Diary of the mentor ch14Three years, three steps

It was the early days of autumn.

During this time of the year quantities of lustrous and dead leaf's scattered across the beautiful garden right behind the seighart mansion.

At the center of the garden, devoid of any falling leaves, a white haired boy sat in a meditative position with his eyes closed.

The boy of about sixteen years old had long lustrous white hair that ran down his back.

His long hair tied together into a single strand brushed across the grassy grounds and occasionally the strands let out a faint violet glow.

The boy was dressed in a one piece red tracksuit with a pure white shirt visible from his unzipped top.

As he sat on the ground meditating, a violet burst of energy erupted from his body causing a miniature shockwaves arcoss the garden.

The levas where blown away whiles the surrounding grass,flowers and trees were pushed back.

The surge of energy lasted a total of five minutes until finally it subsided and slowly disappeared from his body.


The teenager sighed and gently opened his violet eyes, a faint glow within them.

"Still not enough!"

He muttered as he got up from the grass causing his long white hair to fluttered behind him.

"As expected cultivation is harder in practice than in fiction!".

Wiping the sweat that has accumulated on his face, he sighed again, this time a more tired type.

Every since Lucas awaken his core three years ago, he had cultivate a lot in hopes of quickily climbing the ranks.

In the early day it's seemed easy, and in just a matter of months he had reached the first stage of awakening.

It wasn't a groundbreaking record or anything of sort since Alicia had reached the first stage in just her first week as a Domaint awakener but compared to others he was extremely fast.

By both Frey and Vana estimation he was above average in mana efficiency.

Which was one of the factors that determine cultivation speed.

With that knowledge his confidence has soared to astronomically height but before long he confidence crashed down as Alicia suppressed him again, becoming the youngest awakener to reach the second stage of awakening at just the age fifteen.

Sure she hasn't advanced since then but that was solely because Frey has asked her to focused on strengthing her attribute with flames before advancing again.

It hurted, seeing he so called to rival completely suppress him.

He was currently the point of breakthrough into entering the second stage but no matter how he cultivated he couldn't transcend the wall.

He had donr everything he could and was still trying but he couldn't advance.

"Above average my ass!"

Kicking the air with his right foot in irratation he took a sit on the backdoor stairs and lowered his head in disappointment.

"Attaining godhood isn't as easy as you hope.."

Two slender arms enveloped his neck as someone whispered into his ear.

"Yeah! It much harder than it's sounds!"

Brushing of the warm and soft sensation currently being placed on his back he remarked.

"Hehe..." The owner of the voice lightly chuckled hearing his words.

After that she went silent for a bit before resting her placing her chin on his shoulder.

"Have you heard of dual cult..."

"Not interested!"

Pushing the girl away he got up and turned to her in irritation.

"Stop bothering me!" He said, trying to hide the sheer level of irritation he was currently feeling.

"No!" The girl retired brushing her grey hair to the side. Her hazel coloured eyes shimmered with a chilling intent as a smile creeped across hr beautiful face.

"I wouldn't stop!"

Compared to her mature appearance her words displayed a level of childishness only found in children.

While someone might find that cute, luacs didn't. As a matter of fact he hated it because he felt Alicia was just making fun of him.

'I'm not in the mood for you game..so just leave me alone!"he warned and walked passed the girl but...

She grabbed onto his wrist and glance at him with a hint of loniless in her eye.

"Why are you being this cold to me?" She asked tightly gripping into his wrist.

Lucas was many things to her. Her best friend, her brother and so much more. To her it wouldn't be a stretch to say she couldn't imagine her life without the white haired vampire.

They had gone through many incidents together and through all that they had strengthen their bond but all that suddenly changed this week when her sole friend stopped socializing with her.

Why? she wondered.

In her eyes she had done nothing wrong for such a treatment. Sure she might be a bit childish and annoying and clingy but those where all her ways of showing affection.

She had down the same to Frey.

Her father and even Vana weren't excluded. She saw no reason to hold back with luacs, so just why was he distancing herself from him.

"My birthday was a week ago...." He muttered avoiding her gaze.

"...Oh!" Alicia exclaimed realizing she had forgotten.

"Im sorry.." she pleaded realizing what was going on.

"It alright!" The vampire smiled," you had much more important things to do!"

Breaking free from her grasped he added scartistically before walking away.

Silently watching leave Alicia sighed coming to the conclusion she wans't the only childish teenger in the mansion.


"So his angry at you because you forgot to wish him for his birthday day!"

Currently Alicia was in Frey Bedroom as she silently watched Frey come to that conclusion.

"Yes!" She said.

"I was in elfhiem,I went there to get used to my attribute under you instruction."

"Hey...didn't pin this on me!"

Frey denying her accusation sighed.

"Sure I asked you to go train with the high elves but you have a phone...you could have just called."

"I know.." Alicia bit her lips," I know I forgot, that on me but I want to make up for it."

"So why are you here...go make up for it." Frey instructed.

"I don't know how."

Her words left Frey who was currently on her phone stunned.

"What do you mean you don't know how."


"Sigh..have you tried search, you know.. online.'

"I learnt a whole back, the Internet isn't the best at giving advice."

"What about you friends."

"I didn't have some."

Now it was Frey turned to be stunned.

" What do you mean you don't have friends."

Unlike Lucas Alicia has gone to basic school for six years, that was more than enough time to make friend, so she couldn't help but think Alicia words where just lies.

"Well I do have a friend..."

"Thank goodness. Now go ask them."

"It's Lucas."

Closing her eyes in disappointment at the sheer level of her sisters social life, she threw her out of her room and sealed the door shut.

Staring at the door in silence Alicia walked downstairs and found Lucas in the kitchen, busily feasting on the bar of chocolate in his hands.

The boy noticing her ignored and and rested his hands on the kitchen table whiles placing the chocolate on a plate infornt of him.

"Is Ellen around?" She inquired and the housemaids whereabouts.

"She left minutes ago..."Lucas said,".. something about her son not feeling well!"

'Oh! ok!" She nobbed and walked towards the cabinet to retrieve a glass.

Wiping it clean, she took a jug of cold water in the fridge at the corner of the kitchen and poured some in her glass.

"Want some?" She glanced at luacs with a smile.

The boy shook his head and returned to eating his chocolate.

"Whose childish now!" She though drinking the water in the glass.

Ones she was done, she approached laucas from the side and grabbed his shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" She said.

"For what?"

"Forgetting you birthday!"

"Noticed!" He smiled and grasped her hands now resting on his shoulder.

At first she froze thinking he was about to remove it and walk away but her fear didn't come true as the vampire just place this right hand ontop of her's.

"We are a duo, rivals, friend and sibling..." He paused and tightened his gripp on her,"so promise me you won't forget about it again."

She nobbed a both her ears red.

"I promise!"

With that out of the way she swiftly snatched the last chocolate on the plate and stashed it in pocket.

"Hey! give that back!"

"Nuh uh!"

Sticking out her tongue to tease him, she rushed out if the kitchen with luacs ranning after her