Diary of the mentor ch19 We where rivals one's pt2.

"He finally spoke up!"

Walking downs the stairs leading to the backyard she remarked watching as luacs kneeled on the ground right infornt of Alicia.

"Lady... Frey!

Ren startled by Frey's sudden apperenace flinched and turned back to see Frey with a crisomon spear in her right hand and a jade colored sword on her shoulder.

The woman unfazed by the sight happening infornt of her smiled and looked at him.

" Sis or Frey!"she demanded.

Ren though about it for sometime and replied,"Frey!"

Frey nobbed in acceptance and twirled the crisomon spear in her grasp around before launching it in the area right between luacs and Alicia.

It stabbed into the ground in a tilted angle while also drawning laucas and Alicia attention.

"I warned you!"

With her right hand now free form the spear grasp she pointed at luacs who stared at her with a blank expression.

"Time and time again I told you you weren't set for this path. I told you to leave a normal life but ....."

Her ocean blue eye shimmered as she gazed at luacs with a sorrowful in them.

".....you didn't listen!"

Lucas lowered his head as those words left Frey mouth.

"You're... right!" He muttered his hands dropping to the ground.

"I was stubborn, young and naive. I thought with my affinity I could make it. I thought with Vana training I could overcome it but..."

"It doesn't matter!" Frey interjected her eyes cold.

"You took their path. So you have to see it through, so now pick up that spear....."

She grinned and threw the jade colored sword towards Alicia.

"...and fight till you breakthrough!"

Luacs didn't even had the time to refute because his body was devoured by a silver portal that manifested underneath him.


"Such a pitiful sight!"

The white haired vampire remarked in contempt as he sat in the sidewalk and placed his back against the building behind him.

With his crimson spear resting on his shoulder he signed, his violet eyes hollow.

"Maybe I'm not really cut out for this!" He mused and lowered his head in dejection.

If this was the real world a few pedestrian would have eyed him with a strange look in their eyes but fortunately this wasn't the real world but merely an isolated dimension crafted specifically by Frey for his fight against Alicia.

It took the form of the city specifically district 1.

It's scale was pretty large considering he hadn't come across Alicia even after hours of walking.

Each district in Avgon was about as large as a city in the old civilization, spanning over2000Km² each.

It terms of distance most Awakener including him with his lightning attribute could cross the distance in mere minutes.

The distance was so insignificant that he could probably find Alicia in a minute or two if he wanted to but his mind wasn't at his best.

He just needed a breather so he choose rather to be found.

"Mundane life really was the best for me!"

That statement he had just made was something wans't because of regret but simply something he felt was true.

Star and city gazing with Vana, his daily life with the seigharts and even escorting Ren to the Mansion.

They where simple activities byy he truly felt he enjoyed them better than fighting but no matter how he enjoyed those activities he could never go back to them.

He will continue to experience normality alright after joining the bearu but he wont see Frey and Vana for mouths or even years.

Fighting, protecting that will now be his life and all the simple normal life he he wished for will evaporate ones a cryptic appeares.

The worse part was he couldn't back out now because he had a core.

As long as his core was active he had a duty to perform.

"Honestly truly is the best policy!" I muttered realzing if he had come out and stated his envy right from the beginning instead of disguise it in a sea of lies he wouldn't have be facing this problem.

"You will defeat me one day!"

A voice ozzing with confidence resoanted with the surrounding as luacs head the approaching stride of a familiar individual.

Just as he suspected a lone beautiful girl, with curly grey haired and cold hazel eyes reveal herself.

She was fast so fast that before luacs knew it she stood right infornt of him and gazed down at him with a stoic look.

Incontrast to his black and white tracksuit she wore a casual tin sleeves top underneath a thick black jack with white stripes across it.

She also adorned a pair of shirt blue jeans exposing her pale legs whiles on her feets she wore a pair of black and white sneakers.

All in all she looked relatively normal except the jade colored thin sword held in her right hand.

"....four years ago you said those words to me. I was impressed, after all how could a kid from the slums display such confidence. It wouldn't even be a lie to say on that very day you got my heart racing for you!"

An oddly bashful smile formed on her face but Lucas ignored and continued wobbling in despair.

Seeing his disappointing reaction Alicia expression reverted back to its stoiced state.

"Where those lies?" She inquired.

"I can't tell!"He sneered and stood up.

"Through my life...I had only one goal..."Stabbing his spear into the paved sidewalk, he removed his grasped on it and grabbed his long hair.

Using the tie that held his hair in a rat tail, he tied it in a knot at the back of his head and formed a thick bun at the backside of his head.

Alicia carefully examined him and one he was done, he calmly slipped his hand across the surface of his crimson spear,'knave"and slowly removed it if the ground.

"...My one and only true goal was..." He paused and pointed the sharped tip of his spear towards Alicia with a hollow look in his eyes as he finally continued,"...to find my sister."

Alicia unfazed by his provocative stared at him a sadden look in her eyes.

"So our rival...."

"It was false!" Luacs scoffed enaring him a blank look from her.

"But I want to make it a reality...." He added full of uncertainty.

"My goal, rival and so fourth where all products of my envy but ..."he gritted his teeth and took a step forward.

"I don't want that anymore, I was envious of you..." He added and stared deep into her eye.

"Lucas!"Alicia cheered as luacs finally spoke the truth. Her heart raced with joy for the boy's first displayed of honestly.

"You life, you strength,you sister...I envied it all but I was too ashamed to say it so I disguised my envy as a goal to prove my worth, I hated it. As you grow stronger I grew more envious, I wanted to be a prodigy like you, I wanted to have a sister like you but I forget I had a sister that was you!"

"Hehe!" His word's just now made her laugh.

"I envied you without realizing, I also had what you had."

How could be forgot he took was a sieghart. Even if it was by name the sister has accepted him. Sure Alicia was better than him but he took was no slouch.

He finally came to this realizing after he decided to be honest with himself.

"So Lucas..."Aliaca began an all too familiar smile creeping in her face," ...did you truly want to defeat me?"

With her jade sword shimmering a deadly glint she inquired.


This wasn't envy but our of pride.

He had lost ones as a child but not this time.

"I didn't care if you're a prodigy or not..."

With the crismon shaft of his spear facing Alicia he too smiled and finally continued," I'm winning this Alicia seighart. You will be the stepping stone towards my breakthrough so don't break!"

"Very interesting!" Alicia smiled widden as she took a sword stance.

"The man and the stone...let see who breaks first!"

With her eye burning with madness she lunged towards luacs as the two began their clash.