Diary of the mentor ch21 We are rival's pt2.

[Crimson Hue]

Alicia sword was ignited into flames one's more as she swung it to the right aiming to slice of his skull.

This dimension had a rule and that rule was simple. Only true death meant exist.

It was either luacs killed her and attained victory or she did it.

Of course she would never dream of killing luacs and Frey wasn't cruel enough either.

Before true death they would be teleported outside back into the real world to be healed so she didn't hold back as her sword traced a crimson arc straight at him but the vampire was no slouch as he ducked and thrusted his spear in his right grip foward aiming for her neck but Alicia having anticaped that quickily bent her neck to the side and gritted her teeths.

She couldn't fully dodge it as the sharp sensation of his spear tore through the side of her neck. She wanted to scream but she gritted her teeths even more with bloodshot eyes before grabbing the shaft of his spear and pulling it toward her.

To avoiding being pulled along the vampire left his weapons and tried falling back but Aliaca didn't let him as she spinned the sword in her grasp and stabbed it downwards towards him.

Luacs lucky dodged but before he could bath in his victory a bone cracking punch slammed into his face and caused him to stagger backwards.


Holding his nose in pain he wondered how she had struck him.


He couldn't even figure out how as he noticed Alicia hand swiftly returned to her sword and quickily pulled it upwards while initialing an upwards slash aiming to rip through his chest.

He quickily jumped back avoiding her attack but one's he feet landed back in the ground a red spear was thrust toward his face.

"My spear." He mused tilting his head to dodge before grasping the base but he felt no resistance as Alicia left it and meneavered underneath the spear to thrust the tip of her flaming sword towards his chest.

Argumenting his body with lightning he quickily sidestepped to the left but Alicia having anticaped that tightly gripped her sword and delivered a slash aiming right at him.

"No more playing around!"

Gripping the base of his spear he met her attack head on but unlike before his attack was also infused with his attribute, lightning.

Red flames and violet lightning meet before the two retracted their weapon and attacked again.

A dance of sword and spear revealed itself in the artificial city as luacss parried, redirected and counterattacked with his spear.

Alicia now matching his speed moved with an elegant and masterful footwork as she wove in dozens of strikes aiming to split Lucas apart.

Her cold eyes, changed into determination as her strikes grew faster and sharper. Unlike Lucas she didn't dodged her footwork wans't meant for that ranther it was meant to overwhelm her opponent.

Abandoning dodging meant she was subjected to all the strikes she couldn't parry but she didn't care in the contrary she laughed as luacs's spear tore through her cloths and her body.

She laughed her determined eyes growing brighter not with determination but joy.

She was truly enjoying this very moment.

There was no restraint, no moral, just blood that filled her nostrils.

"You....monster!" Luacs cursed as he pierced Alicia shoulder with his spear.

By now her shirt had been riddled with holes and covered in blood.

Her adobdmen, her arms, parts of her stomach had all be pirced by him. She was covered in so much blood Lucas felt hurt just looking at her but she hadn't given up on the contrary she was growing faster, stronger and more energetic everytime he wounded her.

The wosre part was the fact that her blood was beginning to affect him. Blood was like a drug to vampires and whiles Frey did provide him some, he didn't know how long he could go as more and more of Alicia blood drew his attention. Ignoring the urge of bite her he retracted his spear and jumped back.

Compare to before his movements had grown dull and much slower because most of his willpower was being used to restrain his vampiric urges and Alicia noticing this capitalize on this opportunity as she forcefully gripped this spear head still impaled in her shoulder with her left arm before delivering a slash that tore through his chest with her right.


The sudden injury caused him to let out a groan that slowed his movements enough for Alicia to pull him closer using his grip on the spear before delivering a kick with her right leg that stunt him long enough for her to swing down her sword aiming to split him in half.

Before she could completely it luacs sudden jolted back into reality and applied so much into his spear that it tore through Alicia shoulder.

Just like luacs she took was use to pain and did not scream but her attack was altered causing her slash to miss luacs head and dice straight through his tracksuit and into his shoulder.


"It hurts..."he groaned as he felt the metallic surface of her blade trying to reap deep into his skin.

"...So bad!" Alicia with a similar expression whispered a tired look begining to fill her eyes.

"Have you broken through?" She inquired a mixture of worry evident in her tone.

No matter how much she wanted enjoying their fight, they weren't fighting for fight sake. They where fight so luacs could break through to the second stage.

This was why they hadn't fully reinforced their body with mana after all Lucas needed it to cultivate.

Before replying laucas closed his eyes ignoring the sensation of the blade currently embodied in his shoulder and tried focusing on his core.

He smiled noticing a change and finally replied," Just a final act!"

Alicia nobbed retracted her sword from his shoulder whiles pulling his spear out of her shoulder.

"An attribute finale!" She remarked anticipation filling her tone.

They both nobbed in affirmations and walking back.

Before long in the long streched of asphalt road theg stood 100feets apart each filled with a different emotion.

Joy was evident of Alicia face as she he raised her jade sword over her head and closed her eye.

Uncertainty was evident in luacs face as he crounch with his left leg pulled back as if getting ready to sprint.

Angling his spear to emulate his form, with the shaft now facing backwards whiles the butt fowards he gripped the area right underneath the butt with his right hand and finally held the base with his left hand.

His form was an inspiration from the quick draw stance of the fox clan.

It was something he ha learnt in Hosu and as he closed his eyed memories of his encounters in that city flashed in his mind.

[Moonlight sword stance: Variation]

A surge of violet lightning bursted fourth from his body and began to coil around his crisomon spear now dripping with Alicia blood.


Sucking the maximum amount of air he could store in his lungs, he strength his legs as the burst of lightning intensified and began incineration the asphalt around him.

Raising the sole of his feet upwards he prepared to sprint forward.

[Moonlight sword style: Variation]

[ Fifth form: daybreak]

An ignited burst of crimson flames filled her sword and shot towards the sky in a grand spectacle leaving behind a shockwave that crack the window of the nearby building.

Luacs still in his stance opened his eyes and examined the absurd sight before him.

He was frightened because he knew if that thing had been formed in the real world a whole city block would have disappeared in one hit.

It wasn't just a beam of light that pierced the skies but a beam of concreted flames that seemed to burn anything it crashed into.


Alicia grinned as she brought her sword down commanding the beam of light to fall along with it.

As the sole spectators of the grand sight he watched as the beam splited the cloud apart and began to fall on him with frightening speed but he didn't dispair because now he was confident he will win.

[Third form: Indra]

His feets crashed the asphalt underneath him as he shot forward claded in pure violet lightning no- he had become lightning,

tearing through the sound barrier and closing the distance between him and Alicia in a second.

This was [overdrive], something he wont never perform in the real world unless at death's door.

Resisting the urge to scream as the lightning the tore body apart, he released his left grip of his spear and whispered.

[Moonlight sword style: Crescent]

His spear traced a violet arc through the air and split Alicia and the surrounding in two.

Assuring his victory.