Dairy of the mentor ch10 Lucas pt3.

Season came and went and before long a year passed.


The metallic clash of swords resonated in the garden of the seighart mansion.

Underneath the moonlight two silver flash meet leaving in their wake a spark of light which illuminated the darkness upon their clash.

The flash of light or ranther the trail of light was the after-image left behind as two individuals fought at the center of the yard. One was a curly grey haired beautiful girl with hazel colored eyes which shimmered within the darkness. Her eyes where one of pure focus as she swift evaded the the numerous slash of her opponent with masterful footwork and inhuman agility. In other to fully immerse herself in the combat she did not just settle for just dodging but also retaliate against her opponent unslaught with her own strikes.

The girl's opponent on the other was a calm and beautiful matured grey haired woman's with ocean blue eyes.

In terms of appearance she looked similar to the girl but compared to the focused expression of the girl she had a more relaxed and air of leisure around her.

Unlike the girl she didn't not dodge and had her left hand behind her back but even with such a restrain her parries where precisely calculated, striking her opponent sword with just enough impact to redirect her attacks whiles weaving in multiple of her's. Compared to the girls masterful footwork, the beautiful displayed only a lackluster one at best but even that was more than enough to overpower the girl.

What she lacked in speed she made up with pure strength and skill as each of her attack of landed struck the girl sword like an hammer tempering a sword on an anvil.

Each of her attack where so strong and heavy that, they momentarily created a whirl followed by an intense shockwaves that forced the trees near by down.

Before long the climax of the duel happened with the winner as one might except being the mature looking woman who ended up breaking the girls sword upon one of their clash leaving the poor girl defensless against her.


The sound of heavy breathing filled the garden as the tired Alicia fell to the ground all sweaty.

Placing her broke sword to the side she clutched her heart through her jersey trying to feel her pulsing heart.

"I can feel my core resonating!" She muttered still clutching to her chest.

"Well the core function like the muscles of the body, the more stress it undergoes the better its gets."

Sitting on the ground infornt of Alicia, Frey place down her sword and replied.

"That core...."Pointing at Alicia chest she began in a stern tone," ..is now a vital organs of yours.... remember no matter what don't..."

"Let it be destroyed....yeah I know !" Alicia interjected with a smile.

Freh dissatisfied with her attitude let out a furrow and lightly pinching her on the cheek.

" Didn't dad ever tell you not to talk when adults talk."

'Ouch!.." Alicia cried out in pain after her lunch and rubbed the side of her cheek in irritation.

"Hey...when luacs does it he gets a pass but when I do It, you pinch me."

"Well I'm obedient!" A voice said.

Alicia tuned towards the voice in annoyance whiles Frey did the same but with a smile.

Both their gaze fell on a slight skinny cute child with medium length pure white hair and jewel like violet eyes. He sat at the end of the yard dressed in a red and white tracksuit with a short katana resting on his shoulder as he smiled at them.

His smile a perfect blend of mischief and innocence widened as he noticed the surprise look on the face is his family.

"Luacs!" Alicia screamed in excitement as she got of the ground and rushed towards him with her arms spread apart.

Lucas sighed, for a second he considered getting out of the way but he knew it wouldn't end well for him after that so he stayed still as Alicia crashed into him and give him the most painful hug he had every experience.

"You're finally back!"

"It was just a week!" He almost screamed as he tried this best to pushed Alicia away from him but as one might except he strength was far inferior to an awakened human.

You don't understand you idiot, I had no one to tease with you gone" Clingy to him like a koala, Alicia remarked.

"So I'm just you teasing subject!"luacs replied his tone sadden.

"For now alteast!"

Lucas stiffened hearing her chilling words. He wanted to ask want for now meant but as he already knew, it was better not to know with the two sister's.

"You finally back from Hosu."

As Alicia finally separated from him Frey approached with a smile.

Lucas nobbed and thrusted the katana on his shoulder towards Frey.



Having the sudden object thrusted at her Frey examined both it and luacs in confusion.

"This is a souvenir I got for you in Hosu!"

His tone was a bit bashful but he did not stutter one bit.

"A souvenir!" Frey repeat.

"Yes..." He eyes shone with determination as he threw the katana straight into the air.

Whiles not an awakener he was still a vampire, a being who far outclassed humans in strength, so his action sent the katana soaring high into the sky.

"What..." Frey still confused by his actions muttered

"I'm done being indecisive!"

Frey had been right he had nothing to prove.He had lost his sister, he had been subjected to numerous abuse by the queen leaving him hollow.

When he met Vana for the first time, he knew he had to made a stand. So after year of remaining silent he finally spoke, his words being a request for help.

He had been saved. He was happy but he wasn't satisfied.

That disatisfication grew when Vana had informed him to prove his worthy to stay with the seigharts.

He later found out it was just a something she had said to make him determined but the damaged had already been done.

Losing to Alicia made it worse and finally been told nothing was expected from him intensified it.

The katana, dark in coloured soared through the evening sky before finally reaching an its peak height began to fall down.

Alicia stared at it in wonder whiles Lucas ignored it and stared at Frey with a piercing gaze.

"P..lease..." He cried out his voice shacky," give me a chance to prove I'm worth something!"

The closest thing he had to a goal after the lose of his sister was beating Alicia in a fight. Even after his experience in Hosu with Vana he was still far to weak for that. That was why he had to become an Awakeners.

He could choose the easy path and let Vana Awaken his core but that will be without the approval of his guardian, Frey.

The whole process will undermined his goal of both beating Alicia and proving his worth.

For his goal to be truly realized he had to have Frey's approval.

He had to begin his path under Frey's watch.

Frey left speechless by his actions brought her left hand inform of his and caught the falling sword with her opened palm.

"Frey is that...." Alicia stunned by the sight she has just witness alternated her gaze between Lucas and Frey.

"Yes it's that!" Frey grinned as she tightly gripped the sword.

"That woman taught him the wrong ritual!" "What ritual?"

Luacs finally affected by the confusion epidemic asked with a clueless expression.

"Nothing!" Frey quickly exclaimed and passed the black katana back to Lucas.

Luacs sudden appearance, his actions, his words all made her mind a mess but she was used to being under pressure, so she quickly took a deep breath to regain her composure before glancing down towards the white haired youth.

"Actions speak louder than words!"

Lucas nobbed a faint glow in his eye as he carefully retrieved the katana.

With the katana now in his grip he slowly began to unsheathed it but...

"Rest now!" Frey stopped him noticing the glint in his eyes.

"Tomorrow will be the deciding factor.". Giving him a pat on the shoulder, she walked passed and entered the Mansion leaving behind only Alicia and Lucas.