Diary of the mentor ch11 Midnight soliloquy and...

Underneath the evening sky, luacs sat on the roof of the seighart mansion as he stared at the evening moon with a complicated expression.

"It's been five years since we were separate!" He muttered his tone grim.

The moon was remiscant of his sister, the only family he ones had and his only blood relative.

At the age of eight, his sister Luna was taken away by someone, his memories of that particularlar day was foggy but the one word he will never forget on that day was his sister words to never look for her.

He knew his sister got caught in something bad and him not looking for her was her way of protecting him but he couldn't argue with her.

He tried disobeying her and search for her but he was caught by slave merchant and sold to the queen.

It's been years since then and another year since he was freed from the queen but he still longed to see his sister.

He wanted to see her, he wanted to search for her but not now.

For now he had to prove himself to Frey, awaken his core and finally begin his path of being an awakeners.

It will take years but one he is strong enough he will search for his sister without her having to be worried about his safety.

"....I'm just thirteen!"

Hugging his knees,he remarked in a dejected tone.

He had advance his mimicry especially after his and Vana trip to Huso a week ago but he wasn't sure he could beat Frey.

Knowing Frey she wouldn't use mana, and will probably fight him one handed but still that wouldn't be enough.

The sheer physical difference between then was too much.

Frey was a transcendant and he was mere a dominant awakener without a core.

She was a total of five stages above him meaning his chance of beating her wasn't even zero but in the negatives.

But what if there was an inconvenience on Frey part.

Lucas smiled as he anticipated the fight tomorrow.


"So cool!"

Staring at the half opened metallic vault door at the end of the stairs Lucas exclaimed in wonder.

In the relatively normal mansion, this vault or ranther the basement as Frey would like to call it was such a surreal sight.

The metallic structure seemed to be made of multiple alloy of metals given it a obsidian colored form. The sheer number of locks it had scared him so he stopped counting and tried looking inside.


The voice was familiar but compared to its usual softest, it was relatively cold but luacs wasn't brother by it as he took a step into the vault.

If the outside was surreal, Lucas almost gasped as he witnessed the inside.

The inside was as big as the Mansion and seem to stretch even more.

It was illuminated by multiple LED circular lights embelled in the ceiling of the room and it walls where painted white with multi-colored serpentine dragons inscribed on the walls.

The sight was impressive but what truly got his eye where the numerous weopons stored in glass showcase that filled the room.

Sword and their variation, spear, bows, lances and even guns.

They all hovered within a glass container waiting to be removed.

"Impressive isn't, right?"

At the center of the room where a sole katana stood separated from all the other weapons stood Frey, dressed in her usual tracksuit whiles knocking the case of the lone katana.

Laucas gulped witness the sight of the katana. Quickly rushing towards Frey his gazed pierced into the glass as he tried examining the beautiful weapon.

The weapon embodying both elegant and beauty had been removed from its shealth, revealing its enchanting obsidian coloured curve blade, inscribed with a majesty golden dragon, the kind popularized by the Asian continent in the old civilization.

It's edge sharper to the highest degree attainable seem to slice apart light itself giving it a dull but frightening look.

Tracing his gaze of its blade he observed it's hilt, which was perfect crafted with by what he presumed to the best craftsmen using the most exotic wood.

Just like the blade it had an obsidian colored and a serpentine dragon with its maws oped inscribed around the blade.

"Divine relic: Murumasa"

Those words trail at the back of his mind.

For an awakener to achieve the path of godhood there are a total of seven core ranks they must attain.

Domaint: A step towards godhood.

Stage 1 to 3: A thousand steps.

Saints:The peak of mortals.

Transcendents: A step into godhood.

Demi god: Fragments of godhood.

After all right step have been complete can one truly be called a God.

For thousands of years since the cyptics appeared no one has attained true godhood. With the closest beings to attain it numbering four.

Namely the vampire progenitor, The martial deity,The son of war and the Hero.

With their supreme strength even as demi gods the material world couldn't handle their abilities making them unable to protect their world so as their finally gift to the world they haunted the most powerful cyptic and crafted them into Seven weapons that will enable the world protect itself.

Each of the seven weapons where handled to the most powerful transcendants alive to only use to protect the world.

The transcendents given this weapons were dubbed the seven and their weopons where named the divine relics.

The only divine relic Lucas had seen was gungir with belong to Vana and just like how he had almost passed out upon witness that magnificent spear manifest he felt the same as he witness the katana in the case.

"I would advice not staring too!" Frey pulled him away from the glass case and warned. "Yes sis!" He nobbed, averting his gaze from the lone sword to surveyed the hundreds of glass cases around him.

"Pick any weapon of your chosing... except that one!"

Frey noticing he was for the katana pulled him back again.

"Just ignore that katana and take any weapon." She continued.

"I be waiting here."

"Ok!" Lucas nobbed and began moving around.

Resisting his urge to just pick a katana due to his recent visit to Hosu, he trailed passed the magnitude of different wopeons until he finally arrived at a jet black staff divided into three equal section and folded together.

A three section staff will be the right term.

He was showing to fight Frey and he couldn't use a sword since that will be useless against a sword saint nor could he use a spear since all his spear movements where copied from Vana. Even if Frey wasn't adept with a spear she has been friend with Vana for so many years that he was sure she might have counter measures against her fighting style.

Also most of Vana spear arts where formed from various sword arts.

In simple terms Vana was a spearmaster who fought like she was weilding a sword. So all in all a sword and a spear was useless in this fight so he had to be flexible.

It was either a whip which he had learn to mimicry from the queen thread fighting style or a staff which sort of function like a spear.

A whip could cover long rang and if skilled enough he could use it to disarm Frey but he wasn't skilled enough so to took a staff, a three section staff.

The one with chain joint was much harder to use so he choose the one with detouchable joint.

He might lose a bit of its flexibility but it would be enough.

Opening the case of the black spear he gently retrived it and folded its joints till it stood straight.

Placing the jet black staff on his shoulder, he walked back to Frey with a smile.

In truth he wasn't confident after all he knew nothing about his win con.

Was it to defeat Frey, wound her or something else.

There where so many possibilities but drowning in though wouldn't assure his victory so simply decided to go with the flow.

Frey with a black and white katana over her shoulder examined his weapon with a stermed look before turn around.

"Let get some fresh air"

Removing the shealth of her weapon she swung it down,tearing through space and causing a thin long cut to appear in reality.

"What the..."

Lucas almost tripped upon the sight but Frey grapped his hand and thrown him through the tear earning herself a scream from the frighten boy who shot into the tear and disappeared.

With the boy now gone, Frey shealthed back her katana and walked through the spatial cut, her visage imposing.