Diary of the mentor ch8 Lucas pt1.

"I be be going then."

Passing the sleeping boy to Frey and took up and placed my Kent glass back on.

"You still have that?"

Frey looked at me with disbelief noticing the familiar golden rims of the glasses.

I smiled and nobbed before making a motion to leave the yard.

But before that I turn and decided to left behind some words.

"That boy is a domaint and week's from now he will create his core. I want to guide him so Frey...please keep him safe!"

Frey just like I remember give me a smile of reassurance.

"I will."

Her determined look was all I needed to see and she didn't disappoint.

Finally I turned to Alicia was was engrossed in examining Lucas.

I could tell from her gaze she was interested in the boy and I made me happy because the boy might finally have someone his age to relate to.

"Don't bully him." I muttered.

'i won't!' she denied with an annoyed look and returned to observing the sleeping boy. Satisfied with the situation and what I had done I waved them and finally left the seighart residence.

"It's been a long day."

I mused existing the gothic style gate.

I had gone to the slums to search for a book but I ended up saving a kid. I wanted to save the other one too but as usually my apathic nature struck at the worst time and I simply watched as he was killed.

No names death was uncalled for and it was definitely on me.

He did make mention of a Maria and I planned to look for her but now I was just too tried. I hadn't fought for a while and it was being to show.

" I guess transcendent stamina isn't all that great!" I remark as I began to stretch. "I guess I'm eating out today."

In a dejected manner I walked home, making a mental note to buy some fast food on the way.


"Such a pain!" I muttered struggling to remove my shoes.Going to the slums in sports shoes was just a receipt for disaster. So I had taken boats the kind with a zip attached to its back.

Unlike my normal sports shoes I couldn't just yank it off...well I could but I would the have to buy a new pair which to me was just wasteful.

So bottling up the irrational I felt I sat on my bed, a pretty large and comfortable kind and began to undone the zipper of the shoes. For a few seconds on the sound of zipping filled my room and ones that was complete, I quickly yanked them off and threw them to the side.

It clashed with the wall on the left and fell back on the ground with a "thumb" sound. Letting out an exhausted sigh, I collapsed onto my bed as the darkness of the room become apparent.

In the..no my den of darkness only the neon city light of the cityscape visible through the glass window on the building illuminated my room.

I stared at the sight a bit enchanted before finally overcomed by a deep sense of exhaustion closed my eyes.


The first night of paradise brings about a nightmare.As living creature we sort this so called paradise, it could be a warm and comfy bed or an absurd level of strength.

If one where able to obtain this so called paradise they often dream especially on the first day of such a paradise of losing said paradise.

Luacs a subject to such a situation quickly woke up and sat into a sitting posture before examining his surroundings with a mix of vigilance and warny.

He currently found himself in a luxury white room.

"You're finally awake!"

Before he could admire the beautiful interior of the room he heard a familiar voice beside him a quickly turned.

Just as he had suspected it belonged to the one he didn't want to see the most. Alicia the girl he had failed to defeat along with the one he had sworn to defeat one day.

It was a pipedream at best but that was now. He had a home now, his tormenter was dead and he was finally free.

He had been given a second chance and he was going to put it to good use.

"Why so silent?" Alicia with a smile asked. Lucas thought for a bit and finally answered with a blank expression.

"I want to defeat you."

He couldn't quite convrey his emotions through his face but his tone was determined enough to cause the smile on the girls face to widen.

Looking at her from a different angle luacs found her creepy. Not as creepy as his tormenter but still creepy.

Every interaction he had with her had ended always with a smile. A smile so chilling he felt each of his movements was being assess and if not found worthy....

"Stop being paranoid!".

His sisters words from a few years ago flashed at the back of his mind.

He was ten back then and believed he had seen a cryptic but his older sister thinking he was exaggerating said those words to him. Back then he had been mad his sister hadn't believed him but now there was no one to be mad at, so he decided to pretend the girl's frequent smile was simply a medical condition and choose to ignore it.

"Good morning." He greeted with an awkward smile.

"You said you wanted to defeat me?" The girl injured completely ignoring his greeting.

At first he was going to nobbed like an idiot but noticing the cold glint in the girls hazel eyes he shoulders stiffed and he chocked. "Prove I'm worthy!" Those words rang at the back of his mind as he subjected to the cold gaze of Alicia.

He was scared and has been all his life but perhaps under a new found courage he clenched this fist, and retuned her gaze with a determined and burning look in his violet eyes.

"You're strong...." He began causing a shift in Alicia expression.

he couldn't gauge the level of strength of a child but he could tell just be by looking at Alicia she was strong, too strong for her age. Compared to the display of combat he had witnessed between Vana and the queen, she might seem lacking but that was only because she was still a child just like him. ".....I want to be strong." He cried out.

Because he and his sister had been weak they had been separated, because he was weak he had to suffer under the queen.

He hated it, he didn't want to be weak. He wanted to be strong.

Just like Vana had easily crashed the queen because she was strong, he took wished for that strength.

Not to crashed enemies but to protect what little he had left.

".....I lost because I was weak.."

Alicia give him her frequent smile but unlike before he wasn't afraid but determined.

"...but next time I will win!"

His violet eyes glowed with ever burning confidence as he let out a smirk.

It was awkward and unpleasant but with his newfound home or rather paradise as he would call it he didn't care what kind of face he made, all he wanted Alicia to know was he was no longer a coward who will be intimidated by her creepy smile.

In the room illuminated by the morning sun light, two individuals pierced into the gaze of one another a smile situated on each of their faces.