Diary of the mentor ch13 Proven thou Worth.

"A powerhouse." Lucas muttered.

"Yes.." Frey smiled and glanced at him,"..have you heard of a legendary class cryptic!

Lucas nobbed.

During his stay with the seigharts, he had been imparted with lots of knowledge about the world he lived in.

He hadn't been ignorant before since his sister always passed on her knowledge to him but compared to his days in the slums, the knowledge he acquired here was much more abundant.

Books about awakeners, those about cryptic and even history books with profound forms of language.

Among the many things he learnt from those books where classification of cyptics.

Just like how Awakener where classified by core rank so too where crypties:From category 1 to2, Devil, Disaster, legendary, mythical and finally Divine.

The strongest recorded Cyptic, being a mythical class has manifest in space and records showed it had ones attempted to devoured the sun earning it the name Sun devoured.

A legendary class while below a mythical was just as powerful with many having been recorded to take part in the destruction of two continents in the previous era.

"This mark..." Placing her left hand over the tattoo she countuined,"...or the slayer mark for short was something you Sis gained for singlehandedly killing a legendary class cyptic!"


Borrowing a words Vana was often fun of, he tried to suppressed his astonishment.

Frey was about as prideful as Vana, if he encouraged her, they wouldn't be leaving the hot desert anytime and he really wanted go go back because this place had started to give him goosebumps.

"What with that reaction?"

Frey annoyed by his simply reaction ruffled his white haired to let out a frustration but quickly stopped ones she noticed the the blank expression the boy give her.

"Sorry about that."she said.

Lucas didn't like anyone touching his head and in the span of the moment she had forgotten and done just that.

"It's alright!"

Fixing his back his messy hair to hide the almost faded scar on the side of his forehead he muttered.

Frey silently watched him, realizing how different the boy was to his early days.

A year ago her action would have ended her a cry or a scream from the boy but in just a single year while he displayed irritation when touched on his head he wouldn't go as far as cry about it.

"You grown!" She muttered with a sweet expression.

A year ago and a half ago was when Vana brought him to her. Back then he was but a frighten little boy but now he looked and felt more confident.

He still had his little flaw like being easily scared and also being a little bit persistent at times but every one had flaws including her.

In her eyes does flaws of his made him feel alive.

"Sis..." Lucas called noticing her silences.

At first Frey did not speak simply choosing to silently observe him.

The boy flustered under her intense gaze quickly looked away a tingle of red on his cheeks.

"I'll awaken you core!" Frey sighed and looked away.

A sight of relief escaped Luacs's mouth as he turned back to Frey with a relaxed expression.

"Thank you!" He bowed his head and said.

With the lose of his sister, the only people he could call family where Frey and Alicia.

It's only been a year but he could see they cared for him and he took cared for them.

Because of that he didn't want to do anything to jeopardize their relationship.

If after everything that happened Frey still didn't Awaken his core he would have just give up and lived a normal life.

It will make the search for his sister longer and harder but at least it wouldn't have broken the relationship he had with the siegharts but now he was glad after all Frey had accepted his goal.

She will awaken his core and now he will be on a much closer step to achieving his core and finally proving his worthy.

"I promise I won't disappoint you and Vana!"

He will do everything he must to prove to his benefactors that he was worth saving.

"I'll be watching then."

Frey grinned and patted his shoulder with a warm look deep within her ocean blue eyes.

"The young truly are passionate!" She muttered and removed her left hand from Lucas shoulder before being it infront of his chest.

"Isolation!" She whispered, as a thin transparent cude manifested at the palm of her hands.

The sight caught luacs eye but he choose to remain silent as the cube began to slowly expanded and before long engulf him and Frey.

Time seem to hold within the cube spaning over 1000square feet.

As he felt time slow down, he also began to feel warm. The intense heat he had been feeling minutes ago seem to disappear replaced by only warmth.

"Came sit infornt of me" Frey said while placing her right foot ontop of her left thigh while also placing the left foot on the right thigh.

If luacs remember correctly it was called a lotus position or a meditative posture.

After Alicia awakener her core he usually saw her in a similar posture outside the yard.

Not wanting to keep Frey wanting he got on his feet and position himself a few centimeters infront of her.

"Mimicry my posture!" He heard Frey said from behind him.

Following her words he straight his back and took on her posture, his right foot on his left thigh and left foot on his right thigh.

"Now close you eyes and keep you hands steady!" Frey instructed.

Lucas nobbed, relaxed his hands on his thighs and gently closed his eyes.

As his world was dyed in darkness he felt a soft and gentle touch on his back.

"This wouldn't do..." He heard Frey muttered.

"Lucas..." Frey called removing her hands of his back.

"Yes." He replied a bit nervous.

At first he wondered if she couldn't awakener his core or maybe he couldn't become an awakeners, all sort of horror s flashed at the back of his mind as he impatiently waited for Frey's replied.

"Take of you shirt!"


His mind almost went blank after hearing her words.

"You didn't wear mana conductivity clothes." Frey remarked.

'ohhh.....!" Finally understanding what she meant she sighed and opened his eyes.

Just like how not all metal are good conductor of electricity the same could be said for fabric and mana.

Mana can reinforce about anything in the world be it the body, a weapon or even clothing but the level of reinforcement wouldn't always be the same because the level of conductivity a material had with mana determines the effectiveness of the reinforcement.

It can usually be ignored in a clash between weapon but in a sensitivity situation such as core awakener where the individual is expected to experience the true flow of mana to help in their core formation, a stronger conductivity is expected or it could leave to multiple tries and fails.

Pulling up his jersey abliet hesitant, he glance back at Freyh who seem to be holding back laughter.


She tried covering her mouth to keep her laughter down but it was too late as the sound of her laughter filled Luacs's ear causing him to shriek back shyly.

Frey had perfectly know the effects of her words to him and hadn't hesitated to tease and laugh at him.

He was so flustered, the whole of his face grew red out of embrassment.

"Those... sisters?" He mused coming to the conclusion the two sister weren't as different as he thought.

"Don't worry..." Frey said placing her palm on his back.

Her bare palm was so cold, a chill ran down Lucas spine but he knew even the littlest of reaction will be the end of his mental health with the level of teasing he will experience.

"...you grow ripped one day!"

He had been wrong. Frey didn't even need a reaction from him to tease him.


With the cube sperating the outside world from them, Frey placed her left hand on Lucas skinny bare back and instructed again.

"Close your eyes and keep you hand's steady!"

Adhering to her words luacs did just that.

"Good." Frey remarked seeing that.

"Now take in a deep breath and clear you mind...."

"Hold up!" Luacs intervened.


"Is this cultivation or core formation?"

He asked remembering he had read a scene just like this in those cultivating webnovel on his phone.

"Well..."Frey paused and brought her left hand to her chin," Cultivating will be assimilation of the mana to refine the core whiles core formation will be directing and merging the mana that has acclumated in an awakeners body for years to form a core."

"So core formation uses the mana stored within the body whiles cultivation uses mana within an environment...is that right?"

Laucas confirmed

"Yes, that mostly it.'

"Oh ok!"luacs nobbed and returned back to his previous meditative posture.

Having now answered his question Frey placed her palm back on his back and also closed her eyes.

"A step towards godhood!" She muttered as a surge of transparent silver energy was directed from within her heart and through her left hand and finally surged straight into Lucas body.

At first the energy envolped his outer body, enveloping him like a cloak before sipping through his flesh, his bones and finally arriving at a single point his heart.

"Did you feel the foreign sensation?" Frey asked as she slowly pulled her palms back.

"Yes!" Lucas replied as he felt a itching sensation tear through his body. He felt as if his body was being bitted by thousands of mosquitoes and he even had the urge to scratch it but he also knew scratch his boy will cause him to lose the sensation and he will then have to repeat the whole procedure again.

"My body itches!" He remarked resisting the urge by biting his lips so hard it began to bleed.

"It's you mana acting up." Frey answered a pained expression forming on her face.

The body isn't a container for mana, it is the core which is within the body.

Every living thing after the arrive of cyptics thousand of years ago was born with mana but only a few could activate said mana.

The few with the potential to awaken the mana stored within their body are called awakener and even with them they needed guidance for the activation to truly happen.

Since mana is something thay shouldn't exist within the body it begins to ramaged within the body deparestly searching for a way out of the body.

If not stopped it could destroy the body and the only to stop it is to form a core.

" Using the foreign sensation you felt, carefully directed every ounce of mana within you body to you heart!" Frey instructed.

"Yes sis!"

His expression was pale and he felt like throwing up but he had signed up for this so he had to fully commit himself.

He took in a deep breath as he began to slowly command and direct the mana within him across his body.

He first directed the ones stationed on his left and right leg to his torse and finally those on his right arms and left arm to his shoulder.

Then as he finally released his breath he slowly directed those concentrated within his head slowly throwing his throat.

As the itching sensation sipped through his throat a month full of blood and saliva began to spill out of his mouth, it was painful, so painful he wanted to scream but he didn't, no he couldn't. He was afraid, afraid of failing ones he screamed, so he keep it end till it had soared down his throated and was now concentrated within his chest.

Now his torse, shoulder and chest carried an abundant of energy and with such brought about an intense pain at those area.

"To the heart!" Frey instructed again.

Lucas too lost in the pain couldn't nobbed but he did clenched his fist place on his thigh as affirmation.


As he desperately encouraged himself he slowly guided the energy within his chest,shoulder and torse equally towards a singular point, his heart.

As the three points of mana merge, a sharp pain so pain tore into his heart forcing him to let out an agonizing scream.


Placing his clenched fist on his heart,luacs cried a pained expression on his face.

Droplets of blood had began to smear down his lips dripping on his his hands and leg.

"Fre...y....he...l.."His voice was strain and weak but Frey remianed relatively unfazed as she replied," compress it into a sphere!'

Luacs with his chest raising and falling, clenched this fist tightly and gritted his teeths now covered in blood.

"I ...can do it!" He weakly said as he compressed his mana to the atmost limit.

It was hard, and so pain as if he was straining his muscle to its limit but after two agonizing minutes he fully compressed it as he felt something foreign and warm slowly fill the space near his heart.

Ones he felt that, he finally let lose and fell to the ground, heavily panting.

His body was smeared in blood and sweat causing the desert sand to stick into his skin but he paid it no hind and he opened his eyes.

"I .....did it!" He smiled filling a cooling sensation around his heart.


A he laid on the ground, Frey shifted forward towards him and placed the back of his head on her laps.

"Very good!"

She smiled and gently ranned her hands through his hair.

Luacs smiled back,for some reason not feeling an ounce of irratation by her actions.

After years he finally had grown to enjoyed a pat on the head.