Diary of the mentor ch12 Prove thou worth

On an unstreched desert that spun over thousands of kilometers, a thin spatail tear appeared on the piece of land and within second a white haired youth tore straight out of the tear before crashing into the ground and rolling far into the distance.


Gritting his teeth the youth stabbed his pole like staff deep into the sand to finally break his rolling.


Forcing himself up using his metallic staff as support he dusted the sand of his Jersey before finally surveying his surroundings.

"Desert, abnormally hot temperature..is this se-ria?"

The intense scorching sun, extremely disadvantageous for him seem to give him an answer but said sun also dailed down his sense leaving him in an almost misery state.

"Sis...you really are cruel."

Whiles he wasn't a full vampire, his tolerance with the sun also wasn't the best.The average vampire wouldnt die from sunlight and will just suffer major burns at best and as a half born he will just feel minor discomfort but against a transcendant like Frey a simple discomfort would mean his lost.

"Irritating isn't it?"

As he tried pushing his sleeve down his arms to reduced his exposure to the sun, a graceful figure pushed the tear in space to the side and slowly walked out.

The sight was frightening after all this was Lucas first exposure with spatail attribute user.

Seeing a being manipulate the very fabric of space was such a surreal sight that his mind found it extremely hard to comprehend.

And the being hadn't just manipulated it but straight up cutted it with a sword.

Not a divine relic but a simple sword.

The sheer scale of her feat was too frightening for his childish mind to comprehend.

"As an awakener...." Taking a step onto the red desert sand she sighed and sudden...


Appeances right before him.

Luacs froze not because of her speed but because he felt the cold surface of her blade resting on his neck.

" Even as a domaint your reaction is severally lacking!" Frey remarked as she examined luacs.

Her ocean like pure blue eyes had lost their light and formality rolled by a dim and soulless colored.

With the look she give him,luacs was sure his head would have been rolling on the ground if this was a real battle.

The fact that they was no sympathy in her eyes even when he was a child prove his theory that Frey was coldblooded and ruthless even more so than Vana.

Upon that realization he gulped and tightly gripped his staff.

His heart was pounding urging for him to not fight but he couldn't give up.

He had something to prove.

A cynical smile even more frightening than those of Alicia creeped on Frey emotionless face as she observed the faint traces of determination burning deep within luacs's Violet eyes.

"As awakener....." She began pulling her sword away from his neck and taking a step back," ...we are usually thrusted in unfamiliar and sometimes unforgiving environments!". "You meant a nest?"Lucas finally having a breather asked.

Frey nobbed and continued.

"Nest, domains or just natural environment like the cruel desert we are currently standing on or the death zones. During mission we are thrusted into this environment to adapt,to survive or to kill a cryptic."

"..." Luacs remained silent but his gaze never left Frey who as she spoke runned her hands through her hand and began to tied it into a long ponytail tail.

Ones that was done she carefully coiled the hanging tail together to form a bun at the bad of her head.

"Adapt, survive or kill the cryptic!" She threw those words as Lucas and placed her left hand behind her back.

"Keep those words to heart." She warned and raised her sword with the tip facing upwards.

"Understood sis!"

Placing his left leg forward, he held the metallic staff with both hands with its head facing downwards.


"Lucas seighart, ready!"

Frey smiled upon with words, happy Vana had at least taught him something correct.

With that mindset she took replied,"Frey seighart ready!"

With the names out of the way they began. ----------------

In the world filled with superhuman. The domaint vampire along with the transcendents began their clash in a mudune style.

With his metallic staff pointing downward Lucas began to slowly advance towards Frey.

He didn't have to win, ehy just had to prove himself. With that his expression froze not out as fear but with resolved.

His steps where slow but calculated, moving at the right speed to intercept any attack that came his way.

As he moved Frey examined each of his moments, noticing the familiarity of his form.

"So you learnt swordmaship!" She mused as she also began to move.

Mimicry was a powerful affinity but what use was the copy if she could just counter it.

She in knew Lucas had used his abilities on both her and Alicia to mimic their fighting style and she also presume Vana had showed him all her moveset.

Luacs even as a kid was smart and knowing him, she was sure he wouldn't use a spear or a sword against her but he will use something similar.

The thrusting power while inferior was neglected when used by someone with explosive strength like a vampire. It had a longer reach, and could be swung around like a sword.

She was sure he would have picked something in the lance category or even a staff and she was right.

As she draw near Lucas,she swung her weapon down at him aiming right for his shoulder.

Luacs with great speed and precision, quickly kicked his staff up with his left leg and using the force stuck her katana to the side.


Sparks flew as her katana was redirect but even as she bared witness to the boy's inhuman speed she remained calm and swung her sword again, this time aiming for his neck.

This time the boy didn't not parry but choose to lightly ducked causing her blade to sweep over his head.

During the second the sword passed his head, luacs pushed his right leg back, lowered his back and tightly gripping his staff and then thrusted it's upwards aiming for Frey chin.

The circular metallic head of the staff shot forward like a snake about to pounce it's prey but the prey reacted fast enough as she stopped her swing right as it passed Lucas's head and passed the hilt of her katana backwards to intercept the base of the spear and therefore shifting its trajectory slightly away from her chin.


The sudden impact against his staff caused Lucas to grit his teeths as his attavk missed causing him to fall back.

As he retreat, Frey stared at him a bit stunned.

"Only one hand will be ineffective!"

The child declared and rushed towards Frey, pushing the head of his metallic woepon at Frey, among for her left shoulder.

"You not Vana!" Frey retored and causally parried his attack by swung her sword to the left.


There was a spark as the spear was redirect to the side.

After a successful parry, Frey swung her sword to the right aiming for his head.


But her attack was intercepted as luacs twisted the staff in his hand causing the end facing the ground to shift upwards and slammed Frey attack back.

As Frey was pushed back by the sudden impact,Lucas twirled the staff in his hand with fluid style before stopping to point the end at Frey.

"No matter how young I am, I'm still a vampire."

His violet eyes glowed with determination as he lunged forward with his staff, aiming for Frey chest.

Yet before his thrust could connect, a changed occured in the grey haired woman's expression as she blocked his attack end on.

"You didn't parry!" Luacs grinned seeing the pressure looked frey was giving him.

"You...." Frey remarked as a sharp pain suddenly shot through her right shoulder.

"You really outplayed me..." She smiled as her shoulder began to make an cracking sound.

"You and Alicia...."

As she felt her right shoulder delocted, she finally understood why Alicia never dodged her attacks but always retaliated.

"I can never defeat you." Luacs muttered as he began to overcome Frey.

She outclassed him by multiple ranks and even if she fought without mana his vampiric strength wouldn't be enough to let him win.

But Frey had one weakness.

She always understimated him..no them.

She never fought both him and Alicia with mana and she always fought with her right arm.

She saw this as fair and Lucas couldn't refute after all the transcendent if using mana could defeat them in a mere second with just a flick of her finger.

She never dodged after all if she did they could never hit her.

But if she couldn't dodged it meant she always receiving their attacks head in and without mana.

As one grows in core rank their physical attributes increase be it strength or durability.

But nor matter how durable a transcendant was she could shrug of continuous damage on a particular part of her body that had accumulated for a whole year.

That what he did, he with the help of Alicia fought Frey every since day and she received the impact of their attack though it out.

If they had been regular interval her bones would have healed but there was non, every day, be it summer, be it winter, spring and autumn they always fought the swordwoman.

And after countless months, their accumulated damaged had began to show, now completely dislocating her right shoulder.

With each of the attacks Frey parried, the stressed her arm went through had been too much and broken, so now he was going to capitalize on a whole year effort.

Quickily pulling his staff back and he delivered another thrust and just like before Frey tried to block it but before impact he shifted his staff slight to the right causing it to scarp across Frey katana.

Right then he stopped leaving Frey confused by why but she found out in seconds as Lucas lightly twisted the metallic staff in his grip causing the third joint now right over her katana to fold over it.

"You understimated me!"

With breathtaking speed, he grapped the third section of the staff folded over her blade, then using it as support to pull himself up slide himself to the right side of her katana and delivered a knee strike straight into her dislocated shoulder.


The last thing he remembered after his knee strike was his vision being wrapped upside down and the crashing sensation of being slammed into the sand.


On the sandy red desert luacs cried in pain and violently rolled on the ground a sharp pain rushed across his body.

Frey who sat a few distance from his location was currently removing the top of her track suit and gently wrapped it around her right dislocated arm.

She had a pained expression through out but compared to Lucas not even a sound escaped her mouth.

Ones the warp was completely she gazed at Lucas wobbling on the ground in pain and shouted,"Stop being dramatic and come help me!"

Ones her words reached Lucas,he quickly spranged upwards ignoring his pain and rushed towards her with an excited expression.

"Warp the sleeves around me neck." She instructed handing the one of the sleeves of the tracksuit to Lucas.

He nobbed, took and and circled behind the sitting Frey before gripping the second sleeve and binding the two together around her at the back of her neck in a knot.

Ones he task was completely he could help but noticed a striking "s" shaped semi realistic black tattoo drawn at the right side of her neck.

"That weird...." He muttered, has that always been there!"

Now that he was realizing, frey always kept the back and side of her neck hidden either through her long hair or her long tracksuit collar.

"What the matter?"Frey inquired feeling his stare.

"There's a mark around you neck!" Lucas replied curious about its origin.

"Oh that."

Her tone was almost forgetful as if she had finally remembered something that seem to have slipped her mind.

"Curious?" She asked a faint smile only know to her on her lips.

"Yes!" Lucas replied his tone and eyes beaming with curiosity.


Gesturing for Lucas to come sit on her left she continued,"...it's a sign of being recognized as a true power house!"