Diary of the mentor ch20 We are rivals pt1.

[Moonlight swordstyle: Variation]

[ First form: Crimson Hue]

As she lunged forward towards Lucas, Crimson flames ignited around her sword which she thrusted forward towards his chest.

"Variation!" Lucas mused as he took a step back and swung the shaft of his spear in a upwards slash.


The shaft of his spear slammed into the tip of the flaming sword, altering its path upwards and leaving her open.

With his counterattack now complete Lucas twirled his spear,causing the shaft one's facing upwards to rotate backwards, before returning to face foward.

[Moonlighting sword stance: Piercing moonlighting]

Taking a step backwards he tightly gripped his spear and delivered a piercing thrust aiming for Alicia stomach.

"Ha..."he laughed not out of victory but because just as he was aiming to pierce her guts she too was bringing her sword down aiming to dice him in two from head to toe.

"I thought that would have brought me time!"

He mused changing his stab into a swung to intercept her attack.


Sparks flew as the flaming sword met the crimson spear.

"Hey, are you holding back!" Alicia inquired as she draw her sword back and deliver a swung again.

Luacs pulled his spear back and jumped back opting to dodge than parry.


With his back touching the building behind, he smiled before rushing to his left.

Alicia trailed behind him with inhuman speed as the two rush down the empty streets.

"Her attack are strong!" Luacs mused feeling his arms going numb.

He decided to not drawn on it for the time being as he slip over a car parked on the road and sighed.

Now on the other side of the car, a violet energy surged within his right leg as he turned back and slammed his feets straight into the car.

The force of his attack sent the car flying straight into Alicia who was dashed in from the other end.

With the car now flying towards her, she grinned and lunged forward.

"Seriously!" She remarked and just as the car crushed into her she raised her flaming sword and slashed down perfectly dividing it into two pieces leaving her who stood in the middle unscathed as the two parts flew pass her and crashed into the near by building.

"Is that all..."

Before she could finished a crimson spear shot towards her with the speed of a bullet train.

She quickily sidestepped it by jumping to the right but found herself trapped as luacs rushed towards her from that angel.

A violet charge of lightning surge around his right arm as he thrust it towards her.

She tried bringing her sword between his attack but his attack argument by lightning outclassed her reflexes and crashed into her guts.

"Arg..."she groaned and was pushed back only coming to a stop by plunging her sword into the asphalt to kill the monument.

Before she could cool her head luacs dashed towards her again violet lights enfused in both his arms.

Alicia tried removing her sword from the ground but luacs quickly gripped her right hand delaying her before swiftly raising his right leg to deliver a perfect knee strike straight into the left side of her ribs.

His attack failed as Alicia blocked his attack by intercepting it with her left palm.

As Lucas retracted his right knee back, Alicia right knee shot upwards aiming for his chin, the boy quick on his feets released his grasp on her right arm and pulled his head back narrowing avoiding her attack.

Not wasting time he jumped back and began rushing towards his spear with had landed a few distance away.

Noticing this Alicia gritted her teeth and quickly pulled her leg back before retrieving her sword stabbed into the ground.

After that she tensed her knees and sprinted towards luacs with inhuman speed.

She closed the distance in mere seconds before swinging her sword at his skull but the white haired vampire with his back turned to her ducked down avoiding her attack.

"Why are you so fast?"

Having now over taken him, Alicia broke her sprint and turned to the vampire with a shock locked in her eyes.

She was at the second stage of awakening whiles he was at the first but on most occasions the vampire had totally outclassed her.

In terms of speed and techquie she was totally outclassed.

The vampire looked at her with a distance look and replied," it's because you movement are too much like Frey's."

"You move like her...., he took a step forward violet lighting surging from each step.

"You hit like her....."

His violet eyes as he adavced towards Alicia where calm but also displayed disappointment.


He paused and stretched out his right arms.

"You too weak to be like her!"

His words acting as a sort of taunt caused Alicia to rushed towards him and unleashing torment of sword strikes.

Each where as lethal as it could get but Lucas was unfazed as he engulfed both his fists with lightning and redirected each of her strikes with masterfully precision and even going as far as deliver counter strikes of his own.

He held no weapons but each of her strike here so see through to him that all he needed to do was placed his lightning infused fist at the right place to alter their trajectory.

"I guess my envy was uncalled for!" He sneered dodging one of her strikes by crounching to the right before delivering a punch into Alicia gut again.

Perhaps bored he didn't attack her as she stagger backwards and fell on her knees dropping her sword.

"Frey is laidback because she has the strength to back it...."luacs remarked and walked passed her.

The primary reason why he chose to use a spear instead of a sword wasn't because Vana was his teacher but because until he saw Frey actually take her fight seriously he wasn't going to pick a sword.

His mimicry longed to copy Frey at one hundred percent not her half assed training with self.

"..Trying to copy a half assed swordstyle will simply make you a half assed swordsmaster."

His mimicry made him a master of any fighting style so he knew what he was saying better than most.

If a techquie was trash and he copied it he took will be trash. So he couldn't help but be disappointed as Alicia let her elegant moveset and opted for Frey more brutish and strength reliant swordstyle.

Waking towards his spear he picked it up and skillful spinned it before thrusting the tip forward.

"Just like how I'm not Vana you too aren't Frey. So deal with it and fight me as your true self!"


"You weren't the only one filled with envy!" After luacs words, Alicia still on her knee muttered.

Lucas chose to remain silent and waited for her to continue.

"I took was envious..not of you but of her sister!"

"Why?" He finally inquired.

"Hehe!"she chuckled, Before picking her sword up and raising up.

"It was a selfish reason. One I'm too embrassed to disclose off!"

Raining her hand against the surface of her jade sword she turned to face him with an embarrassed smile.

Her blush was surprisingly cute was what luacs wanted to say but he shook his head not to fall for her distraction.

Right as he did that his instincts screamed as he saw a flash of light at the corner of his eyes causing him to quickly tilted his head.

One's he did he noticed the space where his head was ones located had a jade coloured blade thrusted there.

Sweats began to ticked down his forehead as a thin cut smearing with blood formed on his left cheek right beside the sword.

"You right..." Alicia who now stood inch's away from him smiled as she stared at the spear thrusted inch's away from her neck and ready to skewered her neck of.

"...we aren't them so let's fight as our true selves!"

Breaking of the restraints and finally coming out as their true selves, their clash enter its climax.