A sky ablaze

Once again the lovely melody of multiple instruments created a serene atmosphere that engulfed the entire area.

There were a couple of tables and chairs for the guests to sit, each one carefully crafted to fit the outdoor event and in front there was a large ornate stage.

It was already dark but multiple soft lights that were arranged around the area transformed the environment into something magical.

Some of the guests were chatting while some were more secluded, rarely speaking.

It was the final day of the meeting of clans and unlike the normal events, this one was taking place outdoors.

Apparently the clan head had imported activities he enjoyed when he traveled the world to this final event and as such the activities were not structured according to how a normal ball would be carried out.

First of all they would be releasing multiple sky lanterns into the beautiful night sky.

This event was to honor those who fell during the war. The release of the sky lanterns was to signify the ascension of their souls into the heavens. Although this was a relatively new addition to the event it was one that was held in high regard.

After the ascension, the ball proper would begin.

Luck stood next to Sarah who despite his protests held firmly onto his hand as they entered the area designated for the ball.

Aliana's tailor did not disappoint, he was in a formal dress shirt adorned with lace at its sleeves that gave the dress shirt a more regal feel. At the edge of the material, there was a blue outline that followed the edges of the shirt to give more character to the design.

The embroidery was nothing short of breathtaking, Luck could not wrap his head around how she finished it on time. It was a complex pattern of stars that linked up to form a constellation and right in its center was an aesthetically crafted moon.

Chari wore the exact same shirt although his own was the dark version, the white being replaced by a cool navy blue that seemed to fit his cold outward look.

Currently they were both being led to a spot in the party grounds by Sarah and Jane. According to Aliana's instruction, both of them would keep watch of him and Chari today.

As they crossed the venue a couple of people's gazes fixed on them, some filled with curiosity while some were cold, completely accessing whatever they could from a distance.

Their arrival was not officially announced so they didn't know who they were. All they could do was make guesses but….

… it seemed like Aliana was right. From the way some of the clan emissaries watched them with such strange fascination he could tell that a number of them already knew about their existence. Whether or not they would approach them was a different matter.

They made their way to the spot and sat waiting for the festivities to begin.

Luck's eyes roamed around the room observing each of the guests at the venue, apparently their short moment of fame had already begun to wane as many of them returned to what they were doing, only a few curious gazes remained.

When he was finally settled in his seat he decided to search for a particular someone.

His eyes moved round hoping to get a glimpse of her but he couldn't find who he was looking for, there was no sign of either Diana or Ella.

He suspected that Diana might be absent because of what happened but…

'Ella should be present.'

He sighed. He was hoping to get an update on the case of the masked man as well as an update on how Diana was doing.

'Maybe another time then.'

The wonderful music slowly ended as the coordinator waved his baton. And then he began waving it slowly and then increasing the pace only to slow down again.

The band played in perfect symphony reading the conductor's instructions with perfection and in that moment the patriarch of the moon clan appeared on the stage.

The announcer's voice cut through the crowd just as Nevi stepped on the podium.

"Ladies and Gentlemen make welcome the patriarch of the moon clan, Nevi moon and his wife the mistress of the moon clan, Aliana moon!"

He quickly handed the microphone to Nevi and made himself scarce.

Nevi stood with regal confidence and a cold calculating expression. Briefly his eyes cut through the crowd and landed straight at the twins. Oddly, there was something wrong with the way he looked at them but Luck could not place his finger on it.

'Does he really want us to stay away that badly?'

Aliana looked towards their direction and unlike her husband a warm smile spread across her face before she turned her attention to the crowd, her face becoming more serious.

Nevi closed his eyes for a second before speaking. When he spoke he did so with a smooth clear voice that captured the entire audience, the entirety of them becoming eerily quiet.

"Brothers, friends and family. I welcome you to the final phase of the meeting of clans. As we all know this event has been held over countless years to foster brotherly love and mutual respect amongst us."

"Through out the centuries we have been united as one against our common enemy. We have suffered defeats together and mourned together but we have also celebrated victory together! We have won countless battles together!"

"Huraaaaa!" The crowd cheered.

Aliana stepped forward.

"We are the symbol of strength across the continent, each and every single one of us are the hope of this world. We rise as one and fall as one!"

A very elderly man walked towards the stage, the formerly dark hair he had in his youth was long replaced by the dull gray strands leaving only a few countable black strands left while his eyes spoke of wisdom that could only be accumulated by many years of experience.

In his hands were the ceremonial lantern, he took his time taking gentle strides until he met Nevi and handed the lantern to him.

"As we raise our lanterns in honor of our lost brothers we pray that their souls find eternal rest in the heavens above. Ut inveniat pacem."

"Ut inveniat pacem!" The crowd echoed.

He and Aliana took hold of the first lantern, elevating it into the air and then they let it go, watching as it drifted with the wind. There was pain in Navi's eyes as he watched the lonely lantern ascend.

"Ut inveniat pacem." He whispered.

"Ut inveniat pacem." Alaina added as she held his hand.


"Here, this is for you Luck while this one is for Chari." Sarah said, handing them their sky lanterns.

With the help of a lighter Luck lit the lantern and took it up into the air.

He did not think the ceremony actually granted the lost peace, after all it was just to signify their ascension, but even still as both Luck and Chari lifted the sky lanterns into the air they could not help but remember everyone from their past life.

Their hardworking father… their quiet mother… their cute little sister and Vera.

"Ut inveniat pacem." They both whispered as their lanterns joined others in the ascension.

Shortly after, thousands of lanterns went up, setting the sky ablaze. It was a beautiful sight.