Diary of the mentor ch9 Lucas pt2.

"Ho! you're wake!"

As Lucas and Aliaca had their stare of Frey stomped into the room and interrupted them.

Her visage as pure and soothing as Lucas remember was claded in the familiar tracksuit she had worn the previous day.

Her beautiful grey hair was unkept and her eyes where dimmed in coloured perhaps of our lack of sleep but that did nothing to her otherworldly beauty.

"Sis, sis did you hear?"

As Lucas was charmed by Frey sudden appearance, Alicia burst into a light sprint towards Frey before hugging her leg.

"Hear what?" Her inquired confused about her sudden burst of excitement.

Looking up at Frey with sprinkling eyes and smiled," Lucas wants to be my rival!"

"I see." Frey nobbed not particularly surprised.

Whiles Lucas was a child of few words his eyes with displayed most of his emotions usually beamed with a competitive spirit. It wasn't on the level of her sister, Aliaca who seemed to enjoying fight but rather of a prideful individual who hated to lose.

It was quite laughable to her especially given how young his was but it too had its charm.

"Well I'm rooting for you." She encouraged both.

Alicia jumped with excitement while Lucas glance at her with a light smile.

After a whileshe finally remembered why she was here before clapping her palms together to gain the attention of the kids

"Let's get something to eat!"


"It really pains my heart to offer my guest such a basic breakfast but I you can see most of the servant are on leave!"

With an apologetic expression on her face Frey served with what I could only definitely not basic.

Fried eyes, toasted bread with jam, salads and much more, in his eyes this was basic it was sthe best thing he had seen in years. If frey called this basic he couldn't help but imagine what not basic was. His mouth grew watery as the tempting scent of meat brush past his nose, if he was being honest he wanted to dig in right now but while a slum rat he still knew basic table manners.

First he waited for Frey to served Alicia who sat on the opposite side of the long brown wooden table. Ones she was done he waited for her to served herself and finally gazed at her as she took a sit at the end of the table.

"What's the matter?" Frey asked noticing his stressful look.

He tried shaking his head to indicate nothing was wrong but frey did not play it of and spoke," its food. Just dig in!".


"Manners are only important in the public eyes.When you're with us just be yourself.". "Hehe!" Alicia chuckled whiles Lucas silently nobbed

After a while of trying to calm his nerves, he took the fork and knife beside the plate of food and began to eat.

His mimicry did only work on fighting style but anything that involved body movement. It could be a dance or even how to use cutleries.

After years of watching the queen eat, he finally put those skills to the use, as he carefully held the fork and knife between his finger and slowly cut and stabbed the beef.

"So that's how it works." As he brought the fork enabled with beef into his mouth, he heard Frey muttered.


"You want me to awaken you core?"

It's been a week since Lucas began staying with the seighart. The first three day where extremely miserable to get used to not because he was treated bad but because he didn't know how to interact well with them. He could stay hours, shut in his room because he was too shy to interact with the sisters but after a while that was during the fifth day he grew a bit familiar with them.

It was faint but the week spent with them was remiscant of the days he spent with his sister.

Misunderstanding, agruement mostly between the sisters not him.

But no matter how funny their antic's were he wasn't here for that, he wanted to prove his worth and for that he needed to become an awakener.

So on the first week of his stay he finally got the courage to ask Frey for help with it.

"Yes lady Frey....."

"Call me sis!" Frey interjected with a smile.

"Yes...sis Frey!" Lucas muttered, his tone dry. If he was being honest he didn't quite understand Frey obsession with being called Sis.

He wans't her only target of such obsession, Alicia and even Vana during her frequent visit were also subjected to it.

Anyway unlike Vana he wasn't going to blow a fuse, so he went along with her antics. "That more like it!'

Straighting her shoulder and bring her chest foward Frey excalmied in pride.

Lucas didn't know why being called Sis give her pride but one thing he had learnt in his week stay with the two sister was sometimes not knowing was better. "Anyway I don't mind helping you form a core but...." She paused and examined him. Lucas shriek back under the intensity of her gaze but quiet straighten his back ones he remembered the familiar voice that resoanted in his mind to prove his worth.

Frey expression lossen up a bit seeing him regain his composure.

It's been a week since the boy came but she was always confused by his attitude.

There a times where the boys seems confidence which was a plus for her but at times she couldn't help but sigh when the boy freak out over the littlest of situation. A recent example was a day ago when the power station was damaged during a fight between awakeners causing a black out in some part of the city.

Unfortunately for them, they were included in that part and luacs sudden thrust into the darkness filled the house with screams for two minutes straight.

Sure Alicia did have a part in his predicament by scaring and hunting him in the darkness but still the boy was a vampire for god sake why was he scared of the dark. She knew the boy had problems, well all of residents in the house had but she just couldn't see the boy take in a career as an awakener.

"Are you sure you can endurance being an awakener?" She asked her tone full of uncertainty.

Unlike in books there was no academy to guide children in the path of being an Awakener.

Awakener be it teenager or adult where all thrusted in this violent world at the same time.

Without courage or self confidence one can't throughly blaze this path. That was the truth of it and she couldn't let a children full of such uncertainty take that path.

After all it could either stunt their potential or lead to death.

"I can... endure!"

His voice was loud and revolted in the dinning room but....

"You can't!"

It lacked determination.

It lacked certainty.

But more importantly it lacked truth.

"You want to be Alicia rival, that is the truth but you need to become an awakeners for that goal to be realized but as you are now... uncertainty and weak you feel you can't.". "...."

"Leaving you in a dilemma."

The boy had a goal but to achieve said goal he needed to take a path he was too afraid to take.

The moment one becomes an awakener they where forced to fight the cryptics but Lucas didn't want to.

Only those who have gone through the process, gain recognition and finally attained the peak are the exception.

It took her and Vana years to be free from that rule and finally live the peacefuo life they had sort for.

It was painful but that is the cost of power.

As she reminisced a bit about the old days she noticed luacs slowly lower his head. His expression was hidden underneath his long bangs but Frey could understand by his actions that his was dejected.

"You know..." She began placing her hands on his shoulder,"... nobody is forcing you to fight right?"

She knew Vana had placed a particular train of thought in the boys to changed his mindset but that didn't mean Vana herself expected the boy to do it.

The boy was someoy she believed she had saved just on a wimp sure Alicia shenanigans had lead them to discover something unquie about him but that didnt mean they expected much from him.

She has taken him in because her friend asked and nothing more.

"You could just go to school...you know just live a normal life."


"No buts... You have nothing to prove because I never expected anything from you in the first place."

Her words were soft but her inability to properly convery what she truly meant brought about a misunderstanding that broke Lucas heart.

"You right!" The boy sudden raised his heaf and let out a cheerful smile.

"I'm not worthy after all."

His sudden changed in emotions left Frey stunned as she watched him gently removed her hands of his shoulder before quitely walking away.

"Did I stutter?" She questioned herself,confused by what had just transpired.