Diary of the mentor ch16 cousins pt2

And hour after the talked about lux, Vana remarked she wasn't feeling well and left.

He knew she was lying since transcendent where pretty much immune to most disease and where at their peak almost all the time but he guessed his teacher wanted a time alone so as usual he didn't question her ad she left.

Now he sat alone on the skyscaper, calmly observing the city.

Compared to Hosu,Agvon had a more mundane feel to it. Where as in Hosu he felt the neon cityscape was trying to blind him in Agvon he felt peace and the sight was truly enchanting.

"Was this how the old civilization looked!" He exclaimed in wonder.

The towering skyscaper, the blinking crane lights, the bustling street below and the hooking of cars.

Compared to the slums it was relatively more noisy but he still enjoyed it here.

If this was how the so called old civilization lived and felt, he would gladly wished his and his sister had been born there.

"But i wouldn't have met Vana and the others!" He muttered.

No matter how he wished for this sense of normality or those that existed in the old era. He still wasn't ready to give up his relationship with the siegharts and his mentor for that.

He would rather prefer find his sister and leave in this sad world than be in another era without the siegharts.

"I really needed to cut my hair!"

As the cold breeze blow his hair into his face he concluded.

Long hair was cool and all but the amount of work one needed to do to keep it clean along with the occasional blowing into the face was begining to annoy him.

He hadn't personally settled for when to cut it but he was probably going to do it before his awakener exams in a few months time.


"Eh.. excuses..."

As he walked across the sidewalk an unstreched slender arm grapprd his shoulder forcing him to turn back a bit surprised.

"H.. hello." Lucas muttered staring intently at the individual who pulled him.it was a handsome young elf with a casual blue shirt and trouser. His luscious blonde hair was hidden underneath a black cap with tiny strand visible to the eyes whiles his sharp jewel like green eyes seemed lost.

The sudden Majesty apprence left him a bit stunned but he quickly regained his composure and grinned.

"Need anything?"

The handsome elf removing his hand of his shoulder looked a bit hesitant but after seconds of consideration finally replied.


"Well go on.' Lucas encouraged him to countuined.

The elf nobbed ," you see I'm new to this city and I'm currently lost... so can I please enlist you help."

Luacs understanding his predicament and soft of relating to it sighed," it depends...I'm not that familiar with the city myself but I'll help as much as I can."

"Thank you so much!" The elf bowed before quickly taking his phone out of the backpack strapped to his back.

"..let see...it should be this... damnit.. this fucking device...ah.hey it is!"

After searching through his phone for something he finally handed it to luacs to check for his destination.

"Streets no3..house 3...."

One he saw the house number his sighed," come on I lead the way!"

The elf perhaps cautious of him was a bit hesitant but after speaking almost five minutes to tell him he wasn't a scammer he finally decided to believe luacs and followed him.


"It's should be here."

Arriving at the gates of a familiar mansion luacs remarked.

"Is there a doorbell or should we kn..."

"It's alright..."Lucas intervened pushing the gothic style gate opened.

"Wait!" The elf scream,"isn't this trespassing!" The elf said eying him in suspicious.

"Relax dude, I live here!"


The elf suspicion grew hearing his words.

"I have you know vampire than I wont go down without a fight!'

Before luacs knew it a green bow had manifested in the elf's arm and he had an arrow pointing at his head.

"Sigh...you looking for the siegharts aren't you?"

"Yes..but how do you know."

The elf's voice was cold as he assessed laucas who seemed relatively unfazed by the weapon point at him.

"Street three,house number 3 is the house of Frey siegharts...I know this because i am also a siegharts...well adopted but still one!'

"Wait you're a siegharts?" The elf lowered his bow a bit.

"Yes.. adopted!"

"Oh so you are the vampire, Alicia told my sister about."

A look of realization struck the elf as he completely lower his bow and gives Lucas a warm smile.

"Alicia, sister...excuse who might you be?"

"Me!..." The elf smiled," you could say I'm you cousin."


"Ohhhhh so that what was going on!"

It was slight and currently all the siegharts including the elf gathered at the dinning table as Lucas exclaimed.

From what he had gathered the elf was the branch family of the siegharts, the iris family.

Technically speaking the seigharts are the branch family but he didn't particularly care who was who so he decided to gloss over that fact.

Anyway the iris family were one of the four families at the top of the noble system in elfhiem. Currently it had the most influence since the current queen of the elves was a memeber of said family.

Anyway the elf which he later found out was called Ren was a recent awakener just like him and Alicia and he had been deported here after an incident back at home.

So until the incident was solved he was now a resident in the house.

"It's a pleasure to me you again lady Frey!"

The handsome elf falling on one of his knee held Fry hand and gently kissed it.

"The pleasure is my!" Frey smiled a bit taken back by his actions.

"He reeks of being a playboy!" Lucas whispered to Alicia.

"At least his straight forward. Unlike a certain someone....."

Ignoring Alicia remarked which he dubbed useless he retuned his gaze to Ren who was showering Frey which so much praises the woman couldn't help but blush.

"Tch!" Clicking his tongue in annoyance he regretted helping that elf.

"Okay....that enough Ren!"

Pulling her hands back with a flustered expression, Frey said.

Ren nobbed and returned to his seat, right opposite of Lucas.

"Jealous of his looks!"

Alicia remarked, noticing how intently luacs stared at the elf.

"No I'm not!" Lucas scoffed.

Sure the blonde elf was handsome, maybe too handsome but Lucas was a looker in his own right.

There was no way he was jealous.

"Sure..." Alicia chuckled at his reaction.

A jealous luacs was a rare sight and she couldn't get enough of it.

"Don't worry you aren't bad yourself!"

"Stop patronizing me!"

He said angrily and tried walking away but...

"Stay back young man!" Frey commanded.

"Yes sis!"

Lowering his head in embrassment he returned to his sit.

Alicia chuckled whiles Ren observed him with a strange expression.

"Anyway..you must all me confused by I gathered you here!"

"Not really!"

" Alicia can you please not interrupt me."

Frey said in an irritated tone.

"Fine!" Alicia replied in a dissatisfied tone and rested her head on her right palm.

"Good...now as I was saying I brought you three here to relay an important decision to you. But since you all are almost adults I couldn't go on with that decision without you permission."

"Is this decision related to my arrival." Ren remarked.

Frey nobbed and continued.

"It's nearing cyptic season which means the Bearu exams should be begining soon. In six months time the bearu will begin


Lucas nobbed in understanding.

Cyptic season was one of the major factors that led to an increase in the deaths of awakeners.

To fill in the numbers lost, newer awakener have to be recruited.

And finally after four years it was he turn.

"..Ren coming here has nothing to do with you recuirtmeny but what happened after.'

"After?"Lucas inquired.

"Yes after recuirtments, awakeners are grouped into numbers of three to four to form a team."

"Oh!" He mused.

Completely unknown to that fact.

"The basic team outline consist of at least two or three individuals who fight on the frontlines and an operator responsible for relaying information and strategies to the main force!"

"So is Ren an operator?"

"No you are!"

Frey grinned seeing the darkened expression that grew on luacs face as he heard her words.

"But Frey..."

"Just kidding!" She chuckled and retrived three white card from her pocket.

"This is you Awakener ID!"

Passing the card to the trio, she gazed at them with a stern look.

"I went ahead the system and registered you three as legit Awakeners.so you three wouldn't have to go through the recuirtments!"

"Nice!" Spinning the her ID between her fingers Alicia remarked.

Luacs silently nobbed and examined the card Frey had passed him

His basic initial like age, race,gender and more where neatly printed beside his picture.

On the area above his picture was glode symbol of the Bearu with the branch of city he belonged to neatly printed in a golden colour.

"So we are to form a team with Ren?"

"Yes. You, Alicia and Ren along with an operator who you will met six months from now."


"I gathered you to know you opinions about my decision!"

"I don't mind!" The first to speak was Alicia who seemed relatively unbothered.

"I'll ranther stick with Lucas than be sent of with some randoms."she added.

Frey smiled and turned to Ren,who had remained silent throughout.

"What of you?"she asked.

"Well, I have no way to go since my disownment and since you accepted me here, I guess I'll comply with you decision."

Without Frey help he would he been spending all the mouths before his recuirtments into the bearu outside for being disowned. Frey accepting to take him was what saved him of that horrible future. So he was really to accept her words.

"What of you Mr hot stuff?"

Averting her eyes from Ren, she finally stared at Lucas.

"Well as long as I'm not the operator, I'm good!" He replied also unbrother.

Just like Alicia he too prefered to be with people he knew. The handsome elf might be a stranger to him now but recuirtments was only six mouths from now, more than enough time to learn to get along.

With their decision now settled Frey called her hand together to gain their attention.

"I hope you get alone!"She muttered her voice filled with anticipation.