her assistant looked away, a sad smile on her face. The dark circles under her eyes were a clear indicator of her lack of sleep.

'The poor girl is probably being worked half way to death." Chari thought.

Clorette pouted.

"I'll do it only because of the kids."

Relieved Alaina said:

"Thanks Chlo… by the way, is my gown ready?" Aliana nervously asked.

Clorette gave her a disdainful stare.

"How do you expect such a complicated dress to be done in such a short time?!"

"It's been 2 days already!"

Two days… Alaina was definitely being inconsiderate right now.

"It took me weeks to make it the last time and then you went and ripped it apart during one of your crazy outbursts. Didn't I tell you, no transforming while in that dress?!"

"It w-, it w-was.. because the dress was made so poorly!" Alaina screamed.

Then the whole room became quiet.

The assistant rushed out of the room and slammed the door immediately but when Sarah and Jane who had just been onlookers tried to escape as well…


The assistant had locked them in!

Slowly the large industrial sized machines in the room stirred and began to levitate until they floated above Aliana's head.

"Um, Chlo?" Aliana squeaked.

"Poorly made huh?"

Clorette was clearly pissed…

Chari took a step back to a safe distance from the machines and it was at that exact moment that Luck decided to wake up.

He stretched his hands above his head and yawned, opening his mouth so wide that he could probably fit a whale inside.

"Awwwww! He's so cute."


The large machines went back into place while Clorette was now upon him pinching a confused Luck's cheeks.

Luck simply looked around and asked:

"Do you have any apples?"


Some minutes later Luck was seated in front of one of Clorettes large tables. A tray of apples was right next to him and he had already finished eating one of the delicious fruits and swiftly switching to the next.

Somehow the disaster had been averted by him and he had done absolutely nothing, how odd.

Shortly after he woke up he discovered that they had finally gotten to the shop and the woman currently in front of him was the tailor, Clorette.

From the elevated machines he saw just as he woke up it was apparent that her enigma had to do with telekinesis, the ability to freely manipulate objects in your field of vision, at least that was what he knew about the ability.

It was a rather powerful ability that should have opened up many paths for her, she must have really loved being a tailor for her to abandon all other prospects.

While Luck ate, Clorette was busy taking his measurements.

"Upsy daisy." She said and Luck uncaringly raised his hand for her to measure.

Her assistant was now back in the room, earning glares from both Sarah and Jane. She nervously walked up to Clorette, a note pad in hand as she took down the measurements.

Clorette even went as far as taking the measurements of Luck's feet, apparently, she was a designer for practically every item of clothing. From bags to shoes to jewelry she had them all.

When she was finally done with Luck she moved over to Chari and began to repeat the process.

After taking down the very last detail she rose to her feet and the tape roll levitated into the air right next to her.

"Hmm, you guys have the exact same measurements."

'I can't possibly have the same dimension as him…' Chari thought as he watched Luck devour the 4th apple.

"They are perfectly identical after all!" Alaina said. She was currently sitting on one of the sofas at the corner of the room looking through a fashion magazine that Clorette had given her.

"But even among identical twins, there is still usually a difference here and there." Clorette said while stroking her chin. "Anyways, I'm done!"

Clorette then walked over to where Aliana was and snatched the magazine from her hands, she stared at the page Aliana was currently on.

"Heh!" Aliana protested.

Clorette adjusted her glasses.

"Have you found what you've been looking for?"

"Yup! Page 109."

She quickly flipped through the pages.

"Can you do a modified version of that one?" Alaina asked.

"Hmmm, you picked quite an exquisite design as always but I'll make it work!"

Clorette turned the magazine to face the twins.

"Do you guys like this design?"

It was a dress shirt with a myriad of patterns that connected in the middle along with a pair of black trousers. Chari was not sure about how it would look after Clorette modified it but right now it was decent.

Chari shrugged, after all he didn't really care what they wore as long as it wasn't too terrible. While Luck, who was too busy with his apple to care, just nodded.

"It's time to get to work then."

Slowly a couple of fabrics began to float towards her as she walked towards one of the sewing machines. Her assistant quickly followed her, the measurements in her hand.

They ended up spending the entire morning in Clorette's shop.